Chapter 59

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Miyuki's pov

Todoroki and I met up with Eijiro outside of the hospital, hoping that Momo would help us with our plan. I was a little restless about the whole thing, my doctor's not even knowing that I was leaving the hospital on my own. It was best not to let them know that I was about to go on a dangerous rescue mission and possibly get even more injured, they would probably tie me down to the bed if they found out. I stood beside Todoroki, wondering who else was coming along to save Bakugo. His arm was wrapped around my waist, letting me lean on him since he knew that I was still healing. A lot of our classmates were extremely hesitant which was understandable, this was a dangerous mission and we were facing strong villains. But at the same time, it only made me angry that even if it was dangerous they are training to be heroes. Being a hero isn't necessarily about being safe, it entails that we help people who need it. "I wonder what Momo decided." Eijiro said, his eyes shifting to the hospital. "We'll see. As restless as we are, this is her decision. It's up to her to choose to come along." I spoke up, "Miyu's right. We just have to be patient." Todoroki agreed, "Do you think Shinji was serious when he said he was going to come along?" Eijiro looked at me, "Yes, I was very serious." The three of us looked to our left, my nerves settling as Shinji walked over to the three of us. "I may not be close with Bakugo like the rest of you are but I'm not going to leave him to the villains. Not when Bakugo means a lot to all of you." Shinji explained, "I knew you weren't sleeping in your room, Miyu." I gave Momo a small smile, my eyes shifting to Deku who was with Momo. "You're here." Eijiro smiled, "Momo, what's your answer?" He asked, "I-" She was interrupted before she could even start her sentence, "Wait!" A familiar voice screamed out, all of our heads followed the voice and was shocked to find that Iida was rushing over to us. "Iida?" Eijiro questioned, "Iida, what are you doing here?" I knew exactly why he was here, he's going to try to talk us out of going. "Why... Why did it have to be you guys of all people?! The ones who stopped me when I acted recklessly for personal reasons... You three, who received amnesty with me... Why are you trying to make the same mistake I did?! It's too much!" He shouted, I glared harshly at Iida.

"What are you talking about?" Eijiro asked, looking confused.

"We are still minors. U.A. is in a bad enough position as it is. Who will take responsibility for your actions?" He demanded, only serving to piss me off even more. "Iida, it's not like that. We don't think it's okay to break the rules either-" Iida punched Deku in the face, taking everyone by surprise. My eyes widened, filling with anger as my brother's head snapped to the right as Iida's fist came into contact with his cheek. "Wait, Miyuki." I snatched my arm from Todoroki, leaving his side immediately and stormed over to Iida, who turned around. I ignored the pain in my body, also ignoring the calls that I was getting from everyone else.

"Miyuki, wait!!" Eijiro called.

"Miyu, No!" Momo called out.

I, however, didn't listen to anyone and straight up slapped harshly Iida across the face. His head snapped to the right, my hand leaving a reddened print on his cheek. "Don't you ever put your hands on Deku again cause I will do much worse than that. This is your only fucking warning, Tenya Iida. And just for the record, you cannot stand here and talk those who have chosen to go out of it! I'm sick of you people saying 'Leave it to the adults!' What are they doing right now?! Huh? Sitting around in a room trying to come up with a plan and wasting unnecessary time to do it?!! I'm not going to leave Bakugo in the hands of those fucking villains. I can say the same for everyone who is out here right now." I sneered, my eyes never leaving Iida's face. "Oh, that's not good. But that was expected." Shinji muttered, making Eijiro elbow him in the side. "Miyuki, you have to calm down." Deku stepped forward, putting himself in between Iida and I. It got quiet for a moment before Iida broke it, "I'm frustrated, too! And worried! It's only natural! I am the class representative!" He looked up from the ground at Deku and I, 'I'm worried about my classmates! Not just Bakugo! When I saw both of your injuries, I also saw my brother in his sickbed! What if your bodies end up irreparable, like my brother's because of your recklessness? Are you saying that you don't care about my worries? Are you saying that you don't care about how I feel...?" He ranted.

"Iida." Deku mumbled, looking saddened by Iida's words, I was still very much angry with him for punching Deku who was already still dealing with his injuries.

"Iida." Todoroki started, he walked over to Deku and I and pulled me into his side, hoping to soothe whatever anger left I was feeling by Iida's actions. "We don't expect to face them head-on and win either. We'll extricate him without fighting." Todoroki explained, I huffed and looked away from Iida. "In other words, covert action!" Eijiro smiled, becoming excited. "That's the way we students can fight while toeing the line on the rules!" Todoroki added, he rubbed circles on my hand and for some reason, tonight, it wasn't working to calm me down. He could sense that I was still upset and very much angry, "I trust Todoroki and Miyuki." Momo spoke up, "But so that I can stop them if anything happens, I plan to accompany them, as well." She decided, looking at Todoroki and I.



"And I already decided going with them since before we even got to the hospital. I may not know Bakugo well but he means a lot to all you guys and I for one, don't want to sit on the sidelines and not help get him back." Shinji explained, placing a lollipop in his mouth. He came over to the two of us, holding a lollipop. "You look like you could use it." I took the lollipop from him, unwrapped the paper around it and placed it in my mouth. I nodded at him, giving him a silent thank you. "I don't know myself, either, but after hearing that I could still reach, I couldn't just sit still... I can't help thinking that I want to save him." Deku claimed, I placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him closer to me. "You already know why I am doing this. He's my best friend. And that's not going to change. I am willing to put my life on the line if it means saving him from horrible people." I declared, both Deku and Todoroki giving me a comforting look. "We can't come to an agreement, huh?" Iida asked, he looked around the group and let out a sigh. He knew that I was very much right about him not being able to stop any of us, his eyes roamed over everyone and then landed on mine. The two of us making direct eye contact with one another, "Then, take me with you, too!" Iida said.

"You'll go with us?" Eijiro exclaimed in surprise, "Yes." Iida nodded.

"Good. Let's get going."

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