Chapter 19

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Miyuki's pov

I thought long and hard staring out the window. Did Deku know if I had an older brother? A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts and I turned my head seeing Deku, Bakugo, Denki, Todoroki, Uraraka, Momo and Eijiro walk in. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Uraraka asked, "Like crap. Recovery Girl said I should be out of here, in about ten minutes. I honestly don't want to miss watching Iida in his match." I turned my head back to the window, "Hey, Miyu. I have a question for you?" Bakugo sat down on the bed, right in front of me. "Yeah, what is it?" I turned towards him, "What did Momona say to you during your match? And why were you so angry before hand?" Bakugo asked me, "Momona mentioned something about my parents abandoning me, as well as my older brother. And then Endeavor showed up before my match. And he pissed me off as so much. He proposed an idea, that I said no to for the right reasons." Todoroki, Bakugo and Deku noticed how hard she was clenching the sheets. "What kind of deal?" Denki asked, "He wanted me to marry Todoroki so that when we have babies they will be powerful enough to knock All Might from being the number one pro hero. And I told him no and then told him off because that's not how I feel." I told them, looking away.

"Wait... Wait... Wait.. I'm still missing something here. How do you really feel about Todoroki?" My eyes widened a bit and I blushed bright red, "Oh look what you did!! You flustered the poor girl." Momo spoke up, "I think I know what it means." Eijiro said, "And what does it mean?" Uraraka asked, "That she really does like Todoroki and a lot. She's the color of Eijiro's hair." Denki laughed as I looked away, I noticed that Todoroki was blushing a bit as well. "Why are being so quiet Bakugo? Don't tell me you're jealous?" Eijiro poked fun and I looked at Bakugo, who was staring at me. "I ain't jealous, so shut the hell up." He shouted, "Oh, I think someone likes Miyu...." Denki teased, "Do you want me to kill you?!!" Bakugo shouted at them, and all three of them started arguing.

Eventually they got Momo and Uraraka into it while Todoroki sat on my bed, and Deku was trying to calm everyone down. This just made me want to laugh.

"TODOROKI, DO YOU LIKE MIYU?!!" Eijiro and Denki yelled in unison, looking to me.

"You better give an answer you half and half bastard!!" Bakugo yelled, "Yeah," Todoroki said, with a bit of blush and then Bakugo lost it. "What did you just say?!!" Todoroki sighed and shook his head, while the five of them were arguing and Deku was still trying to get everyone to stop. I couldn't help but laugh at all of them, making all the arguing stop and turn everyone's attention on me. I was leaning on Todoroki, just laughing at everyone. "HEY, what are you laughing at?!!" Bakugo yelled, which made me laugh harder.

Soon enough, Recovery Girl discharged me although I was a little sore so I was on Deku's back. It was time for Iida's match to start, so Deku helped me back to my seat which was next to Bakugo. "Do you think Iida will win this match?" Mina asked, "I know he will. He's gonna give everything he has." I said, "She's right." Deku spoke from in front of me, as Uraraka sat beside him. The match was supposed to start, but Iida equips support gear and Midnight scolds him for it. He pleads for her to allow it, because Mei offered him the equipment in order to keep the match fair.

Aroused by Iida's sportsmanship, Midnight allows him to wear the equipment and the battle begins. Mei uses the opportunity to advertise her support items instead of actually fighting. After ten minutes of cat and mouse, Mei leaves the ring and apologizes for tricking Iida, who is upset that she turned their match into a commercial for her support items. "Why the hell is she doing that now?" I asked irritated, "She just threw the damn match, to show off her damn inventions?!!!" I yelled, "Calm down Miyu." Denki said, making me sigh but I was happy that Iida won. The next was Mina and Yuga's match and I was rooting for Mina. Yuga rapidly fires his beam at Mina, but she slides swiftly across the ring to evade his lasers using her Acid Quirk. I had always found her quirk to be interesting, it was pretty cool. Yuga got a stomach ache after shooting off a large beam, so Mina uses this opening to melt Yuga's belt and uppercut him. Yuga is knocked unconscious, and Mina moves on to the next round.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about Mina!!" I cheered and high fived with Sue. Next was Momo and Tokiyama's match, I was rooting for Momo. I knew about Tokiyama's potential, but I had a lot of confidence in Momo. The match begins with Tokiyama using his dark shadow to sent a barrage of attacks on Momo, who created a shield to block the attacks. But Tokiyama focused his attacks on her shield, "COME ON, Momo!!! You can do it!!" Sue yelled from beside me, "He's gonna push her out of bounds, she needs another way to dodge his attacks. But I doubt she can do that now, with Tokiyama hitting her with all these attacks. Damnit... Come on Momo. You can do this..." I thought, but she was pushed out of bounds during her match. "Amazing, he's really powerful." Deku commented, "I feel bad for Momo." I noticed that Uraraka was not here, meaning that she must have been in the waiting room.

Now came time for both Eijiro's and Tetsutetsu's match, this was going to be interesting. They both had the same quirk, and I was rooting hard for Eijiro. "Come on Eijiro!!! Beat his butt!" I yelled, standing up and he gave me a wink and thumbs up. "Oh lord," Denki rolled his eyes and their match began. But since the two were so easily tied, the match drew on.

"I honestly don't think this will be one sided. They both have the same quirk and they easily match up in strength. Maybe one of them has better endurance than the other. But if you think about it, one of them has to be stronger than the other. Or they simply are equal in strength." I looked up, seeing as the battle drug on until they both hit the ground. "It's seems we have a draw! The winner will be decided after the next match." Midnight announced, as they were taken away on stretchers.

The next match was Bakugo and Uraraka's, this was the battle before the last. And this time I had no idea who to root for, so during the small break I decided to go visit Eijiro. "Where are you going Uraraka's match is about to start?" Denki looked up at me, "To check on Eijiro. I'll be back." I rushed away from the area, heading to see Recovery Girl and I saw the same kid as I going there. I stopped walking, when he stopped a few feet in front of me. "Who are you and what do you want?" I asked him, cautious of this new person I had never met. "Well, I'm your new classmate. I wanted to meet you." He stated and I gave him a confused look.

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