Chapter 58

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Miyuki's pov

I sat back in the wheelchair, hoping that we could figure out a way to get Bakugo back from the villains. It irked me greatly that I needed more time to heal but I didn't care about that, all I cared for in the moment was getting Bakugo back safely. Those villains are obviously very stupid, sure, Bakugo has a short temper but he would never think about becoming a villain. He wants nothing more than to become the number one pro hero and surpass All Might and Endeaver, that's been his dream since he got his quirk. That's all he talked about for years, he would never become a villain unless something horrible happened to his family or to him. Todoroki placed a hand on my shoulder, rubbing it in a comfortable and soothing manner. He knew that I was still very much distraught over this whole oredeal, he knew that even if Bakugo taunted and picked on Deku, I still had a close relationship with him. Sue sat back, listening to everyone talking as we were trying to brainstorm. At this point, some of our classmates wanted to just leave this whole situation to All Might and the other adults, they thought that this was just too dangerous for us to handle on our own. While i understood their hesitation to go through with this, none of us were forcing them to actively participate in this mission. If they didn't want to go that was fine, it is their choice but there was no way I was going to leave this to the adults. We needed a plan, one that would allow us to safely infiltrate the villains hiding place and retrieve Bakugo, without anyone getting hurt. We didn't need anymore of our classmates ending up in the hospital and I doubt that Inko would survive much longer with both Deku and I constantly ending up in the hospital with injuries from villains that were aiming to kill us or harm All Might. I had already gotten an earful from her a few hours after I woke up from her, but then she broke down in tears and pleaded with me that I needed to be more careful. I knew that I was still very much injured and was put on strict bedrest by my doctor but that wasn't going to stop me from tagging along on this mission to save Bakugo, nobody was going to get me to stay behind at the hospital. Not even Todoroki, Deku or Itsuki, himself, would be able to stop me from going to save Bakugo. As everyone continued to argue about what to do, I began to zone out of the conversation at hand. A funny memory made its way to the front of my brain, which involved one particular day that I was with Bakugo.


"Bakugo, we need to study for this exam!" Bakugo and I had agreed to study at his place, his parents knew me well and considered me to be a good influence for their son. I loved how opposite his parents' personalities were so different from one another, they seem to compliment each other well. At the moment, Bakugo and I were sitting in his room. I sat at his desk, while Bakugo sat on a chair across from me. His feet were perched up on a chair, the both of us trying to get through this science book. Bakugo was making things harder for me to study with all of the complaining and joking around he was doing. "Ugh, why the hell do we need to study now? Why can't we just go hang out somewhere that isn't here and away from my lame parents?" Bakugo complained, throwing the book down on his bed. The book made a dull thump, bouncing up and opened back up to the page we had been trying to get through for the past 20 minutes. "Bakugo, you may not care about test scores and class work but I care about them. And I'm not going to let you throw that away cause you don't give a rat's ass about it. Now shut up, pick the book up and let me quiz you!" I snapped, "Tch. This is ridiculous! I'm not doing this!!" Bakugo tried to argue with me but I threw his notebook at his face, which hit him directly. The notebook fell to the floor, opening on a random page which had meticulous notes written down. It was quiet for a moment before he lost his temper and started yelling at me, this only made me more frustrated with him. So I threw another book at him and then proceeded to jump him, the two of us fell back onto his bed, wrestling with one another. In the end, the two of us started laughing and managed to finish studying in time to enjoy a movie.

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