Chapter 2

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Miyuki's pov

I listened as Deku told him his ambitions, when All Might suddenly started smoking. "What the-" When the smoke cleared, All Might was no longer a big guy with muscles. He was completely skinny, his cheeks seemed to be sucked in. "Ahhhhh," Deku and I scream, seeing him standing there. "I assure you, it's me-" Blood sprays out of his mouth, causing me to groan in disgust while Deku screamed loudly. "The reason I'm like this is because of this nasty bruise, I got years ago fighting a villain." He lifted his shirt and showed us the wound, making me cringe. "I know nasty, right?" He put his shirt back down, "Listen kid, it's not bad to dream but you also have to consider what's realistic. To be honest with you, a pro must always be ready to risk his or her life, and so I cannot tell you, you can do it even while being Quirkless." I clenched my fists and stared at All Might surprised that he said that, he just crushed Deku's dream. All Might walks off down the stairs, leaving Deku and I on the roof. 

"Come on, Deku. Let's go home." I handed him his book-bag and we walked off the roof. As we were walking home, we saw a huge crowd surrounding an alleyway.

"What's going on here?" I grabbed Deku's arm and pushed through the crowd, only to see the same villain that All Might had saved us from. "Damn it, how did he get here so fast?" I balled up my fists, but that's when I noticed he was holding someone hostage and that person was Bakugo. Kamui woods stepped up to help, but once Bakugo started using his quirk it made him rethink. "I would help, but fire and wood don't mix well together." I sweat-dropped at his answer, when Mount lady showed up to help. Mount lady tried to help, but she was way to big to fit in between the buildings. "I would help but my weakness is that I can't go into areas that aren't two lanes." She said, "What great help we have." I sweat-dropped again, knowing someone needed to help him since the other heroes couldn't save him with their quirks. 

"He got Bakugo," Deku spoke softly and stared in terror. 

"Stay here, Deku." I pushed my pack into his arms, and rushed forward without a second thought.

"Hey!! You're gonna get yourself killed." Backdraft yelled at me, but I waved him off. "Let him go, you damn villain!!" I charged forward, and ran off the side of the building. "Warrior Frost!!!" I froze half of his body, but it was difficult seeing as Bakugo kept using his quirk. I acted quickly, grabbing onto Bakugo's hand. "Hold on, Bakugo!" I heard the heroes yelling and looked seeing Deku, who had hit the Sludge villain with his bag so he could get closer to Bakugo. "What the hell are you doing?" Bakugo yelled, he was mortified that I was risking my life and angry that Deku was doing the same thing.

"I couldn't just stand back and watch you die. I also couldn't let my sister risk her life without any help." He had tears running down his face, which made me feel bad. "Miyu, look out!" I was grabbed from behind. "Damnit!" I cursed wiggling around but it was no use, I couldn't get my hands free. Bakugo started using his quirk, trying to get me free. As Deku tried to pull Bakugo out, the sludge tried to grab him but he was pushed back by none other than All Might.

"All Might!!" He yelled in surprise, "I admit that I scolded you for something I hadn't done and that was to risk my own life in order to save other people, as a pro hero myself." He said to him as he realized that I was in trouble, "Detroit smash!!!" All Might hit the villain hard freeing Bakugo, but the villain seemed to hold on tighter to me. "Miyuki!" Bakugo reached for me, as I struggled. "Let her go," All Might looked dead serious. "I don't think so, she has such a powerful quirk." I struggled to breathe, as he pushed me further into him but I couldn't breathe.

I closed my eyes, trying to stay awake but it wasn't working. "And I said let her go, Detroit Smash!!!" All Might hit him so hard that I was basically spit up, All Might caught me in his arms. All that fighting back, made me tired and sleepy. "Hey, kid. You know that was pretty reckless charging in like that." Kamui Woods scolded both Deku and I. "I'm sorry," Deku said, a little shy. "It's alright, but you just have to be more careful when it comes to these situations." Mount lady said to us, with a big smile. I was on his back, since I was exhausted from the fight. They praised Bakugo since he fought back but he didn't seem to care, I could see him glaring daggers at Deku, but Deku didn't seem to notice.

After a while, Deku and I were on our way home together. "Hey Miyu, are you feeling any better?" Deku asked out of concern. "Yeah, I should be fine now. Thanks for carrying me Deku." I got off his back and stood up, stretching out. "Hey, Deku!!!" I turned my head to see Bakugo stalking towards us at an alarming rate, Deku shook from beside me afraid that Bakugo was coming to beat him up. As for me, I glared at Bakugo for how he was acting towards Deku, who literally just risked his life to save Bakugo's.

"What do you want with Deku, Bakugo?" I hated the way he treated my brother, it was wrong of him to be that way. "All I came to say was that, I didn't need you to save me. I didn't ask for you help, so stop looking down on me." And with that he turned around and began to walk away. I scoffed at him, and turned facing Deku. "Come on Deku. Let's go home." I grabbed his arm, "Oh and Miyu." I stopped walking, hearing Bakugo speak again. "What?" I asked, "Don't try and risk your life for me again, but thanks anyways for doing that." I went to look back at him, but he was already gone.

"Whoa, he thanked you." Deku said in awe, giving me a strange look. "Yeah, I don't really care to be thanked by the likes of that idiot." I shook my head, but I knew how I how I really felt about how he was towards me. "How come?" Deku asked, "Because he treats you horribly and to be honest, I hate that about him. Ever since we found out you couldn't have a quirk, he's been bullying you. And I hate bullies." I explained, shifting my eyes to him and then looked forward. I stopped walking when I spotted All Might standing in front of us, "All Might, I don't mean to sound rude, but what are you doing here?" I gave him a blank look.

"Well, earlier you both made quite a difference in our earlier encounter. Although you don't have a quirk you did what other top heroes haven't done." He said, I took notice that he was back in his regular form. "And what exactly was that?" I gave him a look of confusion, "He moved without thinking first in order to save two other people." I looked down at Deku, who was now on his knees. "I'm proud to say that even you who is quirk-less can become a hero." I smiled at All Might.

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