Chapter 43

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3rd person's pov

Miyuki sat in the monitor room, beside Todoroki and Itsuki as they were all ready to watch the match between Deku and Bakugo who were going against All Might. Sue was watching from her room, still recuperating from the last of Recovery Girl's treatments so Shinji was with her. Miyuki was a bit nervous as to what would happen during this fight because she knew just how Bakugo treated Deku, on top of that, the two were going against All Might. She had faith in the both of them, but she knew that their fight with All Might wouldn't be easy in the least bit. Todoroki and Itsuki could see anxiety that Miyuki felt, due to the situation at hand. "This won't be an easy fight for those two.. I remember when I had to battle All Might for a separate exam, before finals.. He was ruthless." Itsuki thought to himself, as he looked at the monitor. Todoroki reached over, taking Miyuki's hand in his and held it softly which let her know not to worry.

At the exam grounds, Deku and Bakugo stood quietly while Deku  contemplated on how to get along with Bakugo, considering he and Bakugo don't get along very well. "I have to tell him.. Because Kacchan and I are a team.. We have to talk properly.." Deku thought, he turned to face Bakugo, who was in no mood to talk. "Kacchan, for this exam, the teacher is the villain, and we're the heroes, so we need to keep in mind the villain's combat ability and choose to either fight or run, but in our case, the villain is All Might, and fighting against him is dangerous-- I think it's a really bad idea, anyway--" Deku said, but Bakugo didn't care in the least and walked away from Deku.

"Wait, Kacchan!" Deku followed after Bakugo, "Stop following me!" He said gruffly, he did not want to fight with Deku. "I-If we keep going straight, All Might will probably be waiting for us. We should take a detour-" Deku stated, making Bakugo look over at him. "Why should we run away? It'd definitely be better if we beat him up!" Bakugo said, "We should avoid combat if we can, no matter what!" Deku argued, knowing that All Might was not going to take it easy on them once they came across him. "We'll toy with him until it's almost over, and then once he's tired out, I'll beat him up!" Bakugo shot back, being a little too cocky for his own good. Miyuki let out a sigh, as she watched Bakugo shout at Deku. "It really is hard to deal with Kacchan.. But I can't think about that right now." Deku thought to himself, as he looked to Bakugo. "Who do you think All Might is? Even with the handicap, you can't win against him!" Deku argued, becoming frustrated with Bakugo's attitude. Bakugo punches Deku, making him fly backwards a bit.

"I don't want to hear another word. Just because you think you're getting stronger, doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do. It's pissing me off." Bakugo said, glaring harshly at Deku. In Bakugo's mind, he was already upset by the sudden uprise in Deku's mannerisms and the way he had hidden his quirk which wasn't really his, but now, he has learned that someone else holds his best friends heart. "Oh dear, their teamwork is nonexistent. Do they realize who they are up against?" Recovery Girl said, as she watched the screen.

"If Bakugo doesn't learn how to work with Deku on this just a little bit, All Might.. He'll wipe the floor with them." Itsuki thought, he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms staring intensely at the screen.

"Now, I am going.."

"Wait, Kacchan!" Deku shouted, "I'm saying this so we can pass the test! Listen, Kacchan!"

"I told you, your power isn't needed to pass. I can win it all by myself!"

"Stop yelling! That's why we can never have a real conversation!" Just before Deku and Bakugo could finish their argument, a large force of wind heads towards them. All Might launches a Texas Smash, catching both boys off guard and sent them flying backwards before they could react. Miyuki's eyes widen as she sees the destruction of All Might's smash, seeing that the buildings around the boys were destroyed. Shinji and Sue both stared at the screen in awe, amazed by All Might's strength.

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