Chapter 28

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Miyuki's pov

"You really shouldn't do that in a flammable place like this." I crossed my arms, causing Itsuki to turn around and put out his fire. "Hey there Miyu, how long have you been standing there?" He nervously chuckled and I shook my head. "Let's get to training." I nodded and followed him out of the park. How is this guy a pro hero in America? He makes it so obvious that he is a total idiot at times, it's a wonder how he is a pro hero. "So what are we doing today?" I asked, "Well first... I have good news." He spoke with emphasis on news. "What is it?" I added more emphasis, as I copied his tone.

"Ha, I see what you did there." He cracked a smile and shook his head, while pointing at me. "No, seriously.. What's the good news?" I put my hands in my pockets, "I can help you learn how to control your ice and water quirk and make it into one." I stared at him like he was crazy, but at the same time I was amazed. I had seen in videos of when Mom and Dad worked together, how they would blend their powers and usually Dad would make his water and ice quirk work together. How did he know how to do that? Did he meet my Dad? No, he couldn't have. He was probably too young at the time. But it was still possible if he wasn't living in the U.S the entire time.

"Wait, what?" Was all that came out of my mouth as I stood there, "You heard me. Now, it's going to really tough but I think you'll be able to handle it. Besides, this will help you. Because once you pair your water and ice quirk together, you can freeze things and it not be a separate quirk." He explained in full detail this time, but I was still amazed. "Wait a minute..." I chuckled, still not believing him. "What's so funny?" I shook my head, still chuckling at the idea.

"I don't get you. I really don't. But oh well, what can I do?" I shrugged my shoulders, finally composing myself. "Okay, so what first Itsuki?" I put a hand on my hip and stood in a ready position. "First, I'll have to teach you how to get your water quirk under control. Which is why we're at the beach, so I can help teach you how to correctly use your quirk and to teach you how to freeze it, without making it a third quirk." He explained. "So first we'll start with how you use your water quirk. I want you to only use your water quirk against me, try to use your fire as little as possible." I nodded, as he moved away from me.

I stood in defense, "Give me everything you got!" Itsuki charged an attack at me and threw a giant fireball at me, making me dodge it. I flipped over, landing on my feet and rushed forward creating a giant hammer of water. He threw another fireball at me but I used the Water hammer to send it flying. He unexpectedly dodged my kick and disappeared from my sight which made me stare in complete shock, when did he learn to do that?

"Watch your back!" I quickly turned around and held my arms up making sure to keep my ground, I made an X like motion with my arms and put them in front of me to keep from taking on his full attack. "Never take your eyes off of your opponent!" He attacked me from the right, which I didn't see coming. I managed to dodge his kick but was punched hard in the stomach and slid back, still holding my ground.

"You're reflexes could be a little better. Let's see how you do against my fire attacks." He smirked, as I wiped the side of my mouth.

"Pyro blaze!!!" A barrage of large balls of fire flew towards me, "Hydro Tsunami!!!" Some the water around us turned into a giant wave and headed straight for Itsuki. Itsuki stared up at the water in shock making me smirk,  I got him right where I want him. I rushed forward to attack him, "Watch your back, Itsuki!!!" I kicked at him making him turn towards me with a look of shock but before my foot could make contact with him, he threw a fire attack at me which I couldn't dodge. It hit me head on making me fly backwards into the sand, I hit the ground hard and coughed up some spit.

"Never underestimate your opponent!" He threw down another fire attack and luckily I scrambled to my feet, in time to dodge his attack. His fist hit the sand bringing a lot of the sand up, I jumped to my feet and quickly attacked him with another water attack.

But he countered it with another fire attack, so I decided the best option would to be to attack him with fire. Fight fire with fire, much like I did when Bakugo would pick fights with Deku. I wonder how his internship is going with Best Jeanist and I wonder how Todoroki is doing with shadowing his dad. I dodged an oncoming fire fist attack making him hit the sand again and slid back, "Nice try, Itsuki. But just because I'm thinking, doesn't mean I'm not paying attention!" I made him think I was going to use another water attack and as I finally got near him, I changed it to my fire which caught him off guard.

He took the full force of the attack and was sent flying backwards, but he stopped himself from flying to far. "Heh," He wiped the side of his mouth and smirked at me, as I stood guard hopefully not wanting him to attack me again. Using my water quirk usually took a lot energy and since I hadn't gotten used to using it fully, I was feeling a little tired which I think he picked up on. "I didn't expect you to switch it up on me like that. Looks like we got a lot of work ahead of us, if we want you to not be so tired after using your water quirk. Let's stop for today, come with me. I have a place we stay." I nodded, dropping my guard and followed Itsuki off of the beach and headed to were he was.

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