Boku No Hero Christmas Special: The Sleepover At Itsuki's

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Miyuki's pov

We had finally finished baking two different cakes, one was Mom's absolute favorite flavor and the other was meant for All Might and Mr. Aizawa, which was my way of saying thank you for everything they have done for us since we became their students. "Okay.. so I have all sorts of different-shaped cookie cutters that we can use." Itsuki pulled out an entire plastic jar of cookie cutters, placing it on the counter in front of us. I stared at it in awe, amazed at how many were stuffed into this plastic jar. I had no clue that he had so many, especially since this container could possibly hold a gallon of milk. All the cookie cutters were packed neatly into this jar and they weren't plastic ones either. "Did you collect all of these or something? There's no way one person can have so many cookie cutters." Todoroki spoke, startling both Itsuki and I. We didn't expect him to suddenly show up like he did, especially since we were both so focused on one another. And most of everyone was in the living room hanging out, "Jeez, Todoroki. Don't sneak up on people like that. I swear you kids are going to give me a heart attack one day. You're lucky I didn't fireball you." Todoroki only stared at him with an unamused expression, making me chuckle as I looked at Itsuki. "The answer to your question is no. I do not collect cookie cutters." Itsuki sounded offended by the question as if he was embarrassed, "You know, it's nothing to be embarrassed about Itsuki." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah, it really isn't. If collecting cookie cutters is your thing then there is nothing to be embarrassed about, everyone has their own hobby. Collecting cookie cutters is not that bad. It's better than most people's." Todoroki stated, joining in on the teasing. It seemed that Todoroki just wanted to make Itsuki feel better and I absolutely loved it, his tone suggested that he was being serious. I found it absolutely adorable when he was like this, I leaned onto Todoroki, wrapping my arm around his. I giggled at Todoroki's words, looking at Itsuki who was speechless for a moment. He looked at Todoroki like he was crazy, which only made me giggle more. Itsuki's reaction is giving me everything, it's a wonderful how I didn't know this about him. Especially after knowing him for all my life, well, I didn't know he was my biological older brother for a long time but I'm over that. I knew that once Bakugo and the others find out about it, they weren't going to let him off easy.

"I do not collect cookie cutters! I just have a lot!" Itsuki exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"Itsuki, you collect cookie cutters?" Denki asked, walking into the kitchen. I bursted into laughter, leaning on Todoroki as Itsuki started yelling at Denki who was purely confused about Itsuki's reaction to his question. "Did I just hear you guys say that Itsuki collects cookie cutters?" Eijiro asked, entering the kitchen with Bakugo behind him. "I do not collect cookie cutters!!! Stop thinking that I do." I couldn't stop laughing at Itsuki's outburst and the fact that everyone thought that he collected cookie cutters, tears streamed down my face as Itsuki started fussing again but this time at me for laughing.

"Why is she laughing like that?" Eijiro asked, pointing to me and placed a chip in his mouth. Bakugo looked just as confused as Eijiro but he knew that I was laughing at Itsuki.

"You know what?!! We are not making cookies anymore! Just forget it." Itsuki grabbed the cookie cutters off the counter, "No!! I want to make the cookies." I laughed, "No! Not when you two have made everyone think that I collect cookie cutters." He pointed at Todoroki and I, "But Todoroki and I didn't mean too.." I couldn't stop laughing, Itsuki shoved the container of cookie cutters into the cabinet he pulled it out from. "No, Itsuki! Wait.." I whined, "No cookies are being made!" He stormed out of the kitchen and I couldn't stop laughing, "Itsuki, wait! Come back- nobody thinks you collect cookie cutters!" I called out in between laughs, Itsuki only shouted no making me laugh even more.

"I am so confused." Eijiro stated, "Me too." Bakugo stated.

"Come on, let's go eat some snacks." Todoroki and I held hands, walking out of the kitchen and headed into the dining room area. We made a stop at the table, grabbing the bowl of popcorn and headed to the living room where I found Deku and the others setting up a game. Uraraka and Iida were organizing the money and cards, while Shinji set up the game board on the coffee table. Sue and Deku were picking out their game pieces, with Sue reading the instructions for the game. "Ooo, what game are we playing?" I asked, popping a piece of popcorn in my mouth. "Well, we wanted to start off with monopoly. What do you say?" Deku smiled, looking up at me. "I'm in!!" I plopped down on the couch next to Bakugo with Todoroki taking the seat on the other side of me, Sue dealt everyone the money and we picked our game pieces.

"So Miyuki, I heard you laughing in the kitchen earlier.. Why did Itsuki come storming out of the kitchen and shout no?" Shinji asked.

"Because Itsuki pulled out a whole jar of cookie cutters and Todoroki thought he collected them since he had so many. And when he denied it, Denki appeared and asked if he collected them so he got upset with us teasing him about it." I smiled, "I do not collect cookie cutters!!" Itsuki shouted from upstairs in his room, I giggled as I heard him come walking down the stairs. "Wow, he really hates the idea of collecting cookies cutters." Shinji said, looking amused. "I told him that there was nothing wrong with collectong cookie cutters because everyone has something that they collect." Todoroki shrugged, "It's nothing to be embarrassed about." He added.

"That is an embarrassing hobby! Nobody here would collect cookie cutters unless they're a loser!" Bakugo shouted, I smacked him on the back of the head as Itsuki appeared in the living room. He plopped down on the floor beside Iida, "Deal me in." Was all he said, shooting daggers at me. I just know this game is going to be really crazy.

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