Chapter 27

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Miyuki's pov

I was exhausted the two days after because I had not stopped training but not only that, I was on edge because of what happened. I was upset because Iida's older brother had been attacked by the Hero Killer, which only made me more on edge. We had taken the train to school and were recognized by several people because of the Sports Festival.

I was a bit nervous as to going back to school, since I kinda kissed Todoroki's cheek. I know he wasn't expecting it at all and it was so out of the blue. I hadn't realized that we were close to the entrance, "Miyu! Watch out!" Deku's voice broke my train of thought and I ran right into somebody. "Itetetete," I rubbed my head. "Sorry about that." I apologized and stood up to my feet, looking up to see Shinji standing there in front of me. I must have bumped into him when I was walking, "It's alright. I should've moved to the side, instead of letting you bump into me." Shinji gave a small smile, that could only be seen rarely. I heard from Momona that Shinji isn't usually interested in people, he keeps to himself and isn't that social in his class.

I gave him a small wave as Deku walked up, grabbing my hand and walked us away from Shinji as we headed inside the school. "What is it Deku? Why'd you pull me away from him?" I looked at Deku, "I don't trust him. Even though he helped us find Sue, I don't know his true intentions. So, I don't want to take any chances." Deku explained, as we ran into Iida. "How is your brother doing, Iida?" I asked, as we walked to our lockers.

"Everything with my brother is fine. Thanks for asking. Come on. Let's get to class." Iida explained, as we walked to the classroom.

I yawned loudly and took my seat when we reached the classroom, "Hey Miyu... What's up?" I gave a small wave to Denki and Eijiro, who were already in their seats. "How was your two days off?" Eijiro asked, "She spent her two days outside." Deku answered for me, as I put my head down on the table.

"Outside doing what?" Bakugo asked, "I was training." I responded, "For what?" Momo turned to look at me from her desk. "For the villain that attacked Sue. I'm going to go after him by myself and I don't want any of you to stop me." I said in a firm voice, the looks I got were absolutely crazy. Just as Iida was about to say something, Mr. Aizawa walked into the classroom without his bandages.

"So students, I have two announcements for you today. The first announcement is that today's class will be on Hero Informatics." I perked up and paid attention to Mr. Aizawa, while most of the students panicked. "No, you will not have a test. Instead, you will choose your hero names." This was even better as the others perked up in excitement.

"This has a lot to do with the Pro-Hero draft picks and since you are only first years any offers made can be taken back before you graduate." He then shows us the draft results on the board, seeing that Todoroki and Bakugo's name had a huge lead over everyone one else in the class with the pro hero choices. "Wow!!! They're not the only ones! Look by Miyuki's name!!" Mineta pointed out, I shifted my eyes to see what he was talking about. I was right along with Bakugo and Todoroki, "It looks like Todoroki got most of the offers, even though he lost to Bakugo." I heard Bakugo scoff and I looked over at Todoroki, he seemed to be his usual self. "My father is most likely the reason, I have so many." He wasn't too excited about the whole thing.

"Some pros might have been reluctant because of Bakugo's demeanor during the award ceremony." Sero said. "If they were scared, then they're weak." I shook my head at his statement and looked on the board looking for Deku's name. But when I found it, I saw that he hadn't gotten any offers which must have been because the way he fought Todoroki so recklessly.

"You all will be spending a week interning with pro hero's." Aizawa explains to us as Midnight comes in, she came in to approve our hero names. She hands out canvases for us to write our names, "The names that you have chosen must be presented." I stared down at the canvas, I never really thought about using a Hero name. Even when I was younger, I never really chose a name that I wanted to go by when I became a pro hero. So I started thinking about what I could really call myself, since most of the class was to nervous to go up so Yuga went up. When he got up there, I couldn't help but stifle a smile because he had chosen the name 'I can't stop sparkling.' So Midnight shortened it and moved on. Mina wanted to use 'Alien Queen', but Midnight didn't want her to compare herself to something else.

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