Halloween Special

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Miyuki's pov

Deku and I had just gotten to school, we had come across a lot of crazy things on the way to U.A. High mainly because today was Halloween. People had already decorated their store fronts and houses, most of them were really amazing. "Do you think Mom will have us passing out the candy this year?" I asked Deku, as we finally arrived to class. "Maybe... But you know Mom loves handing out the candy to the kids." He said, taking his seat at his desk.

"So what are you guys doing for Halloween?" Denki asked, coming over to my table with Eijiro following. "I don't really know. Maybe watch some scary movies and eat candy." I shrugged, "Well, that's lame." Bakugo spoke up, "Then what about you, huh?" I questioned, "My mom is making me hand out candy to kids." He muttered, "That's not any better than us, Bakugo. Actually that's much lamer than our plan." I said, which made him very annoyed. He growled at me, so I stuck my tongue out at him causing him to growl a little louder.

"Wow, you both are lame." Eijiro snickered, "Oh yeah! Then what the hell are you doing that's so much better than us?" Bakugo snapped, "We're thinking of going to a Scare House tonight. Wanna join?" Denki asked, looking over at Deku and I. "Actually-" I started, "We'll be there. Todoroki, do you want to come with us?" Deku asked, turning attention to him. "Sure, I'm not busy." He said, he didn't smile but I could see it in his eyes as we made eye contact.

"Tch." Bakugo crossed his arms, "What? You too chicken to come with us to a scare house?" Eijiro asked teasingly, as he looked over at him. "I am not a chicken! You hear me, you red haired bastard! I'll go that Scare House with you!" Bakugo snapped, "Oh yeah? Alright then, you heard him. Let's go to the Scare house!" Denki said, "In fact, let's all dress up in costumes and the first person to scream and or run off when jump scared, shall have the nickname Scaredy Pants for the rest of the semester." Eijiro set the rules, making me sigh. This is just great.

~Time skip, brought to you by All Might and Itsuki~

"I can't believe that this was the only costume that I could find." I sighed, looking down at my costume. "What's so bad about it? I think you look great." Deku asked, "Thanks Deku, but being a vampiress is so... I guess predictable." I shrugged, "Well, Miyu.. I think you look absolutely great in that costume." I turned my head towards Uraraka and gave her a small smile, "Thanks Uraraka. I love your costume." Uraraka and Iida had come with us as well, we were all meeting up right in front of U.A. High.

"Hey guys," I turned my head to see Todoroki, he had just arrived with Bakugo standing behind him. "I guess we thought about being the same thing for Halloween. You look good in that costume." Todoroki said, making me blush. "Thanks Todoroki.. You look great too." I shifted my eyes, looking behind Todoroki. My eyes traveled up to Bakugo's hair and I instantly perked up, when I saw what was sitting in his hair.

"Oh my gosh!! You're so cute!!" I smiled, patting Bakugo on the head which made him growl at me. "I'm not cute." He pouted, looking down at me. "But you are!! I didn't know you would be a werewolf!!" I continued to pat him on the head, "Are those two idiots still not here?" Bakugo asked, as I stopped patting his head. "No, they aren't. And it's almost six." Iida looked down at his watch, before looking back up at us. Iida had dressed up as Frankenstein, "There you guys are.." Todoroki spoke up, he was looking off to the right of Bakugo. I followed his line of vision, spotting Denki and Eijiro walking towards us in their costumes. "What took you idiots so long?" Bakugo asked, crossing his arms as he looked at the two. "We had a bit of a situation to take care of. But anyways, since we're all here, let's head over to the Scare House." Denki explained, I noticed that he was in a devil costume which honestly made sense. Eijiro was dressed up as the male version of Little Red Riding Hood, both of their costumes looked good. While we headed to the Scare House, we passed by a small group of teens.

"What are you losers looking at?" Bakugo shouted to a passing group of teens, making them scurry off in a frenzy. Before they could all get far enough, one teen turned back towards us. "Hey man, get your dog under control before I come over there and make him shut his face!" The teen threatened, which made Bakugo snap.

"What the hell did you just say?!! Come at Me!! You bastard!!" Bakugo shouted, instantly losing his temper. Behind him were Eijiro and Denki who were cracking up, especially because Denki was holding the leash on Bakugo's collar. The teen quickly turned heel and scurried off, when Bakugo used his quirk. "Oh good lord," I sighed, shaking my head. "That's Kacchan for you." Deku laughed nervously, as he rubbed the back of his head.

After about ten minutes of walking, we finally reached the Scare House. As the others were walking in, I stood there dazed and not wanting to go in. I hated being jump scared, I would nearly beat the crap out of people who did. "What's the matter, Miyu? You scared?" Bakugo taunted, "I'm not scared... I just have a strong hatred for the dark...." I trailed off, "Yeah, right. Just admit it, you're too chicken to go through this Haunted House." He smirked, "I'll show you who's chicken! Come on," I grabbed Todoroki by the wrist, dragging him in with me as the others followed after.

I sped walked through the first part of the Scare House but came to a complete stop, when we came across a set of stairs. "Looks like things will only have to be scarier in order to scare you three." Eijiro sighed, "Yeah." Bakugo muttered, looking elsewhere. I heard Uraraka let out a scream, causing all of us to look over at her. "Uraraka, what's wrong?" Iida asked, "T--tha---" I noticed that she looked absolutely petrified and looked to what she was pointing too. "Oh come on, it's just a head.. It's not like-" I was cut off, when I heard a strange sound from the stairs. I looked up to the top, spotting a figure standing at the top of the stair case.

"Give me back my head! What have you done to my head?!!" The figure screamed, causing me to quickly drop the severed head and back up. "Ahhhhhh!" The figure came racing down the stairs, causing me to run off not caring if I lost the challenge.

"Miyuki, come back!!" I heard Denki shout, but I didn't bother turning back around. It didn't take me long to realize that I had gotten lost in the Scare House and every single time I turned a corner, I was jump scared. At some point, I ended up down a long slightly lit hallway and could barely keep my nerves in check. I heard a child's laugh as I ran down the hall, I swiftly turned to see a shadow pass by.

"He-Hello?" I called out, "Is someone there?" I heard the laughter again and quickly spun around, but didn't see anything. "Miyuki..Miyuki.." I heard my name being called from behind me, which made me freeze. I hesitated in turning around, so I slowly turned my head. "Miyuki, come play with me!" A figure came racing down the hall, making me run. I turned several corners and bumped into somebody, we both hit the ground at the same time. "Oww, what the- Miyuki?" I opened my eyes, looking up to see that I had collided with Todoroki.

"There you are, we were looking for you-" I launched myself onto Todoroki, still shaken up from being chased. "Hey, hey.. It's alright." Todoroki wrapped his warm arms around me, which made me feel a little calmer. "There was a little kid... They chased me down the hall.." I burrowed my face into his neck, holding him tightly. "It's alright, I'm here now." He patted my hair, keeping me calm. "Come on, let's go find the others." Todoroki and I stood up and headed towards the exit. We found everyone standing outside, there was an ambulance just a few feet from where everyone was standing. "Miyuki, there you are." Denki pulled me into a hug, "Where were you? When you took off, we couldn't find you." Iida asked, "Sorry, for running off.." I pulled away from Denki, "Are you okay?" Deku asked, "Yeah, thanks to Todoroki finding me.. By the way, what happened?" I asked, looking over as the paramedics wheeled somebody out of the scare house.

"Apparently, somebody that they jump scared beat them up so badly, they got their nose broken." My eyes widened and I suddenly panicked, "Come on, come on. We should go to my house!" I pulled Todoroki and Bakugo along with me, as I sped walked out of the lot.

"Wait, why?" Uraraka asked, looking just as confused as Iida and Eijiro.

"Don't tell me... You did that, didn't you?" Bakugo asked, "Hehehehe," I laughed nervously, looking back at them.

"Miyuki, I can't believe you did that!"

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