Chapter 32

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Miyuki's pov


"Inko, what did my mom look like?" A five year old me asked Inko, who was standing by the kitchen sink currently washing a dish. Her green eyes shifted down to me as she placed the plate in the sink, wiping her hands on her apron before taking it off. "Your Mom... She was so pretty.. Come, I have something to show you." Inko took my hand and brought me over to the small bookshelf, she grabbed a larger book and flipped through the pages. "There she is. Both your father and your mother, this was the day they were recognized as Pro Heroes." Inko turned the book around and showed me a picture of my Mom and Dad. Mom had long white hair, blue eyes and she was wearing her hero suit. Dad stood right next to her, he had short spiky blonde hair and greenish eyes. He was also in his hero suit and they both looked happy, like it was the best day of their lives. "Oh Miyu, sweetheart, don't cry. It's okay, I know you miss them. I miss them too. Your mom was my best friend." Inko sat us down on the couch and flipped through the pages telling me stories of how my parents were, how they also were the best heroes around along with Endeavor and All Might.

Flashback over....

When I woke up, I heard three voices which were all male. I blinked a few times, looking at the ceiling and shifting my eyes around the room. I realized that I was in a hospital room, it took a while for my ears to register the talking but it finally cleared up. I sat up, which went unnoticed by all of them. My eyes landed on Deku, Todoroki and Iida who were standing in front of the room and in front of them stood Gran Torino, a police officer and another pro hero.

"Stain is being treated for his serious injuries but you four all have to be punished for yesterday's incident. You all are uncertified individuals using your quirks for violence without permission." I glared the police officer, upset by his comment. "Native would have died if we had not stepped in." Todoroki spoke up, "I agree." All eyes turned to me and seeing me awake surprised Todoroki, Deku and Iida.

"If we hadn't stepped in, we could have lost Native and maybe even Iida. Did you really think we were going to let them die just because we didn't have permission from superiors. All we were doing was protecting two people, if we hadn't of stopped that then there could have been more problems." I stated with a glare, "Let him finish, Miyuki. I know your upset but let Kenji finish." Gran Torino spoke up which kept me silent. I still didn't agree with what the Police Chief said.

"That was my opinion as Police Chief but you all would have been punished if the incident had been an official disclosure. Since there were not enough witnesses to report this incident with Stain this incident will remain disclosed. However, the four of you will not get any recognition for your valiant efforts." Kenji explained. "You should have started the conversation with that." Todoroki stated as the trio thanked Kenji, "You four have a promising future ahead of you. Thank you, for your heroic actions." Kenji, Gran Torino and the other hero left the room.

"Miyu, when did you wake up?" Iida walked over to my bed, "Just as the police chief spoke up." I explained and leaned against my pillows, I felt slight pain in my lower back and my arm. "Are you okay?" Deku sat on my bed as Todoroki stood on the other side of it. "Yeah, just a little pain... I think I overdid it. How about you guys? Are you guys okay?" I asked, "Yeah, but I don't think my hand is. It's taken on a lot of damage. Although surgery can fix it, I won't get it healed until I become a true hero. I will use it as a reminder of my foolish actions." Iida explained, "I can relate with my crooked hand. Let's make a pact to become stronger." Deku and Iida smiled at each other but I noticed that Todoroki looked upset, "I'm sorry that your hand was injured. It's because of me." Todoroki said, he looked down at the floor. He seemed to blame himself for what happened, which only gave me the urge to give him a hug. I knew that I shouldn't do that, especially because we still hadn't talked about what happened at school before we started our internships.

"What?" Iida asked as I raised an eyebrow at him, "I'm the reason you broke your hand. I don't even know my own strength." I chuckled as he said that, I couldn't believe he thought that. "Are you joking?" Iida asked, "I'm not joking." Todoroki shook his head which only made Deku, Iida and I to crack up.

During all the commotion in the room, my phone started to ring so I picked it up and headed outside. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, "I called to say hey." His voice sounded normal for once, which was odd. "I don't believe that mister, spill it. Why did you really call?" I smirked, leaning against the wall outside of the room. "Alright, you caught me. I heard that you ended in a really big fight and was in the hospital. Is that true?" He asked, "Maybe or Maybe not. Depends on what you're really asking." I teased, "Miyu, stop teasing me. Are you really at the hospital?" He sounded a bit agitated, "Yeah," I answered with a small sigh. "I told you to be careful!! You never listen to me!" I chuckled hearing him finally get frustrated, "There's the Bakugo I know and love so well." I teased as I heard him get even angrier over the phone, then I heard him get scolded from someone in the background. "I'll be fine Bakugo, I got Todoroki here. Bye," I hung up still hearing him get scolded by Best Jeanist, I chuckled as I walked back into the room.

Two days later, a viral video was released about Stain's history and ideology spread across Japan like wildfire. I couldn't believe how much attention he was gaining and a lot of it wasn't going to be good, I knew that it was going to bring up more problems. Itsuki finally appeared after having his own injuries taken care of, "Listen to me carefully Miyuki, I have no clue as to how to say this to you... But I will anyways..." Itsuki started and left me on the edge of my seat. "What is it, Itsuki?" I asked, I crossed my arms and turned my body towards him. "Itsuki, you're scaring me. What is it?" His expression held a bit of stoicness and a bit of a glare. "I'm glad to see you're awake and healing!" His expression changed and he became light hearted, this only made me anime fall. "You are such an idiot!!" I smacked Itsuki over the back of the head, which made Deku and Iida laugh while Todoroki gave off a small smile that only I noticed.

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