Chapter 40

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3rd person's pov

Bakugo.." Bakugo looked up at Miyuki, hearing his name called softly from her. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked, Miyuki wasn't facing him. Instead, she had been looking out of the window, a tear rolled down her cheek as she turned her head to Bakugo who had looked down and then back up at her. "Why did Itsuki lie to me? Why did he abandon me?" Bakugo's eyes widened slightly from shock, as tears poured down Miyuki's cheeks. For the first time, Bakugo was seeing just how affected Miyuki was from losing her parents and learning of Itsuki being her older brother. Bakugo knew that there were no words he could say that would make her feel better in this situation, he stood up and sat down on the bed next to Miyuki, who was crying at the moment. Bakugo wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as he just listened to her crying, and although, he felt a bit nervous about doing this... He still wanted to comfort his best friend, which he never had a problem with at all. "I don't think he meant to lie to you, Miyu. For as long as I can remember, Itsuki has always looked out for your best interest... Miyu, I'm sorry he hurt you. I'm sorry for not realizing the truth." Bakugo rocked Miyuki slightly back and forth, this was an old trick that he had learned from the time that Miyuki and he had become friends. He had no clue what could make her feel better but at that moment, he knew he needed to just be there for her.

Meanwhile, everyone else had been gathered up in the monitoring room, watching the last minutes of Yuga and Uraraka's match. The two were currently facing Pro Hero Thirteen, who was using her quirk against them. The two of them were hanging from a post, trying not to get swept up in Thirteen's attack. Uraraka kept thinking, trying to find a way for them to get out of this. "Think! Think about how to get out of this! Think! What would Deku do in a time like this?" Uraraka thought to herself, "Hey." Yuga looked over to Uraraka, "Hold on! Right now, I'm--" Uraraka started but she was cut off by Yuga, who suddenly smirked at her. "You were thinking about what Izuku Midoriya would do, weren't you?" Uraraka looked to Yuga shocked, "Do you...Like him?" He asked, this caused her to turn bright red. Uraraka let go of the rail, flying towards Thirteen who didn't expect it. The match ends promptly with Uraraka and Yuga winning the match, Sue loudly cheered for the two as she watched from her room.

"What are you so happy about?" Shinji asked, walking into Sue's room. He was eating a lollipop, which he also seemed to be doing whenever they saw him. Sue always had wondered to herself Shinji was always sucking on a lollipop. 

"Uraraka and Yuga just passed their exam. Do you know if Miyuki is doing okay?" Sue asked, as she sat up straight. "Well, she just found out that Itsuki was her older brother. Izuku knew about it too. I doubt that she is anywhere near okay at the moment." Shinji said, handing Sue a water bottle before sitting down in the seat next to her bed. "That is crazy... I always suspected that Itsuki was related to Miyuki, especially with how he acts with her sometimes. I can't believe that Itsuki is her older brother." Sue let out a small chuckle in disbelief as she took the water bottle from Shinji, ever since he had transferred over to class 1-A, Sue has been very interested in him. Shinji had to take a written exam and since he had joined late in the class, he was going to fight against Itsuki to test him like the others. His exam was going to take place right after Toru and Mezo's exam, but he wasn't nervous. At this point, Miyuki had calmed down and was watching the match with Todoroki and Bakugo. Bakugo had gotten her to calm down, just as Todoroki had come in to check on her. He had been worried about Miyuki's initial response to finding out about Itsuki's real identity. Miyuki kept quiet, not in the mood for talking. Todoroki sat beside Miyuki on the bed, holding her hand tightly which did not go unnoticed by Bakugo. He seemed to be annoyed at the fact that Todoroki was being so touchy with Miyuki, it made him a little jealous. Keyword, jealous.

At Field Gamma, Denki and Mina strategize to take out the principal, "Denki, what do you want to do?" Mina asked, looking over towards him. "Run. Even if we're found, the principal's small, so I should be able to take care of him with my electricity." As Denki and Mina keep talking, they heard a strange noise causing the two to panic a bit. Principal Nezu was currently operating a large crane from a safe distance from them, knocking down buildings behind them. "What's that sound?" Mina asked, "It's not the principal... is it?" Denki asked, before watching an entire building go down. "Run!" Denki shouted as the two take off, Denki could tell something was off. "Denki, what's going on?" Mina asked, not sure of what was happening. "I dunno, but I'm sure the principal's behind it!" Mina and Denki run towards the escape gate, but Principal Nezu was a step ahead of them. 

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