Chapter 57

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Miyuki's pov

When I woke up this morning, I heard incessant beeping which got on my nerves. I opened my eyes only to be blinded by a bright white light shining overhead, I closed my eyes again and rubbed them. I opened them again, letting my eyes adjust to the light and looked around for what was making that beeping sound. As I looked around the room, I noticed that I was hooked up to a heart monitor and had some overhead fluids hanging. I shifted my eyes to my right, finding a small snack which seemed like it had been packed by Inko. When I looked closer, I noticed the note which came from Inko. 'When you wake up, eat this and please call me.' I leaned back in bed, knowing that Inko must have been scared to death after she heard what happened at the camp. I would understand if she was angry because we were supposed to be safe and instead, all of us kids had to battle it out with the villains. When I looked to my left, I spotted Itsuki who was fast asleep in the chair beside my bed. Judging from the disheveled hair and clothes, he must have stayed here overnight. I shifted in bed, waking up Itsuki. I had no clue that he managed to get permission to stay at the hospital, as he had been deemed one of my legal guardians beside Inko. "Hey," Itsuki's eyes lit up as his mismatched ones met mine, he seemed happy about me finally waking up. He sat up in his seat, scooting the chair closer to the bed as I rubbed my eyes with my unwrapped hand. Itsuki didn't leave and refused to when they tried to kick him out of my hospital room after visiting hours were over. "Where am I?" I asked groggily, "You're at the Hospital. They transported a lot of you here after the villains left the camp." He explained, "The camp?" I looked up at him, "Yeah, the training camp. Remember? We've been there for the past week. Bakugo was taken by the villains, remember?" He sat forward, placing a hand over my uninjured one. I sat there for a moment, trying to process the fact that this really happened and it wasn't a dream. Those villains really did take Bakugo from us, my heart clenched as I thought about it. My mind shifted focus from that as I still had no clue where Todoroki or Deku were, nor did I know where Sue was. I lifted my head up suddenly, startling my brother who shifted in his seat. "Where's Deku?! And Todoroki?! Is Sue okay? Is everyone else okay?" I fired off all the questions I could at him, he held up his hands as to stop me from rambling. "Hey, hey. Everything is okay. Calm down, everyone else has been transported here and treated for their injuries. Everyone is doing just fine. Sue and Shinji are heading over here to see you and Deku. Todoroki was released from the hospital yesterday and Deku is still here in the hospital. He's a room down from you." He explained and that's when I noticed the bandages wrapped around his forearm and one really big one wrapped around his ankle and leg. He noticed me staring at the bandages and laughed sheepishly, "Yeah.. I had a run in with an old villain of Dad's out there." His eyes met mine and he could see my concern, "I'm fine, Miyuki. There's no need to worry, I didn't break any bones during the fight and Recovery Girl did most of my healing. There's nothing to worry about." He laughed nervously, I sat in silence for a moment as tears filled my eyes.

"Hey, no! No, no! Don't cry!" He waved his hand, "I promise I'm okay."

"It's not that.."

"Then what is it?"

"I was so scared that he would kill you. I had a run in with Souta too." I sniffled as tears slipped down my cheeks. "Oh, Miyuki." Itsuki got up from his seat and sat right in front of me on the bed, pulling me into a hug. Just as I settled into the hug, my door was thrown open startling both of us. I looked over at the door, sniffling as Sue appeared in the doorway with Shinji standing directly behind her. As soon as she saw me, she bursted into a ball of tears causing my tears to well up again. "Miyuki!!" She ran over to the bed, "Sue!" She pulled me into a hug and the two of us started crying together, which made Itsuki and Shinji stare at us like we were crazy. I cried out of pure relief seeing that she had not been injured and was safe, while she cried because I had been injured and in the hospital. Both of us relieved that the other had been safe and were still alive, but at the same time, we both were very distraught over the fact that the villains took Bakugo, our best friend.

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