Chapter 7

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Miyuki's pov

As I watched the fight, I noticed that Itsuki had kept his eyes on me the entire time and it was a little unnerving. I guess Todoroki noticed it too, "Hey, are you feeling okay?" He turned his head away from the monitor and to me. "Not really." I looked up into his eyes, he was standing a few inches in front of me. "If you're worried about your brother, then you don't have to be. He's been doing well so far. And as for The Pro Hero Itsuki, why does he keep staring at you like he knows you? Do you know him?" Todoroki asked which kinda surprised me, he was usually cold towards me.

"No, I don't know him. I don't think I do. I don't know, Todoroki. I really don't know. It's like I've seen him before but I can't remember meeting him." I shook my head looking from Todoroki, to Itsuki and back to Todoroki. "Don't mind him then. Just pay attention to the fight." I walked up next to him, and looked back up at the monitor. Bakugo goes to attack Deku again, but he dodges it and catches his punch. I realized that he knew something, "Whoa, what is he doing? How did he do that?" Eijiro said in complete shock, as I gasped in realization.

"He's been taking notes of Bakugo, with the same notebook he burned." Deku knew and I had seen it too, that Bakugo started his fight the same way. With a right hook and he was able to counter it, he then tosses Bakugo over his shoulder and onto the ground, catching everyone off guard. "Whoa, that's amazing!" Denki and the others started praising Deku, but I stayed quiet. Todoroki was right about not worrying about him, he can hold his own which is what I've always wanted to see him do against Bakugo.

"All my life, I've been afraid of you. But that day when Miyuki stood up for me for the first time, I was happy to have her protecting me. But I also knew that I needed to do that for myself one day and protect her for a change. So I'm telling you this.... I'm no longer the weak and defenseless Deku that you used to picked on. Miyuki taught me to have courage and stand up for yourself and the people around you. It's thanks to Miyuki, that I can stand up you." Tears welled in my eyes, as I stood proud watching him tell off Bakugo.

"Whoa, that's awesome! Who knew you were such a big part in his life and a positive one at that." Denki threw his arm around my neck and ruffled my hair, as I laughed. I was proud of him, for finally telling Bakugo that he had changed. But everything changed when Bakugo got up and he was seething, "I don't like this." I moved from Denki's reach and moved closer to the monitor, where Todoroki was standing. "Hey, Bakugo. Status report. What's going-" Iida was cut off, by a very angry Bakugo. "Just guard the damn weapon!" He turned off his earpiece and goes flying at Deku for a head kick.

But Deku counters it again with his hero knowledge, by using the capture tapes and the notes he took on both Bakugo and Mr. Aizawa or more known as Eraser-head, he dodges it. Pretty soon we learned that Uraraka had reached the weapon but was held off by Iida, he made me laugh for the most part. He was acting like a villain was portrayed to act, but Uraraka gave herself away after laughing at him. "I removed all the items in the room, giving you no weapons to use against me." He explained and I shook my head, "That was pretty smart." Sero said and I sighed. Deku then decides to contact Uraraka, "Hey, where are you?" He was running from Bakugo, who seemed to very displeased.

"I found Iida on the fifth floor." She told him. Deku realizes that Bakugo must have gone rouge and left Iida alone, and formulates a strategy to capture Bakugo and take Iida two on one later. Bakugo meanwhile was blowing up the place, looking for Deku. That idiot, I swear when this is over, I'm gonna kill him.

"You shouldn't be running from me, Deku!!!" Finally finding Deku's hiding place, he attacks him relentlessly. "Why the hell aren't you using your quirk, Deku? Are you underestimating me? You shouldn't underestimate me, Deku." Bakugo said sounding evil, before revealing these big gauntlets on his hero costume.

"These store my sweat. When it builds up enough of the nitro-sweat, it creates a massive explosion." I growled loudly, which scared mostly everyone. "Bakugo, I don't think you should be using that. You are going to kill him if you release that!" All Might warned, but he didn't listen. "He'll be fine, if he manages to dodge it." He pulled the trigger, blowing half of the wall of the building away.

Both Iida and Uraraka felt the aftershock of the blast. Uraraka uses the moment to make herself float towards the weapon, but Iida's speed allows him to keep it from her. Without anything to use as weapons, Uraraka is a step behind Iida, who can easily use his speed to keep the weapon from her. "Bakugo, please listen to me. Don't use the attack again or else your team will lose." All Might warns him and this forces Bakugo to resort to Close combat. "No, no, no." I whispered as Deku tried to fight back, but he couldn't do it in such close quarters but Bakugo proves that he is stronger. He uses his explosions to change direction, and blasted Deku from behind.

"Deku!" I shouted, he grabs Deku's arm and slams him to the ground after using his explosions from his free hand to build up momentum. "Bakugo really turned the tables." The others praised him but I was pissed, my fists were clenched tightly.

"Use your damn quirk, Deku!!! Or are you too good for that now?" Bakugo was still angry, but he was trying to take this way to far but I noticed that Deku for once looked irritated at Bakugo. "No, Kacchan that isn't it!! I've always felt that you were better than me and that's why I want to beat you!" Filled with so much emotion, they both clash together, making me panic a bit.

Knowing that he can't win against Bakugo, Deku uses his one for all to smash the ceilings from every floor of the building. This smash creates enough debris for Uraraka, to use on the floor above. She uses her Quirk to float debris and sends them flying at Iida, then uses the opening to grab the weapon and secure the victory for Team A. When the smoke clears, Bakugo sits up and finally stands up but I couldn't see Deku. 

"Deku!!" I called into the earpiece, that connected him to All Might. Bakugo looked shocked, when the first tear hit the floor as I saw the shape Deku was in. That idiot broke his arm and was severely injured from Bakugo's attack.

"He left himself open, because it was the only way for him to win the match." Itsuki said, Bakugo lost to Deku for the first time and that seemed to be really important to Bakugo. I took off as fast as I could to the place they were, with All Might and Itsuki calling after me. When I got there, I pushed past both Uraraka and Iida and took off looking for Deku. I was extremely pissed at Bakugo, but I was more worried about Deku than being angry. Bakugo turned his head and turned around towards me, "Miyu, I'm-" I shoved him against the wall, not wanting to hear from him and finally reached Deku. "Deku!" He looked at me in surprise, "What- what are you doing here?" He asked, "You idiot. You big idiot." I held his upper body to me and just cried into him, never had I ever cried in public or in front of others.

The only people who have seen me cry is Sue, Deku and Mom. But I didn't care what the others thought of me, as I cried into him. "I'm sorry, I worried you Miyuki." I just continued to cry, ignoring his apology and held him tightly to me.

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