Chapter 25

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Miyuki's pov

Deku was put in my bed, Recovery Girl thought that it was best if I wasn't in the room, so I walked around campus and ended up sitting up on the roof, just thinking. I knew missing Iida's fight wasn't cool, but I just couldn't be down there near everyone else. Tears fought their way into my eyes but I shook them off, I couldn't cry now. I had to be strong. But how was I supposed to be strong when all of this was my fault? Because of who my parents are and my quirks, a villain almost killed Sue. She was still unconscious laying in the bed next to Deku. When I first brought him in, Recovery Girl was surprised and scolded me for leaving, but I argued with her. I became really pissed off and looked over at Sue, before yelling at her to fix Deku the best she could and stormed out shoving past an unsuspecting Endeavor.

My hair blew softly in the wind with me as I kept myself from breaking down right then, I knew coming here was a good idea. Because nobody saw me come this way, they wouldn't know where to look for me. I touched a strand of my hair, seeing that my white hair color appeared on the ends of my blue side of my head. Could this have been a drawback that Deku's dad had warned me of earlier?

"Hey dad, wherever you are... Are you safe?" I looked up at the sky, as I wiped my eyes. "Miyuki, I thought I'd find you here." I didn't turn my head, because I already knew who it was. "What do you want?" I asked rather rudely and put my hand on the ground, causing ice to cover the floor of the roof. "I just want to talk." He said, but I put more ice on the floor for him to slip on. "No thank you, I want to be alone. So just leave." I heard him move forward towards me but before he could touch my shoulder, I made the area around me hot. This him reel his hand back in both shock and pain.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk. See how you were doing and all. I'm not really the kind of person to do this stuff. I'm not good with this kind of stuff." I kept my forward and didn't bother to look back at him. "I don't care, Shinji. Just leave me alone." My voice came out thick and hard, as I managed not to cry in front of him.

I heard him sigh and walk back towards the door, "Oh and Miyuki.. I didn't tell the others where you are. But they are worried about you. They uh.. Postponed the matches for now to fix the arena." I heard the door close behind him, I stepped off the ledge back onto the roof.

Moping around was something that Bakugo wouldn't want me to be doing but right now, I didn't care. I was so pissed and hurt, I knew that staying around the others was going to only hurt them. So I decided that I just needed to be alone. It was best for everyone's sake.

I walked back into the building and headed downstairs, back to the arena and sat in my seat. Iida's match was about to start, "Miyu, where have you been?!! We've been looking all over for you." Denki announced and I looked over at him, then looked away towards the arena. "Miyu, is there something wrong?" Momo asked, but I didn't answer and looked back down towards the match. Todoroki and Bakugo sat on either side of me, as we watched the match begin. Ibara Shiozaki from class 1-B was fighting against Iida, I knew he wasn't gonna let her win easily. She tried to use her vines to attack, but Iida uses his Reciprico Burst and quickly runs her out of the bounds to win the match. I knew he was going to win his match.

Next was Tokoyami's match, I was a bit excited to see what he would do with his quirk. But the match wasn't that long and he managed a quick victory over Mina, pushing her out of bounds. "Wow, he has overwhelming strength." Tsuyu and Minoru were commenting on the victory, Uraraka was worried about Deku's condition, I knew that he was going to recover just fine. Although his hand is what worried me, he must have seriously strained himself during his match but I was proud of him for trying so hard.

"Alright Eijiro, you're gonna go down there and give it your all." Denki stated, as I nodded in agreement. The two headed off to the arena, and I sat comfortably beside Todoroki. My mind began to wander off, as I sat there.

"What should I do if that guy shows up again? How did he know that I was the daughter of Nitrogirl and Winter Bullet? This can't be possible unless... He has a unique quirk like that." Eijiro's fist grazes Bakugo's cheek, cutting it open and counters it by using an explosion. It was interesting watching the two fight, as Eijiro uses his hardening quirk to draw out the match. "Should you be out and about like this? You should be in bed." I heard Uraraka speak, but I kept my eyes on the match. I didn't want to know who was standing there, "Oh hey Deku," I heard Iida say, "Congrats on your victory, Iida." I froze hearing Deku's voice and I slowly turned my head to look at him. "Miyu, I'm happy to see you're finally awake and all healed up." His smile made me look away from him, "I'm glad to see you're doing better. But in the future just be more careful with using your quirk." I spoke softly and quietly, before looking back at the match.

Bakugo and Eijiro keep fighting as Bakugo uses a series of explosions, but this time he caused a bit of damage to Eijiro's hard skin. He kept blasting him, until Eijiro fell unconscious. This only left Todoroki, Tokoyami, Bakugo and Iida. Iida left for his match with Todoroki, who was already somewhere down by the arena. I was quiet throughout Deku and Uraraka's conversation, because I didn't really have to heart to say anything to him. The match begins as Todoroki begins with trapping Iida between two rows of ice. He goes for another ice attack, but Iida dodges it and uses a standing long jump and activates his Reciprico Burst in midair. This amazed me.

Todoroki manages to block Iida's initial roundhouse kick but fails to dodge the attack coming from behind, due to the built up speed from Iida's first attack. Iida tries to carry Todoroki out of bounds making me shift in my seat, "Come on, Todoroki. You cannot let it end this way." I thought to myself as Iida suddenly stops moving. I look down to see that his engines had been covered with ice, Todoroki must have done that when he was first picked up. He freezes Iida's body completely, and I sat there a bit impressed. "Your reciprico burst was too fast to dodge." Todoroki admits and is then declared the winner.

"Wow, that was amazing!!" Uraraka exclaimed as I sat there in shock. I can't believe he won last like that. "You really are something else Shoto Todoroki." I gave a small smile and nodded, as people from the stands cheered.

I headed downstairs to go find Bakugo since his match was right after Todoroki and Iida's match was over, I wanted to wish him luck. I know he had a bit of a hard time fighting against Eijiro in the last battle but I also knew that he might be able to beat Tokoyami. "Miyuki..." I stopped walking, when I saw Todoroki standing in front of me.

"I meant to ask you when I got the chance, but why did you rush out to come get Deku when you were all bandaged up yourself after our match?" He asked. "I don't know. It's kinda like an instinct to protect him and since he was so badly injured I had to do something." I started to walk forward, but he spoke up again. "I know you must be feeling tired. You should rest. You look like you could use it." Nobody had seen that but him. Not even Deku could, "Go get some rest. I know you've had it rough for the past day and a half. You honestly need it. I know things are tough right now, but don't give up." I made eye contact with him.

"I know you're worried about Sue, but you don't have to be. You don't need to blame yourself for what happened, because it's not your fault. So don't be too hard on yourself. The worst part about being strong, is that nobody ever asks if you're okay. So I'll be the one to ask. Are you okay with everything that has happened? Are you really okay?" My eyes widened and a tear fell down my face, but I quickly wiped it away. I didn't want him to see me cry, "Yeah, I am now. Thanks Todoroki. I'm grateful." I smiled, as I wiped another tear away.

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