Chapter 41

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Itsuki's pov

I was surprised when Aizawa and All Might asked me to be the one that tested Shinji, at first I was reluctant to take the opportunity but after doing some more careful thinking, I decided to go with it. I knew that I was going to have a rough time against this kid, although nobody knew what he was capable of, I stayed wary of him. When I first met Shinji, I knew that there was something special about him and it wasn't his unique eye color. I could just tell that his quirk was something special, which is what I was very cautious of. I had heard from the teachers in Class 1-B, that Shinji was easily able to manipulate people especially if they didn't want to leave him alone. I knew that this was something that I was going to need to watch for during our match, which I was waiting for. With everything going on, I knew that my attention was not going to be preoccupied with my guilt over keeping the truth from my little sister, I needed to keep my focus on the upcoming fight. I wasn't nervous in the least bit, instead, I felt somewhat excited about this match. Other than battling Sue and my sister, Shinji was the only other person I have had the chance to have a proper fight with. "Hey, Itsuki." I looked over to my shoulder, spotting Denki and to my surprise, Sue was standing by his side as well. "Denki, Sue, what are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be resting, Sue?" I asked, turning my body towards the two. "Well, yeah... But I wanted to come to wish you luck on your fight with Shinji. None of us know exactly what he is capable of, so we wanted to wish you luck." Sue said, her arm had been bandaged up. "Thanks, Sue..." I trailed off, "Look, I know that you aren't too happy with yourself right now. I know that you are upset about what happened with Miyuki, but right now, you need to be able to focus on the exam with Shinji. If I were in your position, I would be just as upset with myself as you but I don't think Miyuki wants you to be unfocused going into this. If I know my best friend well, she would want you to focus on the exam." Denki spoke, his hands were in his pocket as he leaned against the wall. He had a look of both concern and encouragement on his face, "I'm surprised that neither of you is mad at me for lying to Miyuki." I said, shrugging my shoulders as I swept my blonde hair back. 

"Who says I'm not angry with you for hurting Miyuki's feelings? I'm just being civil because Miyuki probably doesn't want anyone to bother you for this." Denki said, making a face as he poked out his cheeks. I let out a small chuckle, as I sweatdropped at his behavior. 

"Yeah, okay." 

"Itsuki, you should head out to the exam room now. You don't want to be late," Aizawa said, walking over towards me. "Yeah, alright. I'll see you both after my exam." I gave them a nod, before looking over to Aizawa and walked away from the three. It didn't take me long to find the exam room and when I walked in, my eyes widened as I got a sudden feeling of deja vu. I walked around, scoping out the area as I familiarized myself with the set up. This was a large abandoned city like training ground, there were many places to hide and easily follow after my target. I scaled the largest building I could find and heard the bell for the exam to began, so I did what any sane superhero teacher would do and blew up the building. I moved quickly, tracking down Shinji, who was watching the area around him carefully. I stepped carefully, blowing another two buildings to Shinji's right up, using a technique that I didn't teach to Miyuki. I had created this special move when I was about sixteen, after dealing with a huge villain back in the United States. Over time, I was able to perfect the move so that I could blow up buildings just by firing a large fire ball at them. I could tell that he wasn't sure as to where it was coming from, but I could see that he was not panicking.

"I know you're there, Itsuki. You're the only one I know besides that hot head Bakugo, who can blow up an entire building." Shinji spoke, his voice was loud, clear and steady.

"Well, I guess there's no point in hiding from you.. Is there?" I stepped out of where I was hiding, standing in front of Shinji. He was wearing his hero costume, which looked pretty cool. He wore a short sleeved black buttoned up shirt, his pants were the same color as the shirt. He wore a brown belt, which a bunch of pockets running along his waist. He wore black fingerless gloves, which had brown leather armor coating it. I noticed that he had a long brown cape, which only looked like it would get in the way.
I wore one of my favorite versions of my hero costume, which is reserved for exams like this. Shinji and I stared at each other for a moment, completely silent. The wind blew by and once a few leaves blew past my feet, Shinji made his move. He sent a barrage of energy blasts at me, to which I carefully dodged. I kept my eyes on each one of the attacks he sent, knowing that I was going to have to find a way to keep him from getting past me. As I dodged the last set of energy blasts sent at me, Shinji disappeared right in front of my eyes. I was caught off guard that he suddenly disappeared but I didn't let it throw me off, I quickly took a step to my right and Shinji reappeared in the spot I was just standing in. I quickly threw a punch at him, which he quickly dodged but couldn't dodge the kick I sent. I landed a blow to his mid-section, this sent him flying backwards. He disappeared and I started to put pieces together as to what his quirk really was, he must have had two.

I sensed movement to the left, ducking quickly as Shinji's leg swung over my head. I used my hands to flip backwards, throwing my left leg up, hitting Shinji again. This time he flew backwards, hitting the wall to a nearby building. Shinji flew from out of the building, heading straight for me. He disappeared before he could land a punch on me, which made me look around. I didn't see him come from behind, I was kicked in the back which sent me hurtling forward.


Everyone watched the fight between Shinji and Itsuki closely, not wanting to miss a detail about any of it. Sue had left her room, stopping by the Miyuki's room before she ended up watching the exam from the monitor room with Uraraka and the others. Miyuki had not taken her eyes off the two on the screen, taking in everything that they were doing. She had a light grip on Todoroki's hand, who was sitting on the bed next to her. Todoroki gripped her hand with the same amount of force, keeping an eye on both the tv monitor and Miyuki. Bakugo could see the closeness of Todoroki and Miyuki, which he didn't like at all. Bakugo and Todoroki couldn't believe the fight between Itsuki and Shinji, they both could sense something weird about him which is what Deku initially picked up on. "He's got two quirks.. All his moves seem to be in tight formation, his fighting style is incredible. It's crazy that he can keep up with Itsuki, who's been at this longer than he has." Deku thought to himself, as he kept his gaze locked on Itsuki.

"That technique he used, I've never seen him use it before. Did he ever teach you how to do that?" Bakugo asked, looking over to Miyuki, who only shook her head in response. Miyuki was now calmer than earlier, so she wasn't as angry with Deku and Itsuki as before. Denki, who happened to be in the monitor room with Eijiro decided that he wanted to go visit Miyuki.

"Do you think she's okay?" Eijiro asked Denki, as the two walked down the hall towards Miyuki's room.

"I don't know, Eijiro. Deku said she was pretty upset when they told her. If I know one thing, Bakugo probably has been with her the whole time." Denki said, as the two reached Miyuki's room. To their surprise they saw Todoroki sitting on the bed beside Miyuki and they both noticed something strange, Todoroki and Miyuki were holding hands.

"Hey, what are you doing in here Todoroki?" Denki asked, "I've been in here since before my match. I came back to make sure that Miyuki was alright after learning about Itsuki." He explained, looking over at them. "So that's why you're hold her hand." Eijiro pointed out, making Miyuki blush as well as Todoroki. "You sly thing, you both are together aren't you?" Eijiro quirked an eyebrow at them, wearing a large smile. Miyuki blushed a brighter red, while Todoroki looked over to the two boys. Bakugo, who was silent the whole time, was actually fuming. "Yeah, Miyuki is my girlfriend. Do you two have a problem with that?" He asked, giving the two a somewhat harsh glare.

"Nah, man.. We're happy for you both. Right, Denki?" Eijiro asked, "Yeah, that's right. Besides you two look so cute together." Denki said with a large smile plastered on his face, he then looked to Bakugo, who didn't look to pleased with Miyuki and Todoroki being boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Oi, Kacchan. Why do you look so glum? Are you jealous of Todoroki  being in a relationship with Miyuki?" Denki asked, putting his hand on Bakugo's shoulder. "I ain't jealous of nothing, you idiot!"  Bakugo shouted, "Well, if you aren't jealous then why are you glaring so harshly at Todoroki and look like you want to kill him right now?" Eijiro pointed out, making Miyuki blush even more.

"SHUT UP, YOU RED HAIRED BASTARD! I told you I'm not jealous of anything." He shouted, making Eijiro and Denki back up a bit before the two cracked a smile.

"What are you two idiots smiling at?!"

Eijiro and Denki continued to tease Bakugo, making Todoroki shake his head while Bakugo yelled at the two. Miyuki let out a small giggle, before bursting into a fit of laughter which got everyone to stop what they were doing. Miyuki was laughing so hard that she was holding her stomach, tears were forming in her eyes as she laughed loudly. All four boys in the room, couldn't believe just how hard she was laughing or the fact that she was laughing in her current state of mind. Todoroki looked to his girlfriend in shock, before he smiled at her. He was happy to see that she was smiling, after all the crying she had done. Bakugo simply just blushed as he watched her laugh, while Denki and Eijiro just fist bumped at making her laugh.

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