Chapter 33

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Miyuki's POV

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I dodged two kicks sent by Itsuki and slid backwards across the park. I managed to get out of the hospital and fully recover from my wounds with the fight from Stain, so I left the same day as Iida. I visited Deku regularly in the hospital and learned from my talks on the phone with Bakugo that he was doing okay, apparently he had a run in with Sue and it wasn't good. Itsuki had been relentlessly training me since I got out, because he didn't want me to fall behind. I kept my guard up as I kept an eye on Itsuki, he was very good at using his quirk which only put more pressure on me to learn how to better use my fire quirk.

Sweat rolled down the side of my temple as I managed to duck quickly, dodging a kick from Itsuki. I used this opportunity to launch myself at Itsuki, who dodged me and threw a punch. He had been drilling me on hand to hand combat, using mostly my fire instead of my ice. I kicked up sand, causing a small cloud to surround both of us and used it to my advantage. During the time I spent training with Itsuki, I studied a lot of his moves and started using them myself. "Is that all you've got?!" Itsuki shouted, turning up the heat during the fight.


"Man, you really have become a lot stronger since the first time we fought.." Itsuki panted, we were currently laying in the grass looking up at the sky. "Well, it's thanks to you that I became stronger. You're a pretty good teacher." I stated, slightly looking over at him. "I had good teachers..." He trailed off, I knew it was a touchy subject so I dropped it. "What should we do now? We've been training so much, what do you want to do now?" I asked Itsuki, hoping he would be happy to give me a break.

"I was thinking we should head to the mall... It's time we revamp your clothing style and your hero suit." He sat up quickly, looking to me. "Alright, I can agree with that. Besides we've been non-stop training all week." I let out a small sigh of relief, sitting up straight.

We headed to the mall and once we got there, Itsuki dragged me everywhere. Into many different stores, which gained us a lot of attention after people started recognizing both of us. "Ahhhh!! He's so cute!!! I can't believe Pro Hero Itsuki is here!" A fangirl screamed, which caused all the girls in the store to stop what they were doing. "Oh, this can't be good." Itsuki let out a small sigh, before putting on a big smile which plastered itself on his face. I could tell he seemed a little uncomfortable that so many girls were staring at him the way they were, but I could sense a hint of cockiness which was something I hated in guys. "Uh, Pro Hero Itsuki.... Can you sign my book please?" We easily got surrounded by many girls in less than a minute, which made me anxious. I hated groups this size, I had a slight problem with claustrophobia. "No, he's signing mine first." Another girl pushed her way towards him, I stepped a little closer towards him not liking how tense everything was becoming. "Girls.. girls.. I'll sign both of your books. But I can't sign everything, I'm here with my mentee today. I'm planning to spend all day with her, just the two of us. I have to help her become a pro hero like her older brother." When he said that, all the girls attention turned to me some of the girls sent me glares while others looked genuinely happy. I registered what Itsuki stated, as he quickly signed the girls books. "Pro Hero Itsuki, I love you so much!!! Can I please have your autograph?" Another girl asked, pretty soon the amount of girls surrounding us became a lot worse. Two girls started arguing at the front near us, which caused the whole group to argue and made me tense.

"Hey!! That's not fair!! Why does she get to spend the whole day with you?!!" A girl pointed out, "Wait a minute.... That's #3 Pro Hero Nitrogirl and Winterbullet's daughter!!!" A girl from my right shouted, causing attention to go to me again. There were looks of jealousy but most of the ones I saw, were looks of admiration and awe. "Can I please have your autograph?!!" The same girl who initially pointed me out shoved her pen and notebook towards me, but this action caused an uproar in the entire storefront. The whole group started pushing and shoving, which made me freak. "Bye girls!" Itsuki grabbed me by the waist, throwing me over his shoulder and took off running out of the store. He had the shopping bags, hanging around his right arm while his left arm secured me on his shoulder. I looked up seeing that the crowd had grown ten times bigger, I guess more people heard that the famous #1 Pro Hero of America was hanging with the semi famous #3 Pro Hero's kid. "Itsuki, we have a problem!!" I patted his back quickly, trying to catch his attention.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice was steady despite the amount of running he was doing. "That crowd grew a lot bigger and they're chasing after us full throttle! And what about my hero suit?!" Itsuki picked up speed, knowing that he wouldn't be able to stop the crowd. "We can shop for your hero costume later!! We're getting out of here!" He ran down the escalator, which was going down and quickly passed by people in a flash. The crowd had slowed down, due to the fact that we had run down the escalator. Itsuki still ran, turning a corner to head into a different store when he bumped right into something. I nearly fell off his shoulder but he had a tight grip on me, the other person hit the ground and made a large thud. "Owww, man that hurt." I instantly recognized the voice, I turned my head and spotted Shinji on the floor.

He must have been who we bumped into, "Shinji, what are you doing here?" I asked, looking at him as he stood up with Itsuki's help. "Shopping for a family member.. Why were you running so fast and why is Itsuki carrying you?" He asked, scratching the back of his head as he looked from Itsuki to me. "We were shopping to revamp her style and some fan girls found out we were here. They went nuts and now are chasing u--" Itsuki was cut off when we heard someone shouting down the hallway, which never really meant well.

"They went this way!" I looked back over Itsuki's shoulder, letting out a little yelp when the crowd came from around the corner. "Oh good god," Shinji's eyes widened as he looked at the size of the crowd, he must have been surprised at the amount of people that were chasing us. "Come on! They saw you with us, they'll come after you too." Itsuki grabbed Shinji's arm and dragged him with us, as he ran out of the mall. Once we got far enough, he put me down on my feet and let go of Shinji. For some odd reason, the thing he said earlier to the first group of girls was still on my mind.

"I have to help her become a pro hero like her older brother."

But what the hell did he mean like my older brother? In fact, he seemed to be very sensitive when it came to the subject of my parents. I was starting to get the feeling that he was hiding something very big from me, which I really didn't like. I liked Itsuki, he naturally felt like an older brother to me. Wait a minute..... If All Might and everyone else knew I had an older brother, why didn't I? Was he missing? Why did I get the feeling that Itsuki could be my older brother? There were so many things that pointed to him being my sibling, especially after we met at the school. He's always been around, even when I was younger. He treats Deku, Inko and I as if we're family and he seems to look to Inko as a mom. Not only that but that picture I saw in my dream, the picture of my parents and I with another kid. Dad was holding the other kid tightly and had this large grin on his face as he held Mom close him, Mom was also happy as she held onto me. The boy in the picture looked like Dad a lot, except the fact that he had heterochromia just like I did. I looked over at Itsuki, who was talking with Shinji and kept to my thoughts. The more I looked at him, the more I saw the resemblance of Dad which couldn't have been a coincidence at all. He also acted like he was my older brother, especially on the night we fought Stain.

He was more worried about me than himself which really didn't add up, he also had the exact same color eyes as me. Every chance Itsuki got, he seemed to be there to either cheer me on, cheer me up or take care of me. He treated me like I was his little sister, which was odd. When I asked Deku who Itsuki was to me, he said he was just a family friend but I had a feeling he was much more to me. For as long as I can remember, he's always been around to help raise me. I thought he could have just been an uncle but that wasn't the case when everyone kept bringing up my older brother, the one I never knew about.

Is Itsuki my brother, the one I never knew about? And if he is then why is he hiding it from me? Did Deku or Bakugo know about him being my missing brother? But more importantly, did Inko know?

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