Chapter 51

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3rd person's pov

With Miyuki suddenly incapacitated, the fight between Moonfish, Todoroki and Bakugo became even more dangerous. Both boys could hardly focus on the villain in front of them, especially since Miyuki had suddenly passed out. "Miyuki... Come on, open your eyes." Todoroki silently panicked on the inside, as he held his girlfriend's shoulders. Miyuki had passed out instantly, not giving warning to either Bakugo or Todoroki before she had fell unconscious. "Miyu.. If this is some kind of sick joke, it's not funny. I will slap you really hard, if you're messing around." Bakugo threatened, clenching his fists. On the inside, Bakugo was panicking but he didn't want it to show especially in front of Todoroki. "I don't think this is a joke, Bakugo." Miyuki let out a pained groan, her face twisting in pain as she squeezed her hands into fists. "Something's not right with her. Look at the markings on her skin." Bakugo noticed the weird markings, not liking it one bit. "I don't have a good feeling about this at all.." He said, looking at Miyuki. "We need to get her back to camp.. But first.. We're gonna need to take care of him first." Todoroki motioned to Moonfish, who had been surprisingly patient with them.

"Everyone in Class A and Class B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraser Head, you are granted permission to engage in combat!" Deku said, making everyone listen closely.

"Everyone in Class A and Class B!In the name of the pro hero, Eraser Head, you are granted permission to engage in combat! I repeat! You are granted permission to engage in combat!" Shino repeated, looking to Aizawa. "This is what you want, right, Eraser?" Shino asked, "Don't be defeated while we still don't know what's going on, future heroes!" Aizawa stated, only to realize once Deku left that he forget to tell him something. Deku heads to Shino telling her to relay another piece of crucial information.

"We have discovered
one of the villains' targets. It is one of the students --"Kacchan"!" Shino stated.

"Bakugo?" Eijiro shouted.

"It's Bakugo?!" Iida shouted. Sue and Shinji looked to one another, both becoming really worried. "We need to find those three now." Sue said, "I'm right behind ya." Shinji nodded, the two rushing away through the forest. They had been lucky as to not encounter a villain but they had no clue what was going on with Itsuki or with Miyuki, which worried them both.

"Kacchan should try to avoid combat and acting independently." Shino advised.

"Bakugo..." Eijiro thought.

"Please be alright, Miyu. Please.. I can't bare the thought of losing you to a villain. And Bakugo.. You have to be careful." Sue thought to herself, as she and Shinji ran through the forest looking for the trio.

"Understand, "Kacchan"?!" Shino asked.

"Stop making so much noise in my head! You shouldn't worry about me! Worry about Miyuki! I can handle myself!" Bakugo rushes Moonfish, who uses his quirk to attack with his teeth. Todoroki narrowly saves Bakugo from the attack with his ice, Miyuki now on his back. "Don't go rushing carelessly into anything." Todoroki stated, holding onto Miyuki. "I have to follow... I have to do my job..." Moonfish muttered.

"Did you hear that earlier? She said you're being targeted!" Todoroki stated, looking a bit fed up with Bakugo and his attitude.

"That damn Deku did something,
I just know it. Saying "Fight" then "Don't fight"! I don't give a damn what anyone says." Bakugo snapped, he was irritated with the whole situation. He was also stressed because he was worried for Miyuki's sake.

"He's good at using the terrain with his Quirk." Todoroki pointed out.

"Even though he just looks
like some scrawny small fry. You bastard!"

"Looks like he's got a lot of experience." Todoroki thought.

"Show me... your flesh..." Bakugo tries to close in on Moonfish, but his blades keep Bakugo at a distance. Sending another attack, Todoroki uses his ice to keep Moonfish at bay, causing Moonfish to move around the trees. With both boys firing off attacks, Todoroki becomes worried about something. "If you use any large flames around here and the fire spreads, we'll be surrounded by flames, and everyone will die. Do you get it?" Todoroki warned, "Shut up! I know!" Bakugo snapped, looking annoyed.

"Even if we try to retreat, there's gas...They're obviously trying
to drive us into a corner... Miyuki.. Please.. You have got to wake up.. Why do you have such strange marks on your skin, where did they come from?" Todoroki silently thought, as he jumped back from an attack headed his way.


"I'm going to ask this again and you better answer me this time. What are you doing here, Souta?" Itsuki snapped, he hated Souta with all of his heart. Having heard stories of how horrible Souta was, to seeing the awful things he did while he feuded with his Dad was something that traumatized him from a young age. Now, Itsuki never blamed his father for anything. He didn't hate him either. He just misses his father, and now he was dealing with someone who tortured his Dad during their feud. Itsuki had only encountered Souta once, he was about 11 when it happened. He was lucky that All Might and Aizawa were around his area that day, otherwise it would have ended badly for Itsuki. "You know... I ran into your sister earlier." Souta smirked, keeping a calm demeanor. Itsuki let out a growl, not appreciating the tone Souta was using.


"She and her friends had a tough time trying to beat me. But I gotta say.. She packs one hell of a wallop. I can't believe just how powerful she is. She probably surpasses Winterbullet and Nitrogirl."

"Why are you here?"

"I came to say hi to a dear old friend." Souta said. "An old friend? I wouldn't say that we are even friends, you asshole. You tried to kill me when I was 11. Are you here for Bakugo?" Itsuki questioned, balling up his fists. He hated the thought of Souta going after another child, he had seen what Souta was capable of when he himself was being hunted by villains.

"Oh god no." Souta cracked a laugh, causing Itsuki to look at him in confusion. "Then what did you come here for?" Itsuki snapped, growing frustrated as Souta only continued to laugh. "I can't believe you thought I came here for that Hot Head... You really are stupid, aren't you? You really don't know what I came here to do?" Souta asked, calming himself down. Itsuki's eyes widened when he suddenly realized that Souta had come for Miyuki and him, which didn't settle with him very well. "You see, Itsuki. I came here cause my boss wanted to get back at someone who he needs information from. And that person just happens to care about you and your sister a lot. So I was sent here as a way of telling him to spill his guts or it's bye bye to you two." Souta explained.

"You mean...?"

"Oh, yes.. Itsuki. Your father is alive. And my boss has him." Itsuki stood in complete shock hearing this, he couldn't believe it at all. This angered him since he thought that Souta was only playing Mind games with him, which he really didn't like. "You're lying." Itsuki charged at Souta, who only smirked and caught Itsuki's fist. The two had a stare down, as a crater formed underneath the two and the impact causes a large breeze.

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