Chapter 16

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Miyuki's pov

So we all got ready for the next event. "The qualifying students have fifteen minutes to make teams of two to four people, and each person's point value depends on their placement in the Obstacle Race. Teams formed will be worth their members accumulated point value. Team's point value are listed on their headbands, which can be worn around the head or the neck of the rider. The objective of the game is to steal as many headbands as possible to raise your teams point value. If a team falls or has their headband stolen, they can still compete until times up. The time limit for the Cavalry Battle is fifteen minutes, and only the top four teams will advance to the finals." She finished explaining to us, and we broke apart for teams.

"Miyuki, get over here!!! You're on my team!!!" Bakugo yelled, making me sigh and I shook my head. "Hey, Miyu. Want to join my team?" I turned my head, spotting Todoroki standing to my right. "Yeah, sure. Why not?" I shrugged, causing Bakugo to lose his temper. "Hey!!! What do you think you're doing?!! Get back over here!! You hear me?!! You are going to pay for this, Miyuki!!" I ignored Bakugo, who was yelling at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that he couldn't get away since he had a giant group of people surrounding him.

"Hey, Iida. I thought you would be joining Deku and Uraraka." I put a hand on my hip, "Well, right now.. I view him as a rival." I shook my head and patted his shoulder. "You sir, are an idiot." I chuckled, making him growl at me. "Hey," I turned to them, seeing Momo and Denki standing together. "Hey, are you joining our team?" I asked, "Yeah, we are." I high fived Denki and gave a thumbs up to Momo. I saw that Deku had his team put together, and Sue was with Bakugo.

"Are you gonna use your fire and ice as a diversion?" Iida asked Todoroki, "I never use my left side." I was a bit shocked to be honest, but then I remembered who his father is. We positioned ourselves so that I was sitting on Todoroki's shoulders, I was bit skeptical about it. "Are you guys sure that this is okay?" I looked down at Iida, "Yeah, I believe it is. Don't worry." He reassured, "Don't worry, I'm holding you. I got pretty good grip and since I'm the one with a bandana on that is branded captain, they won't be able to grab my bandana so easily. And since you're sitting on my shoulders it won't be easy for them to grab your bandana. As long as you use your fire and your ice they can't grab it. So don't worry so much." Todoroki explained, looking up at me. 

"Alright, I'll have faith in you. But if I get hurt, I expect you to back me up." I looked down at Todoroki, as our mismatched eyes met. "Alright." He nodded and with that the event started.

We had several headbands by this point, but Iida ran into a problem. "Miyu, I need you to freeze my jets." I looked down, "Why?" He looked up at me "It'll kick fire." I froze his jets and he started them up, making us move faster. Some guy from class 1-B tried to grab Todoroki's headband, "Miyu, now." Todoroki spoke up finally, after staying quiet for a while. "Take that!!" I froze the guy's legs and used my fire to blow him away.

I heard a shout of annoyance and disbelief and looked up seeing that Monoma and his team had managed to grab Bakugo's headband, while Bakugo was absolutely pissed. I couldn't believe that he had gotten his headband stolen and from what I could Sue had started arguing with Bakugo. I had been looking down at Momo, "Hey Momo, are you doing alright?" I asked, looking over to her. 

"Yeah, what about you? I mean, are you really okay being up there on Todoroki's shoulders like that?" She asked. "Yeah, I gotta agree with Momo on this one." Denki said, "Guys, come on.. I trust that Todoroki won't drop me, I'm-" We came to a sudden stop, making me stop talking. "What the-" I looked up, seeing we were standing in front of Deku's team. "Todoroki, what the hell?" I asked, looking down at Todoroki. "We're getting his ten million point headband." He said, looking dead at Deku. "I didn't sign up for this damn it." I told him, "Well, you're gonna have to deal with it." I looked at Deku with a sorry face, "It's okay Miyu. I understand." I nodded at him, "Alright, we're gonna attack head on." Todoroki stated.

"Todoroki, I hope you know what you're doing. I'm the only one who knows how my brother thinks and works because it's the same way." I thought to myself, as everything started to unravel. I was already pissed enough that he was going after Deku, but the fact that he wants to me go after him too makes it even worse.

I looked around seeing that other teams were headed for Deku and his team, and saw that Team Mineta was heading for Deku. "We're not letting other teams get to him. I want that headband for myself, so Miyu get ready to fight them." Todoroki stated, so I nodded still upset with him but I couldn't focus on that right now.

"On the count of three Miyu, I want you to use your fire to keep them away." He ordered and I nodded, "Right." I got my fire ready and he counted down. "Now!!" With Todoroki using his leadership skills we were able to keep other teams away from Deku's team which made me happy.

Soon we end with a few other headbands, using Denki's lightning to keep the others from getting to Deku's team. Deku knew that keeping away from Todoroki's left side, would keep them at an advantage. "They know you won't use your left side. That's why they're staying on the left." I noted, but I also noted that Todoroki couldn't freeze them without hitting Iida.

I glanced at the clock seeing that we were running out of time, "Todoroki... We're running out of time. What do we do?" I looked down at him, as he seemed deep in thought so Iida took his chance. He uses his Recipro Burst to unleash a burst of super speed and in an instant and before I knew it Todoroki had stolen Deku's headband. Iida's engines stall as a result of his move meaning we couldn't move. I turned my head around seeing Deku rush towards us and uses his one for all, making Todoroki use his left side to keep him from me. Instead of having the headband around my head, it was actually around my neck and Deku breaks Todoroki's defense grabbing onto the headband on my head. Deku believes that he got the right headband, as I high five with Momo but he quickly realized he got one worth seventy five points. "Deku!!!!" I sweatdropped, seeing Bakugo go towards us as Deku was trying to come back to get the headband but just we are about to clash the bell rings which meant the battle was over. So I got off of Todoroki's shoulders, giving off a large smile.

"Team Todoroki has managed to grab first place." Momo and I cheered together, giving each other another high five and turned to Denki. "We did it!!" He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me and Iida close to him. "That was a really close call. I'm sorry about that." Iida apologized, "You have nothing to be sorry for besides your move is what won us first place." Momo reassured, as Iida thanked her and finally smiled. I then looked over at Todoroki and gave him a big smile and a hug, which seemed to surprise him. "Team Bakugo has secured second place!" Midnight announced but Bakugo didn't seem to like this and yelled. He fell flat on his face and started hitting the floor with his fist still screaming, and I started to chuckle a bit at his behavior.

A team from class B which happened to Shinso's team won third place, and Deku was able to grab fourth place. "Deku!! You did it!!" I launched myself on him, making him stumble back a bit but he caught me and I laughed as he teared up. We were walking to get lunch, I had been on Deku's back but then we ran into Todoroki.

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