Chapter 11

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3rd person's pov

A loud scream pierced the air, echoing across the training grounds. "What was that?" Tsuyu asked, but Deku recognized that scream to be Miyuki's. "Miyu.... Where did you end up?" Deku thought as Tsuyu, himself and Mineta left the shipwreck area. They made a plan as to where they should head and decided to get to the exit, avoiding the central plaza. The central plaza was currently where Aizawa was battling a bunch of villains, "Him doing this by himself, is going to wear him out soon. We should try to help him." Tsuyu and Mineta nodded and they made their way towards the central Area.

Meanwhile, at the landslide area Todoroki has frozen all of his villains. "These villains that Kurogiri and the other one who accompanied them are nothing but small time thugs." Two villains try to get the drop on him, but he easily dodges them and freezes them up to their necks. "If you remain frozen, you both could die from Hypothermia. I will unfreeze you, if you give me some information about the plan to kill All Might." Todoroki offers as he stands over them.

Around the same time at the mountain zone, Denki, Momo and Jirou are surrounded by villains. Both Momo and Jirou take out villains with weapons made from Momo's quirk. "Denki, you alright up there?" Momo shouted up to him, "Yeah, but my quirk isn't effective in this type of situation. My quirk uses by surrounding my body with electricity but if I shoot, I risk friendly fire." Denki explained as he took down another villain. Thinking quickly Jirou kicks Denki into a group of villains, electrocuting them. Momo uses her creation Quirk, to create a thick insulation sheet to protect her and Jirou. With no risk to his friends, Denki electrocutes the entire area and disables all the criminals. 

Back near the U.S.J entrance, Aizawa continues to repel villains attacks at the central Plaza until he is confronted by Shiragaki. He manages to damage Aizawa's elbow, who quickly retreats but it is challenged by a monstrous villain. Thirteen tries to use her Quirk to destroy Kurogiri, but he turns it on her and puts the Rescue Hero out of commission. Iida tries to escape through the exit, but Kurogiri cuts him off. Shoji grabs Kurogiri, giving Iida a path to the exit. Deku, Tsuyu and Mineta reach the Central Plaza only to find that their teacher has been defeated by the bio-engineered monster called, Nomu. Another loud scream is heard, which puts everyone at a panic. They couldn't tell who was screaming or where it was coming from. "Was that?" Denki turned over to that area, as a large explosion sounded and three buildings collapsed.

In the Ruins Building, both Eijiro, Sue and Bakugo are taking down villains of their own and finishing them off. "I want to go save our friends, they don't have offensive quirks like we do." Eijiro said worriedly, "They can handle the weaker villains. We should be focusing more, on taking out that damn guy with the warping quirk. If we do, it would trap all the other villains in the U.S.J." Bakugo explained calmly, "Bakugo is right about that. If we can take him down and trap the other villains we can focus of on that guy with the hands." Sue explained, "I'm impressed by your calm behavior, usually you would be yelling or something like that." Eijiro commented, "I am always calm and rational, you red spiky haired bastard!" Bakugo yelled, making Sue shake her head and sweat-drop.

Iida makes a mad dash for the exit, but Kurogiri remains hot on his tail. With the combined efforts of Uraraka, Sero and Sata, Kurogiri is held off long enough for Iida to escape and go find help. "Damnit, by allowing him to escape our plans are ruined." Shiragaki warps back to Tomura's side and informs his boss that Thirteen had been taken care of, but he allowed a student to escape. "For now we'll retreat, but not before killing the rest of his students." Tomura charges towards Tsuyu, who is almost destroyed by his quirk but he is stopped by Aizawa. Trying to save his friend, Deku uses a smash on Tomura, but it is intercepted by Nomu. Deku notices that his arm wasn't broken as a result, but also that the attack had no effect on Nomu. Tomura attacks the students again, but they are saved by All Might's sudden arrival.

Back with Miyuki, she was still dealing with a whole group of villains. They managed to get some good hits on her, but she wasn't going down that easily. "I told you all to just quit it!!!" She slams her fists in the ground, covering it in ice and used her fire to collapse several buildings. Her outfit was torn, she had scratches on her face and arms but that wasn't all. One of the wounds was bleeding, although she tied it so that it didn't bleed badly. She was still in a lot of pain, but was now out of the earthquake area and making her way to the Central plaza. 

"Hey, get back here! We aren't done with you!!!" She turned her head, coming to a halt and swung around. "When will you guys ever learn to give up?! That's it!!!" She tornado kicks a few of them and uses her water manipulation to stop them. She runs again, trying to get there but keeps getting stopped. She is suddenly rammed into and hits the wall, bouncing off of it and landing on her stomach. "Why can't they go bug someone else?" She groans standing up but her eyes widened seeing as it was a man, who resembled her father. "Hi, sweetheart. It's your dad. I'm finally home." She shook head her, not believing him and stood up completely. "You aren't my father. So get away from me." She uses her ice to stop him, but he dodges it. "Oh, don't be like that to your dear old dad. Why don't you come with me? I can keep you safer than these people at U.A. can." Miyuki looks straight at him, seeing him hiding something behind his back and shakes her head. "I don't think so." She throws a powerful punch at him, with a combination of fire and ice before sending him flying elsewhere. Miyuki quickly dismisses what she felt and started running again.

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