Boku No Hero Academia Special: Miyuki's birthday!!

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Deku's pov

I looked up at my calendar as I had just finished my school work, things had changed as we all were now moved into the school's dormitories. I knew that Miyuki's birthday was the following week, so I started thinking up a plan. I knew that I was going to have to keep whatever I was planning from Miyuki, who could often spot when I was hiding something. She had always been able to pick up on when I hid something from her, by me refusing to make eye contact with her. Normally, I wouldn't be the one to hide things from her, but with Itsuki's situation, it was different. It didn't take me very long to gather our friends in my dorm room, which included Bakugo and Itsuki, himself. "So why'd you call us all here, Deku?" Denki asked, taking a seat next to Momo and Jiro. "Well, Miyuki's birthday is coming up... Actually, it's next week. On the 15th." I started, "So, what about it?" Jiro asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I knew that Jiro was somewhat close with Miyuki as well as Momo, most the people in here were all close to her. "I was thinking that we should celebrate her birthday... I mean with everything that's happened, with the league of villains as well as the one villain that has been targeting her. I wanted to do something for her that would make her happy. She may not seem like the type to like surprises, but she actually enjoys them." I explained, looking down at my hands. "I think that's a great idea!" Eijiro exclaimed, standing up from his seat. I looked up at him slightly startled, but I quickly wiped the look away and smiled.

"I agree. She's been so depressed lately... Even if she's always smiling." Denki said, "So what did you have in mind, Deku?" Iida asked, looking over to me. "I was thinking that we throw her a surprise party for her, we have enough time to plan it out." I said, looking around the room. I wanted to read everyone's facial expressions. "I think that we should do it. Miyuki loves to celebrate us, especially when our birthday's roll around. In a way, this could be the one surprise she doesn't see coming." Uraraka explained, leaning forward in her seat. "Alright, then... Now onto the bigger question.. Where are we going to hold this party?"

"I say we hold it in a park."

"No way, Sue." Bakugo spoke, his tone made it clear that he did not take a liking her suggestion. "Then where, Bakugo?" Sue asked, annoyed at Bakugo's tone. "I thinki we should have it here at the dorm... In Deku's room." Todoroki said, "That's a good idea.. But how are we going to keep this a secret and keep her out of Deku's dorm room? Other than her own, she spends a lot of time here and Miyuki is able to pick up on when you guys are keeping something from her." Sue asked, looking over towards Itsuki, who looked away from her. "Shut up, Sue. She knows when you're lying too." Bakugo muttered, "So we should have it here?" I questioned, looking to everyone. "Yeah, that's the best option... Now since Todoroki and Miyuki are dating, maybe he can take her on a date to keep her away from the dorm while we get Deku's room ready." Eijiro suggested, "Yeah, that's a good idea. Nice one, Eijiro." Denki and Eijiro high-fived each other, making Iida and Jiro shake their heads. "Alright, so let's start planning the party then." Momo smiled, as I looked at the others to see excitement on their faces.


It was the morning of Miyuki's birthday, I was lucky enough that they managed to keep her out of the dorm room but they had trouble trying to keep the secret of the surprise party, so I had Todoroki take her out on a date. It was only 1 o'clock in the afternoon, so Todoroki would have to bring her back by 3. "Do you think she'll like the cake?" Momo asked, as she looked at the cake. "I think so. Besides, you got her favorite flavor." I smiled at Momo, who gave me a smile back. So for the rest of the time, we set up decorations and made sure that everything was in place. With everything completely done and all the presents and people were accounted for, it was nearing time for Todoroki to bring Miyuki here.

"Guys, Todoroki will be here in ten seconds!! Hide!!" Denki shouted, "Do we really have to?" Mr. Aizawa sighed, "Yes, Mr. Aizawa. It's a surprise party. So we have to hide. Now go over here." Itsuki guided him to a corner, as he let out another sigh. I smiled, shaking my head and took my hiding spot as Jiro shut the lights off. It didn't take long before we heard laughter coming from outside, I heard the door open and close. "That's so cute.. Todoroki, you really didn't have to do that, you know." Miyuki chuckled, "I wanted too. It's your birthday. Speaking of your birthday, I have something to show you." Todoroki spoke, I heard the footsteps and signaled Denki and Eijiro to get ready. Once they were in the room, Jiro flipped the lights on and we all popped out of our hiding spots.

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