Chapter 54

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3rd person's pov

The fight between Itsuki and Souta had now gotten out of hand, the entire area which was once filled with beautiful greenery had now been completely destroyed by the two of them. Souta panted heavily as he stared at Itsuki, who was not even breaking a sweat during the fight. He had built up so much endurance training under Aizawa and All Might that he had no problems with long fights that drew on for hours. All Might drilled him in endurance tests for hours at a time, after all, he wanted to make sure that Itsuki could stay at the top of his class. Itsuki noticed that Deku had also particularly picked up well with All Might's endurance training, he was proud of how far he had come. He sensed a strong burning sensation in his chest, making him wince but he ignored the feeling and focused. In the back of his mind, he thought of how Miyuki would have reacted if she had heard this. He charged ahead at Souta, throwing a large fire ball at him. Souta narrowly dodges the fire ball, which hits a tree behind him. "You are lying straight through your teeth. My father can't be alive. If he is, then where has he been all these years? Why didn't he come back home to us? To Miyuki?" Itsuki snapped, his harsh glare staying on Souta. "You seem to not know much about what's really going on with your father, huh?" He said, looking highly amused with Itsuki's lack of knowledge. Itsuki grew ticked off, throwing another attack at Souta, who narrowly dodges it. Souta was feeling extremely exhausted, but didn't show it. He wasn't about to let Itsuki figure out that he couldn't keep up with the young man, he wasn't exactly a spring chicken, if you know what I mean.

"Cut the bullshit. Is my father alive or not, asshole? Or were you lying?" Itsuki snapped, he was trying not to get so worked up about the whole thing.

"I'm not lying. Your father is alive. In fact, I'm sure your sister has already managed to come into contact with him. He probably reached out to her, knowing that she can connect with him." Itsuki looked at Souta completely confused at what he was getting at, he couldn't believe the possibility of this actually being true. He knew that Souta could lie to distract him, he didn't want to let down his guard.

"You probably haven't made the connection yet, but those marks on your skin.. Both your father and your little sister have them. Your father is alive and you are connected to him through those marks, meaning all three of you feel what each other is feeling. Pain, anger. All of that. Your bodies are linked through those marks. You may be wondering how that is possible.. Well, I'll tell you. My boss has your father. He's been held captive for years, which is why he hasn't come back to you. He has no clue where he is even being held." Itsuki's eyes widened as he heard this, but he didn't seem to believe it. He didn't want to believe it. But he found himself questioning if it was true or not, after all, Miyuki has always told the truth regarding her run-ins with their mother in her mind. He knew that she could make contact with their parents, he wondered if Miyuki had actually met their father for the first time. This only put him more on edge, making his body tense up as he thought some more. Souta could see that Itsuki was struggling mentally, which put him at an advantage if it came down to it.

"How am I supposed to know that you are telling the truth and not lying?"

"I am telling the truth. I may exaggerate the truth sometimes, but I most certainly would never lie to you about this. After all, I was sent here to keep your father in check. He's not giving our boss any information regarding what he wants to know, so he sent me." Souta said, a smirk etched on his lips. It was true that Souta generally exaggerated the truth sometimes, but he had always told the truth whether he liked it or not. It was beaten into him at a young age to always tell the truth, so even now after all these years, he still won't necessarily tell a lie. Itsuki pondered some more about it, picking up on the glint in Souta's eyes. He had developed an amazing tuition for knowing when someone is lying or not, usually by the look in their eyes and the tiny micro expressions on people's faces. His blood ran cold as he came to realize that Souta was really telling the truth, he had no clue what this meant for Miyuki and him. Itsuki clenched his fists, hurtling a large ball of ice at Souta. This made Souta panic as he had never seen Itsuki throw ice at him, or any villain he fought for that matter. The large ball of ice tore through several trees, putting out the fire that had been brewing behind them.

"Did you seriously just throw that large chunk of ice at me?!!"

"What the fuck do you think?" Itsuki snapped, his jaw locking in place. Souta grew very pissed off, but he was still shocked. Itsuki was one to never utter such curse words at people before, "You're here to hurt us if he doesn't give you answers. What if he's been telling the truth the whole time, you fucking dip shit? What if my Dad has no clue what you are talking about?" Itsuki questioned, which made Souta look at him in silence. He had no clue what to say, but he knew his boss wouldn't care. He thought carefully, wanting to hit a nerve so that he could further piss off the young man in front of him. "Then, my boss would have no more use for him. So.. He would most likely murder him." Souta smirked, Itsuki growled loudly, clenching his fists. This time, Itsuki let his anger take over completely. His entire demeanor and body language changed, which Souta noticed and it frightened him.
The one thing Itsuki was sure about was that he was going to find his father, and he was going to save him. But first, he needed to take down this villain who was in his way. "I will not let that happen!!" Moving too fast for Souta to see, Itsuki charged full speed at him. He threw a large blast at him, but it was too close for Souta to dodge. The ball of flames and ice collided with Souta's body, exploding on impact. He was sent flying backwards from the large impact of the explosion, causing him to hit a fee trees as he was thrown backwards from the large blast. The attacks collision with Souta's body sends shockwaves throughout the entire camp grounds, as smoke clouds and steam arose into the night air. Everyone in camp felt the large shockwave, alerting Aizawa and the other Pro Heroes that something was very wrong. They could tell that another villain was targeting the children, or more so, one had pissed of Itsuki, stupudly enough for him to react in such a hrash manner. Aizawa cursed under his breath, recognizing the color of the smoke and steam clouds. He knew exactly who had caused such a large explosion.

Close by, Sue and Shinji spot the steam and smoke clouds. "Itsuki," Sue knew exactly who it was, she had only ever seen him use something like that once. And that was to save someone in the U.S. not that long after they entered middle school. "How do you know that's him?" Shinji asked, looking from the sky to Sue. Sue's eyes shifted from the smoke and steam cloud, her eyes landing on Shinji's confused face. "He has only ever used that move once. Now, come on!! We have to go get him!! He might be in trouble." Sue grabbed Shinji by the hand, making him yelp as she pulled him along with her as they took off towards the area the smoke and steam came from. "Please be okay, Itsuki.. Miyuki cannot lose you either." Sue thought, dragging Shinji behind her.

Miyuki felt intense searing pain in her chest, also feeling a huge burst of anger which she can only guess came from Itsuki. She let out a hiss, which didn't go unnoticed by Deku. Todoroki or Bakugo. But she ignored their stares, looking up into the sky. Her eyes widened, her heart pounded loudly in chest, as she looked at the smoke and steam cloud. "Itsuki... Please... Please don't be in trouble." She thought. "Miyu, what's the matter?" Todoroki asked, "What is that?" Tokoyami pointed to the air, catching everyone's attention. Their eyes landed on the large and ever growing smoke and steam cloud, as another wave of shock shook the ground. Deku immediately identified whose attack it was, he had only seen it once but never in action. "Itsuki.." Deku mumbled, loud enough for the others to hear. "He's in pain.. And he's angry. Really angry." Miyuki clutched Todorokj's shirt tighter in her hands, leaning into him as she felt scared for her brother. "That can only mean one thing..." Bakugo started, "What is it?" Todoroki's eyes shifted over to Bakugo, who stood silent.

"Itsuki is in trouble."

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