Christmas Special

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Miyuki's pov

I was so excited, Christmas was finally here which only added more to my excitement. Today was the last day of school before break so we were getting out a little earlier than normal, I was so excited that I couldn't really cover it up. I was walking to school alone since Deku had left a little earlier than me, I sighed not knowing if Bakugo would like his present. I had gotten Denki, Eijiro, Sue, Iida, Uraraka and Todoroki a gift they were all wrapped in a bag. I had given Deku his gift this morning and he had left mine in my room, I was brought to tears when I opened the gift. He had gotten me a locket with a picture of our family, I held it tightly as I thought of what Bakugo would think of his gift. I got him a large hoodie which really did fit his personality, I just hoped he liked it.

"Miyu!!!" I lifted my head to see Denki standing with Eijiro outside of the school, "Hey guys.. What are you doing out here?" I asked, as I walked to them. "We were waiting for you. What's in the bag?" Eijiro asked, "I'll tell when we get in the classroom. Is Bakugo here yet?" I asked, looking around. "Yeah, I think he is." Eijiro, Denki and I made our way to class.

As soon as I took my seat, I was bombarded with questions by the two of them. So I pulled their gifts out of my bag and handed it to them, "I got you guys something... I really didn't mind. I hope you like them." Denki smiled brightly taking the gift out of my hands as Eijiro ruffled my hair. "Wow, Miyu.. You really are a sweetheart! No wonder many guys fall for you." I blushed a bit at his comment as he chuckled.

"Oh don't tease her, Eijiro." Denki chuckled as I groaned knowing he was only trying to mess with me. "Hey guys!" I shifted my eyes up to see Sue and Deku standing together. "Hey, what's up? And why is Miyu blushing?" Iida leaned closer to my face and instead of answering, I shoved his gift in his face. "What's this?" He took the box and inspected it, "Your Christmas present." I gave Sue hers and sat back down.

"Miyuki!" I lifted my head to see Bakugo, "Hey, Bakugo. Oh wait.. I have something for you." I gave him his gift, which he took but looked surprised. "It's not much. But I got you something." I lightly blushed and looked away from him, as I spotted Todoroki taking his seat. Before I could go give him his gift, Mr. Aizawa spoke up.

"As you all know today is the last day of school before you go on break. But that doesn't mean that you're training should be put on hold. However, today, we'll be taking it easy. You can make Christmas cards and whatnot." Everyone in the class cheered, as Aizawa sighed. "I'm going to sleep so don't disturb me, unless it's an emergency." I chuckled, as he had already wrapped himself in his sleeping bag.

And with that, Deku and the others pushed their desks over to where I was sitting. "Hey, uhh.... Todoroki... I kinda got you something. It's not a big deal if you don't like it but I really hope you do." I handed him his gift, as he gave me a look of shock. "You didn't have to get me anything." He finally found his voice, "Well, I wanted to. It was honestly no problem." I gave him a small smile. "Thank you, I really appreciate it. Eijiro is right about you being a sweetheart." I blushed red and quickly hid my face, making Eijiro crack up. "You guys are so wrong for making fun of her." Uraraka spoke up, but I could tell that she was smiling as well.

"So what are you guys doing for Christmas? Are you going out of town?" Iida asked, as everything had come to a calm.

"Nah, mom said this year our family dinner would be here instead of the U.S." Sue explained.

"What about you, Bakugo?" I cut out a tree shaped decoration for my card and looked over to him. "What's it matter to you four eyes?" I sighed, shaking my head.

"Well, Uraraka and I were thinking... If you guys don't have anything to do, that we can have a sleepover party." Iida explained with a smile.

"Oh hell yeah, I totally in!" Denki high fived Eijiro, making me laugh.

"I guess I can come. Not that it matters. It'll probably be boring anyways." Bakugo shrugged his shoulders. "I'll come." Todoroki stated.

"What about you two?" Uraraka asked.

"Yeah, we'll be there. When is it though?" Deku quirked an eyebrow. "Later today, we can all spend Christmas at my place." Iida explained, making me drop the scissors. "We'll be there." Sue smiled brightly, making me shake my head.

Three hours later....

"Wow, Iida! Your house is amazing!" Sue shouted as she held her bright blue bag. After school, everyone had gone home and packed a bag for the sleepover party. Although Mom was saddened by us not being there, she let us spend time with our friends.

"Come on, I'll show you guys where we're gonna be for the night." Iida motioned so we followed him into another room, it was nicely decorated and the Christmas tree was to the side of the room. Their tree was huge, ours wasn't as big but it was still nicely decorated.

"Hey guys!" I smiled as Denki gave us a wave and headed over to us, "You guys can put your bags over here." I turned to a corner, seeing multiple duffel bags piled up and smiled as I set my stuff down.

"All right, now that everybody is here! Let's get this party started." Eijiro shouted, making me crack a smile. I shook my head, as I took my jacket off and set down before walking over to the rest of my friends.

"Bakugo, who gave you that sweatshirt?" Denki asked and Bakugo immediately blushed, causing Eijiro and Denki to tease him. "Hey!! What are you idiots teasing me about?!!" Bakugo shouted in agitation, as Sue made a small noise. "I think I know who it was. But if I'm correct, then why are you blushing Bakugo?" Sue teased with a sly look on her face, I sat down next to Todoroki and laughed as Bakugo only got angrier with their teasing. "It's none of your business!" He shouted at the three, who were cracking up entirely while he had a large blush on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh at the scene going on in front of me, it was so cute to see Bakugo being teased about a sweatshirt. "Hey!! Why are you laughing?!! You're not supposed to be encouraging their teasing!!" He shouted, making me laugh harder as I learned onto Todoroki. "I think Bakugo is right. Besides you are the one who got him that sweatshirt." I stopped laughing and glared daggers at Iida, "What?!" Denki and Eijiro cracked up even more, making me glare at those two while Bakugo looked satisfied that they were no longer bothering him but now onto me. 

"Will you two shutup?!!" I shouted, losing my cool which only made the entire group laugh. A blush appeared across my cheeks, as I growled at them for laughing even more. This was just great, now they have to bother me too. All I did was give Bakugo a sweatshirt, why was it such a big deal? "That growl won't harm anybody." Eijiro waved it off, "Want me to try something else then?" I growled out lighting my hand on fire, which made him stop laughing and grow pale.

"That's what I thought." I smiled sweetly and I let the fire disappear from my hand.

"Whoa, who knew a sweet girl as yourself can very terrifying when it comes down to teasing?" Todoroki spoke, making me blush even redder and this only got the others to laugh. "Will you stop laughing at me?!!" I shouted in agitation.

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