Chapter 35

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Miyuki's POV

"There's only one week left until the final exams. You all are studying properly, right? I'm sure you already know. Make sure you train your minds and bodies at the same time. That's all." Mr. Aizawa announced and I sighed, I rubbed my temples feeling a bit stressed out. In this past week, we got news that Shinji would be joining the class sometime during exams week. I had been studying this past weekend nonstop, and it was hard to stay focused. I zoned out of the others conversations, not wanting to lose focus on my notes. "Miyu... Miyu..." I was zoned out, staring at my notebook that sat on my desk. I hadn't heard Sue trying to get my attention, suddenly a hand slammed over the front of my book, making me look up at the person in front of me.

"You'll never believe what just came out.." Sue started, "I don't care at the moment Sue, I swear if it's one of your stupid Kiko Himaji songs... I'm gonna murder you." I glared up at her, "But Miyuki..." Sue whined, "What, man? I'm trying to study here! I don't have time for your stupid singer and your rants today!" I yelled, completely frustrated that she had broken my cycle of concentration. Sue took a step back, not expecting me to blow up like I did and it was obvious that I hurt her feelings. I let out a loud sigh, sitting back in my seat as I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes. "I'm sorry for distracting you. I'll go to my seat now." Sue apologized, but I hadn't noticed that eyes were on me.

"Miyu... Here." I opened my eyes to see a thermos sitting on my desk, "You look like you really need it and some rest." Todoroki spoke up, "Thanks, Todoroki. That's sweet of you. You did-" He cut me off, "Midoriya told me you've been studying so hard, so I decided to make it, so you wouldn't overload yourself. He told me you haven't been eating well lately, so I made you a smoothie to help you get a little energy back." He had one hand in his pocket while the other loosely hung by his side, my eyes traveled up to his eyes and from what I could tell he was genuinely concerned for my health. "Thanks Todoroki, I really appreciate it. You didn't have to do this, but I really appreciate this." I blushed which didn't seem to go unnoticed by the others, or by Bakugo who I hadn't realized was watching me. "It was no problem." I rubbed my temples again, feeling a slight pain. "It looks like Denki and the others haven't studied. Just look at them." Todoroki stated, making me look towards Denki, Mina and the others.

"Ashido! Kaminari! L-let's do our best." Deku started, "We all want to go the training camp together, right?" Deku asked. "Yes! As class rep, I also have high hopes that you'll all be moved to action!" Iida stated, making me shake my head.

"It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class." Todoroki suggested, making a good point. "He's right though. All you really have to do is study and pay attention in class." I stated, shrugging my shoulder as I looked at Denki and the others. "That's easy for you to say!! You scored 5th place on the midterm!" Sue exclaimed, "Yeah, but that's because I studied. All you really need to do is just pay attention in class." I suggested, folding my arms. "Be careful with your words!!" Denki started, making me shake my head in amusement. Momo suggested with helping Denki study for the exam, with that several others begged Momo for help since she ranked first on the midterm.

I zoned out of the rest of the conversation, turning to Eijiro and Bakugo. "Look at the difference in virtue." Eijiro said, looking out towards the others. "I can do it, too! Want me to beat it into you?" Bakugo threatened, making me sigh. "Yeah, I'm counting on you." I shook my head, "Guys, it's not a contest you know?" I said, "Yeah, it is. And I'm going to beat your rank too." Eijiro stated, "Yeah, right. As smart as you maybe Eijiro, you won't be able to beat Miyu. She's a giant bookworm, who never gets bad grades. She's a goody two shoes, she doesn't have time to accept challenges." Bakugo shrugged, leaning back into his chair with a smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah? I can't take challenges?" I quirked an eyebrow at Bakugo, who only chuckled. "Yeah, you're too much of a chicken." He teased, this only made me growl at him. On impulse, I got angry enough to pick up my notebook and throw it at him. "I am not a chicken. I'll gladly take you up on your challenge, Bakugo."

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