Chapter 65

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Miyuki's pov

All For One stood in the way of All Might getting to Bakugo, we watched from our hiding spot as All For One told Kurogiri and the other villains to take Bakugo and leave the area. I clenched my fist, fire starting to form in the palm of my hand as I watched the conversation. I wasn't going to let them just take Bakugo again, even though, All For One was in the way, there had to be another way we could slip past him and grab Bakugo. Since Kurogiri was out of the picture, they were going to need another way to get out of there. I zoned out of the conversation, trying to think up a plan to get to him. I wasn't the only one because Deku was deep in thought as well, but as I thought about the situation something came to mind. It was something that Kenji said to us after the incident with Stain, "For uncertified individuals to cause injury with their quirks without specific instruction from their guardians or supervisors is a clear violation of the rules." I shook that rule out of my head, dismissing it completely. Now wasn't the time to think about the rules and violations, what mattered the most right now was rescuing Bakugo. "Damn, they are still planning on taking Bakugo with them when they escape." Sue muttered, "All Might can't take on all of them. There's no way he will be able to get to Bakugo with All For One standing in the way." She said, looking over to us. "Iida! Everyone!" Deku called, it seemed like he had figured something out. "No way, Deku! I'm not letting you do this." Iida tried to stop Deku but he wasn't going to be able to, both of us were very determined to get Bakugo back. "There's a way! A way for us to save Bakugo without having to fight and will allow us to leave this place." Deku started, "Let's hear it," Todoroki spoke up, "I have a feeling this plan also depends on Bakugo, am I right, Deku?" I crossed my arms as I looked at him, he nodded in response. "I don't think my plan will succeed if I do it." He said.

"That's why, Eijiro, you're the key to getting this accomplished." 

"We need more details than that, Deku." Shinji said. 

"Alright, this is my plan." 

I listened intensely to Deku's plan, I could sense that everyone was very skeptical of the whole thing. I, on the other hand, thought it was a good plan. Especially because Bakugo is more stubborn than anyone else in this group. I looked back at the fight, watching All Might face off against All for One. It honestly worried me that All Might was having a tough time keeping up with All For One, it must have been because of his old injury that he sustained during their last fight. 

"That's your plan?" Iida asked in disbelief. 

"Bakugo should also realize the situation All Might is in." Deku argued, "Yeah," Todoroki agreed. 

"Bakugo's on guard against the enemy, fighting from a distance. We need to do this at a time when Bakugo is a certain distance away from the enemy." Deku explained, "Iida." Momo trailed off, noticing how hesitant he was about this whole thing. "It's a gamble, but considering the situation, there isn't much risk to us." He started, "More importantly, if we succeed, it'll change the tide of the fight for the better. Let's do it." He agreed, it relieved me to know he wouldn't fight Deku on this plan.

"So this is how it's going to," Deku started, "First, we'll propel ourselves with my Quirk and Iida's Recipro. Then, with Eijiro's hardening, we'll break through the wall! The second it opens up, I want Todoroki and Miyu to make a path of ice for us. One that'll go as high as possible." He started, "What about us?" Sue asked, "Since you can copy people's quirk, you can copy Eijiro's and help him break through the wall. Shinji will use his quirk to help keep the villains' from getting the upper hand on us, he can keep them at bay when we grab Bakugo." He said, "The villains haven't noticed us yet! The villains have outmaneuvered us until now, but now we can outmaneuver them. And we'll cross the battlefield at a height they can't reach. The villain's boss is holding All Might back. That means that the reverse is also true! So then, it's up to you, Kirishima."

With that, we put Deku's plan into motion while Bakugo had enough space between him and the villains. Deku and Iida grab onto Eijiro and use their Quirks to quickly break through the wall with Eijiro's hardening. "Let's do this," Todoroki and I create an ice ramp for them to charge upward off of and into the air. All For One tries to interfere, but All Might intercepts him while Shinji starts using his quirk to keep the villains from reaching us. Sue patted my shoulder, using my fire quirk to keep other villains from getting too close. Eijiro called for Bakugo which now alerted the villains and All For One of us being there, although, I think he already knew we were there. Bakugo didn't like the idea, "You stupid or something?" Bakugo shouted, his eyes widening when he caught sight of Eijiro. "Bakugo, on my mark, create a blast--" Iida was cut off by Bakugo, who was being an idiot. "You match my mark!" He snapped, "Bakugo, stop being an idiot!" I retorted, "Yeah, don't fight us at a time like this." Eijiro added, with us now carrying out our plan the villains started to get in the way. Hoping to keep us from reaching Bakugo, but that wasn't going to be possible. We were hell-bent on saving him. Gran Torino and some other Pro Heroes showed up, keeping the villains from getting in the way of us rescuing Bakugo. "Bakugo, grab his hand!" Bakugo listens to me, grabbing Eijiro's hand as Shinji raises a shield around us to protect everyone from the incoming fire we are about to receive. And although I was injured, I wasn't going to let that stop me from helping us get out of harm's way. I breathed out a sigh of relief, happy to have gotten Bakugo back. The other Pro Heroes on the scene kept the villains at bay, Shinji even increasing our speed to get us out of there. 

"Thank god, we got out of there alright... Now, the rest is left to All Might. I just hope he can handle this fight between him and All For One. I doubt it'll be our last encounter with him."

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