Chapter 31

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Miyuki's pov

I stood in a dark area, there was a large wall filled with pictures of my friends and family and as I looked around I felt a bit uneasy. I didn't know where I was at all, I kept my eyes forward and walked forward to one of the pictures. It was of Deku, Itsuki and I when we were younger. I teared up as I saw a picture of me, my father and my mother. But I also noticed another child in the picture, he had one green eye and one blue eye... like I did. He also had blonde hair but it wasn't spiky, it laid down flatly against his head and went up to his ears. I noticed that he was sitting on Dad's lap while mom was holding me, Dad's arm was draped over Mom's shoulder while his free arm held the little boy. The question is, who is that little boy? Was he my brother? I remembered that Present Mic said something about him at the games.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned my head only to freeze in place, upon seeing the person in front of me. "Sweetheart, look at you.. You've grown up so well." I couldn't believe my eyes, in front of me stood my father. I couldn't bring myself to move at all, it was like I was frozen in place. "Baby girl, I'm sorry I left you and your brother and didn't come back." He reached forward and pulled me into a hug as a tear fell from my eye. "Wait, wait.. I have a brother?" I stepped back to take a look at his face, he had considerably grown older but he still wore his hair the same way.

"Yes, his name is..." Dad suddenly disappeared making me panic, "Dad!! Dad!! Where did you go?!!" I shouted as I ran around trying to find him but I couldn't. Laughter filled the room but I instantly recognized it to be the guy, the one who tried to kill Sue and me. Did he have something to do with my father's disappearance? But before I could do anything else, I was shaken and pulled out of my dream.

Dream interrupted....

I heard my name being called and fought myself to wake up, I willed my eyes to open. At first my vision was blurry and I could just barely hear everything going on, as my vision cleared up I looked around seeing that Iida, Todoroki and Deku were all fighting Stain. All of my hearing was distorted and I could just barely make out what they were saying to Stain, which made me want to sit up. I could barely sit up since I felt so dizzy and I guess Native saw my movement to sit up because he called out to me, I heard him a little better and turned my head when my name was called seeing that Native was still not able to move. "Miyuki, are you alright?" I blinked for a moment and gave him a slow nod as when I turned back around towards the fight, Stain was heading straight for Todoroki. "Damn, he won't leave them alone. I gotta do something." I shook the dizzy feeling I had and shifted to sitting on my knees, "Take this, you damn bastard!" I muttered quietly and slammed my palm on the ground sending fire at Stain, which collided with Todoroki's fire. Stain quickly jumped back from Todoroki and I noticed he seemed a lot more tenacious to kill us, judging from the attacks he was throwing.

Iida intercepts one of Stain's throwing knives and has Todoroki freeze his engines, I growled seeing Stain pin down Iida. But Todoroki does what he asked so he is allowed to do the move and Deku comes out of nowhere, so Iida and Deku rush Stain by using their quirks to scale the alleyway. I shifted around feeling a lot better than before so I held onto the wall next to me and lifted myself up to my feet, at first my legs were a little wobbly but I kept going not caring if I would collapse again. No doubt I wouldn't be able to wrap my wound here, all I wanted to do was get to Stain and help Todoroki, Iida and Deku fight him.

Out of the corner of my eye, a katana came flying my way no doubt Stain must have seen that I gotten up. I jumped out of the way using my fire to launch myself forward, I spun around and kicked Stain before he could touch Iida. He flew backwards and landed on his back while I landed on my feet in front of Todoroki, Deku and Iida. Stain rushed forward making me jump backwards and tried to slash Iida, who kicks him up into the air to Todoroki. He blasts him with a ball of fire and freezes the ground underneath for Deku and Iida to slide down while he retrained Stain, I rush forward and kick a flying Katana heading for Deku. Another Katana flew at me and I just barely dodged it, causing it to cut me across the cheek. Landing on my feet, I rushed forward to Stain and Todoroki.

"Todoroki!" Todoroki turned his head towards me, nodding his head while I got a running start. He knew exactly what I was going to do while Iida and Native didn't.

Todoroki bent down hooking his hands together and once I was close enough, I lightly stepped onto Todoroki's hands and he pushed me forward giving me momentum. So I did exactly what I did with the car and the Nomu we found in the city, I lit my foot of fire and kicked Stain in the chest making him hit the wall. He bounced off, hitting the ground face first while I landed on my feet just as Iida and Deku got onto the ground safely. I guess with that final hit, Stain was down for good. "Whoa, where did you learn to do something like that?" Iida asked, "Itsuki.. And I did it before so it's not new." I shrugged my shoulders, "How come you're not freaking out, Todoroki?" Deku looked over at Todoroki with a quirked eyebrow, Todoroki was busy tying up Stain with a rope he had. "Because she did this while we were in the city looking for my father. We ran into a Nomu, who threw a car towards civilians and she told me she had something planned and did that." He explained with no emotion to match his explanation, I shook my head and headed over towards Native and helped him up.

"You really are the daughter of NitroGirl and Winter bullet.. You look just like your mother." Native smiled, "You knew my parents?" I asked, "Yeah, I was a rookie back then when I first met those two." I heard a thud and turned to see Deku on the floor making me panic, so Native carried him out of the alley while Todoroki dragged Stain. We met up with Gran Torino who starts to scold Deku for leaving the train early, while the other pro heroes call for an ambulance and Police to arrest Stain.

"I'm sorry for dragging you all into the fight." Iida turned to us three and I shook my head, "Iida, it's fine. Don't worr-" I was cut off when I heard shouting and a Nomu suddenly swung down and grabbed Deku and started flying off, "Deku!!" I rushed forward only to be pulled back by somebody, "Let me go, I have to get Deku!" I struggled more and looked back to see that it was Iida holding me back. Before the Nomu could get too far away, Stain recovered and attacked the Nomu. He grabs Deku by the shirt and stabs the Nomu in the brain and the three of them hit the ground, I was happy that Deku was saved but not happy that it had to be Stain who saved him. The person let go of my arm as Stain sits there, "The people you call heroes are fake and the pathetic criminals must be purged to create a more just society." I stand there in complete confusion, wondering what point he was trying to get across. By this time both Endeavor and Itsuki had arrived, but Stain didn't seem too happy with Endeavor's arrival.

"I challenge all you heroes to try and defeat me." I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, seeing as he was heavily injured from the fight with us. I didn't drop my guard seeing Stain move as he pulled his bandages from around his face, but once he did that a heavy aroura surrounded us. I tried to compose myself and nearly fell over, but before I could hit the ground Todoroki caught me. I looked over seeing Endeavor taking a step back while Itsuki stayed in his spot, Itsuki didn't seem scared instead he just seemed more angrier than anybody else. But before Stain could do anything else, he passed out and his aura disappeared. I didn't understand how or why but I didn't care, once he was down I sighed in relief and let my guard down.

I still felt sick but I was beginning to feel worse by the minute, "Miyu, are you alright?" Todoroki asked and I shook my head, as he stood me up. I took a step forward to get to Deku and my legs buckled from under me, "Miyuki!" I heard my name being called, as I collapsed onto the ground letting my mind drag me back into darkness.

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