Chapter 63

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Miyuki's pov

I couldn't believe what we had just stumbled upon, the villains had a whole factory where they could make Nomu's. And the Pro Heroes knew nothing about this place the whole time. This is complete insanity, the villains must have been at this for a long while, and was unnoticed by the Pro Heroes which is odd. This should have never gotten to the point that it did and now, now there is no way for any of us to stop those Nomu's. The last time we faced one was the night that Stain attacked us, Todoroki and I worked together with Endeavor to take down a huge Nomu which was beaten down by All Might. I had a strange feeling that the Pro Heroes might have found the League of Villains by now, hopefully, they did. "I feel sick to my stomach," Sue whimpered, I could see that she was shaken up by the thought of these new Nomu's being created. "Deku, Eijiro." I called, "How many Nomu's can you see in there? Is there a lot of them?" I asked, Deku shook out of his shock and looked around. "Yeah, there's a lot." He said, "There's too many for us to handle, it would be a bad idea to make a move now and attack when those Nomu are really powerful." Eijiro said, the two getting down from their friend's respective shoulders. "You're right." Shinji nodded in agreement, "Then wha-" Before Sue could finish her sentence, a huge portion of a nearby building exploded. Todoroki immediately threw himself over me as we took cover, "Oh my god." When I opened my eyes, I immediately was met with Todoroki's mismatched ones. "Oh thank goodness, you woke up." He breathed in relief, sitting up. "Ouch.." I heard Deku mutter, I immediately sat up but hissed when I felt a sharp pain in my side. 

"Miyu, what's wrong?" Todoroki asked, looking concerned.

"It's my side." I removed my hand from my left side, my eyes widening when I saw blood on my hand. "Oh no." Eijiro noticed the blood on my hand, "You must have torn a stitch in the explosion." Iida came over to me, Momo also came over to my side. Todoroki lifted my shirt and just like Iida guessed, several of my stitches had popped out and my wound had slightly opened again. "Are you alright?" She asked, "Yeah, I'm fine. It just hurts." I answered, "Momo, you think you can make a bandage for her wound?" Todoroki asked, "Yeah," Momo immediately got to work, "Miyuki, I gotta stop the bleeding and you're not going to like the way I have to. So bear with me, we don't want this getting worse." Todoroki warned, "Do what you have to do," I said, taking a deep breath. "Deku?" Todoroki called, not looking away from my wound. "Yeah?" Deku looked at him, "Come hold her down." Deku came over to me, sitting behind me. He moved my arms, holding them down as Todoroki lit his finger on fire. My eyes widened when I realized that this is what he meant, "No, Todoroki. That could send her into shock." Sue argued, "You have a better idea?" He asked, "As a matter of fact, I do." Sue bent down next to me and placed her palm an inch away from my wound, hovering over my skin. A light green color glowed from her hand, my wound healing itself. 

"Woah.." Everyone exclaimed, "Sue, how did you do that? There's only one pro hero with a healing quirk." Eijiro asked, "I don't know. I just found out I could do this yesterday, I brought a half-dead plant back to life. I think this is what my actual quirk is." She explained, "What about your copy quirk?" I looked up at her, "I guess I have two like you too, now." She softly smiled, "Thanks, Sue. I feel much better now." She gave me a nod as Deku let go of my arms, backing away. "Mt. Lady and Gang Orca... And even the number four hero, Best Jeanist?" We all watched the Pro Heroes surround and take down several Nomu's, it seemed they must have found this place through a portal. 

"Mr. Tiger is there, too!" Momo pointed out.

"How did they even find this place?" Sue asked, "They might have found the villain's hideout, I have a feeling that one of the villains used their quirk to get the Nomu's to their hideout, and the Pro Heroes just went through that portal to get here to stop the Nomu's." I suggested, "That's a possibility." Shinji nodded, agreeing with my idea. 

"Ugh, are these really alive? Is it really okay for our job to be this easy, Jeanist?" Mt. Lady didn't seem too thrilled about having to deal with the Nomu and I don't really blame her, those Nomu are really disgusting. "Maybe we should have gone with All Might." She said, all of us were surprised to hear her say that. "Don't think about difficulty and importance together, newcomer." One of the heroes said. 

"The heroes were already moving way before we were!" Iida said.

"Wow," Eijiro muttered. "Now, let us fall back immediately. There's nothing left for us to do now." Iida said, but I immediately shook my head and stood to my feet. "Since she said 'with All Might," does that mean Kacchan is there, too?" Deku asked, "If All Might is there, then there's even more reason to rest easy." Momo said, "Why do I get the feeling something really bad is about to happen?" I spoke up, trying to ignore the dread in the bottom of my stomach. Just as we were about to move, a light appeared and the Pro Heroes immediately confronted the person. "After my body turned into this, I also depleted a lot of what I'd stocked up..." A chill ran down my spine hearing this voice, a naturally unnerving feeling growing even more in the pit of my stomach. 

"Stop! Don't Move!"

"Wait, Best Jeanist, what if he's an ordinary citizen?" Mt. Lady said, "I don't think he's an ordinary citizen." Sue said, shaking her head. 

"Think about the situation. That instant of hesitation could decide the fight. Don't let the villains do anything!"

"Tomura finally started thinking and making decisions for himself... I wish you wouldn't have gotten in his way." Once it clicked in my mind, I recognized who this was. All for One. All Might's nemesis. 

"You may one day have to fight against this great evil..."

"Tomura.. He was talking about Shigaraki!" Deku's words took a toll on everyone as we watched the scene play out. "Guys, this is really bad.. This is really, really bad." I stammered, "Miyuki, what's the matter?" It seemed that Deku and Shinji realized what I was getting at, "That's All For One." Everyone's heart dropped into their stomach, upon the realization that All For One was alive.

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