Boku No Hero Halloween Special #3 (Part 2)

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Miyuki's pov

I kept my eyes locked on the setting sun, which was outside of the window I was standing in front of. Bakugo, Iida and I were traveling to the CDC to see if there was a cure to this disease that had broken out. But along the way, we ran into massive trouble. The three of us were running as fast as we could, behind us was a large horde and they wanted to infect us so bad. "How in the hell are they so damn fast?!!!" Iida asked, "I have no clue!!! There's no way they can be so well adapted to the people who have quirks this fast!!" I shouted, "Screw this!!! I'm done running away like some damn coward!!" Bakugo shouted, becoming extremely pissed off. He suddenly stopped running, which made Iida and I come to a stop. "Bakugo, what the hell are you doing?!!! You're going to get yourself bitten!! Come on!!" I snapped, watching as the horde got closer to us. "No!! I'm done running!!! I'm not going to keep running away like some coward who can't protect himself! Howitzer Impact!!!" Bakugo exploded the surrounding area, causing all the zombies to get thrown back in the blast. Iida and I covered our faces as the smoke blew past us, I let out a yelp when I was suddenly grabbed which made me panic. I immediately went on the attack and flipped the  person over, seeing that it was a zombie. With the impact of the slam, the zombie passed out which put me at ease. I let out a sigh of relief, happy that I wasn't in anymore danger. But just as I relaxed, I was grabbed by the arm causing me to help loudly as I was dragged. I heard Iida's voice and through the smoke, I could see that he was also being dragged along with me. When I looked ahead of me, I saw Bakugo's spiky blonde hair which let me know that it was him who was dragging the two of us with him. He turned a corner, dodging a random zombie which launched themselves at him. Another one jumped out at me, but I kicked it harshly in the stomach and blasted it with fire. We managed to get down another few blocks, using our quirks to keep the zombies from jumping us while we ran. Bakugo then suddenly pulled Iida and I into a house, which was empty. "Help me get the door barricaded!!" Bakugo shouted, slamming the door and locked it. Iida and I quickly grabbed onto a couch and pushed it towards the door, we blocked the front door, the back door. We then covered all of the windows, making sure that none of the zombies outside could see us in here. I heard groans coming from outside, Bakugo, Iida and I stopped what we were doing and quickly ducked down keeping our mouths shut. My mismatched eyes met Bakugo's red ones, my eyes filled with concern and fear. He grabbed my hand, telling me that we were okay. A few minutes go by, the three of us sitting in complete silence as the horde finally passed the block and everything went quiet. We stayed silent for a while, hoping that the horde wasn't going to come back. After a few minutes, we all let out a sigh of relief and finally stood up. I smacked Bakugo on the back of the head, making him cringe.

"What the hell was that for?!!" He snapped, rubbing the back of his head.

"Because what you did back there was really, really STUPID!! You could have gotten bitten or overwhelmed very easily with that huge horde back there! I mean what the hell were you even thinking?!!" I shouted at him.

"I was tired of running from that horde!! We are training to become Proud Heroes!! Why in the world should we run? Besides, I can handle myself very well. You know that!"

"You very well could have gotten yourself killed!! Do you think I would want to see that?! Iida would have to drag me out of there if something had happened to you!" I panicked, tears growing in my eyes. Bakugo stopped arguing with me when he noticed the tears in my eyes, "Miyu.." Iida started, "No! I have no clue if Deku and Todoroki are alive! I don't know if Inko is even still alive at this point! We have no clue if anyone else is still out there! And you two are the only ones I have left right now! I'm not losing either one of you, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Especially you, Bakugo! You are my best friend! I'm not losing you because you decided to do something incredibly stupid that puts your life at risk!! I'm not losing you!!" I snapped, tears streamed down my face as I stared at him.

"Miyuki.." Iida sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I made you worry." Bakugo sighed, he rubbed his face and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sure that, that idiot Deku and Todoroki are still out there. And Inko is fine. I promise, I'm not going anywhere."  He held me tightly, as I wrapped my arms around him. We stayed like this for a few minutes before we finally pulled apart and I had finally calmed down. "We should keep moving. That horde could come back through here at any time. And this house won't keep us safe." Iida suggested, "That's not a good idea." I shook my head, "I agree with Miyuki." Bakugo said, crossing his arms as he took a seat on the couch that was placed in front of the door. "What happens if we leave this house and that horde comes back around the corner? We can get stuck out there and overwhelmed too quickly. You saw the size of that horde, Iida." I said, "She's right. We leave the house, that horde could come back and we'll be stuck." Bakugo said.

"The votes outweigh yours, Iida. We have to stay here. We can move in the morning." I said.

"Alright. Alright, fine. We'll stay. We'll move in the morning. For now, we can just stay here and see what this place has to eat." Bakugo and I nodded, the three of us sitting down to make a plan.

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