Chapter 53

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Miyuki's pov

My whole world stopped when Todoroki said that the villains were after Bakugo, my eyes trailed over to him as he dodged Moonfish's attack. I couldn't lose him. Not him as well.. I suddenly felt a jolt of pain in my side, making me hiss loudly. "Miyuki, what's wrong?" Todoroki looked back at me, concern in his eyes. Todoroki wouldn't let me on my feet, fearing that I might pass out again. "I'm fine. For now, we need to get him away from them. I'm not letting these assholes touch Bakugo." I said, ignoring the pain but I could feel my heart race beat loudly in my chest and I knew something was wrong. Something was wrong with Itsuki. I looked out across from me, watching Bakugo dodge Moonfish. He landed right next to Todoroki finally noticing that I was awake, "Miyuki, thank god you're awake." He sighed in relief, keeping himself calm as the two of us locked eyes with one another. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!!! You hear me!! I thought you were dying, you dumb idiot!!" He shouted, making me chuckle and smile at him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I worried you both." Just before Todoroki could say anything, Moonfish attacked us again. Todoroki quickly dodged his attack, landing a few feet away with Bakugo landing beside us. "I can't get near him, damn it!" Bakugo snapped, "The only thing I can do is blast him with everything I've got..." Bakugo added, looking over at the two of us. "You can't!" Todoroki said, looking over at him. "If the trees burn, just cover them with ice right after!" Bakugo said, "This is insane." I sighed, Todoroki dodged another attack and used his ice to keep him away from Bakugo. "What happened to you, Miyuki? You passed out without giving us any warning." Todoroki asked, "I was in a lot of pain. There is another villain after me... But not just me. They are after Itsuki too. When I passed out... I woke up in my mind.. And I went to the cabin to look for my mom.. You know, since she lives in there.. But she wasn't there." I said, making the two of them looking at me. "Who was there?" Bakugo and I made eye contact, "My Dad. He was there.. He explained how he managed to get into my mind and it's a long story that we have no time to explain since there's a villain after you. Short story, my Dad is being held by another villain and he doesn't know where he's being held. The spots you saw on my body are from one of the villain's quirks. He basically was able to use some sort of body link to connect my Dad, Itsuki and I so we feel everything that happens to one another. I passed out from the pain, because I felt what they were doing to my Dad." I explained, "You saw your Dad?" Our heads snapped to our left, spotting Deku and a few other of our classmates. Then we all noticed the dark shadow, which had been chasing them and I realized that it was Tokoyami.

"Midoriya? Shouji?" Todoroki asked.


"And Tokoyami?"

I became nervous as I saw that Tokoyami could not control his quirk, I then noticed that Deku was severely injured and it worried me. Before I had the chance to say something, I let out a large hiss of pain which got everyone's attention. "Miyu, what's wrong?" Deku asked, "It's Itsuki.. He's in trouble. I have to go to him. Todoroki, let me down." I sucked in my teeth, trying to ignore the pain. "No, no. No way. You are not leaving. Not after the pain made you pass out." Bakugo said, shaking his head.

"You passed out? What pain is he talking about?" Deku looked to me, concern laced in his eyes.

"This is not about me right now. What's wrong with Tokoyami?!" I looked over at Shouji, "We need to make light! Now!! Tokoyami is out of control." Moonfish goes after Dark Shadow, but becomes trapped under one of his arms. With me still being on Todoroki's back, he was hesitant to put me down and instead got ready to attack to help Dark Shadow.

"Indiscriminate attacks, huh? Alright, I'll use my flames..." Todoroki started, "Wait, idiot!" Bakugo cut him off, making me look over at Moonfish.

"Flesh... Piece of meat.... It's no good... I can't allow it... I'm the only one who's allowed to look at a cross-section of those kids... Don't steal them from me...!" Dark Shadow and Moonfish go at it, until Dark Shadow completely overwhelmed him and defeats him. Dark Shadow launcher himself full speed at Moonfish,  managing to break his teeth and send him flying farther in the forest. Bakugo, Todoroki and I immediately use our quirks to create light and weaken Dark Shadow, so he could return to normal form.

"Sorry, Shoji. You, too, Midoriya... I was too immature... I let my anger take over and released Dark Shadow... The influence of the darkness and my anger spurred on that guy. In the end, it got so strong that I couldn't hold it back and ended up hurting Shoji." Tokoyami apologized, I shook my head at him as I looked over at Deku. He really was in bad shape, just what in the world did he do to himself? "We can leave that for later. That's what you would say, right?" Todoroki looked over at Deku, "Oh, right! We confirmed that one of the villains' targets is Kacchan." Deku said.

"Bakugo?" Tokoyami asked, "Are they trying to kill him? Why?"

"I don't know." Deku shook his head, "Yeah, well... They can't have him." I said, making everyone look to me.


"No! I'm not letting these assholes target my best friend and my brother."

"Wait, they are after Itsuki too?" Shouji asked.

"No, there is another villain here. We ran into him earlier but he is after Itsuki and I. Right now, I have pretty safe bet that Itsuki is fighting him right now. We need to keep them both from those villains." I said, ignoring another wave of pain hitting my body. "You're right. We need to keep them both safe. Especially since Kacchan is right here and they want him. I think camp is the safest place since there are two pros, Vlad King and Mr. Aizawa, there." Deku suggested, "I see. So now our mission is to escort Bakugo there, huh?" Tokoyami questioned, looking at Deku.

"But at the clearing, the Pussycats are still fighting. Going back on the path would bring us to the attention of the villains, and we'd lose time. We should cut straight across." He suggested.

"We don't know how many villains there are. We might come across one suddenly." Todoroki said, "He's right." I nodded, leaning forward against Todoroki's back.

"We can use Shoji's search ability. And we have Todoroki's freezing, and if Tokoyami's okay with it, an invincible Dark Shadow with built-in controls..." Deku rambled, "What about me? I can help too." I said, "No. No way." Todoroki shook his head, "Yeah, I hate to say this but I agree with Half and Half bastard. You are not doing anything." Bakugo shook his head, making me gape at them both.

"And why not?!! I am fine!!! I can help!" I argued, "And you are in constant pain! With what you told both of us, I'm not comfortable letting you fight villains if that means that you are much more at risk to getting seriously injured." Todoroki said, "Honestly, with this group, we could probably even go up against All Might." Deku stated, shrugging his shoulders slightly. "What's with you guys?!" Bakugo questioned, he was not happy about this. Neither was I. I didn't want to sit on the sidelines, I wanted help them fight.

"You walk in the middle." Todoroki directed Bakugo, who only seemed angry. "Don't protect me, you scum!" Bakugo snapped, making me sigh.

"Let's go!" Todoroki ignored Bakugo's complaints, which only further annoyed Bakugo. "Don't ignore me!" I chuckled lightly, shaking my head as we started walking.

"Make sure you keep up." Todoroki said.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugo snapped.

"Get everyone back safely. If we do that, then we win..." Deku thought to himself. "Please... Please, Itsuki.. Just be okay." I thought.

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