Boku No Hero Special: Our Crazy Christmas

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Miyuki's pov

I happily woke up early this morning, making sure that all the gifts I had were properly wrapped and in their respectful bags. Since today was the last day before Christmas break, Deku and I had been invited to Itsuki's for a sleepover. He also wanted me to invite the rest of our friends, so I told him that I would let everyone know. I grew excited and rushed downstairs for breakfast, where Mom had just set the table. With all my stuff packed and ready for the sleepover as well as the gifts, while Mom was busy in the kitchen and Deku was still getting ready for school, I snuck their presents under the tree. I then moved on to putting stuff in their stockings, which didn't take long and managed to sit down as both Mom and Deku came to the table. Breakfast actually went smoothly, although Mom did start crying because we were growing up and would be spending the majority of Christmas at Itsuki's place. "Mom, we will be back on Christmas Day. I promise, we will not forget to come here." Deku said soothingly, as Mom wiped her tears. "You promise?" She asked, making me smile and shake my head. "Mom, of course, now do we ever go back on our promises?" I quirked an eyebrow at her, making her smile as she wrapped the two of us in a hug. "Have fun and be safe. I love you both." Mom smiled, "We love you too Mom, and I promise not to let Deku get any trouble." Deku slightly elbowed me in the side, "I mean, I'll make sure we both don't get into any kind of trouble." I smiled, silently groaning from the elbow to the ribs. With that being said, Deku and I grabbed our sleepover bags and our backpacks, heading out the door with one last goodbye to Mom. When we stepped out of the house, I was surprised to see that it had started snowing lightly which made me happy. Deku looked over at me, chuckling as he saw how excited I was. On the way to school, we ran into Denki. "Denki!!" I jumped nto his back, catching him off guard but he kept his feet planted and caught me. "What are you doing?" He laughed, "You are my new piggyback giver! Deku has been mines for a long time, I need a new one besides Deku." I smiled, "Onwards, we go!" I shouted, pointing towards the school which made both Deku and Denki laugh. When we finally arrived at school, Sue gave me a weird look as the three of us entered the classroom with me still on Denki's back.

"Uhh, Miyu.. Why are on Denki's back?"

"Because he is my new ride to school." I said, making Sue shake her head. I jumped off of his back, as he placed my bags on my desk. I gave him a small thanks, before heading over to my seat. "So Itsuki invited all of us to his place for the sleepover?" Eijiro asked, "Yeah, he told me to invite Bakugo, Todoroki, you, Momo, Uraraka, Denki, Iida and Tsuyu. He also didn't mind inviting Shinji. So you're welcome to come to Itsuki's place." I said, looking over to him and he nodded without saying a word. "Alright class.. Today, we'll be watching this Christmas movie. I'll be sleeping in the corner, so watch the movie and don't make a lot of noise. I have nothing else planned since today is the last day before Christmas Break." Mr. Aizawa turned the lights off, turned on the projector and started the movie. So of course, naturally the class moved around to sit where they wanted to. So I scooted my seat over to Todoroki's, where the two of us were able to comfortably sit together. I leaned into his side, placing my head on his chest and he gave me a kiss on the head. I could feel someone's gaze on me, but I didn't care at the moment.

All of us headed over to Itsuki's place, "You know, I saw you two cuddling throughout the whole movie." Sue teased, "You guys look so cute together." Momo teased, the funny thing is, is that I was on Todoroki's back at the moment. I looked over at the two, making a face at them which only made them laugh. I rolled my eyes, placing my head on Todoroki's as he walked through the snow. He was unbelievably comfortable, so it was easy for me to sit on his back. "Why are you on his back anyways?" Bakugo asked, making a face at me. "Because I can and want to. Besides, Todoroki doesn't mind, right Todoroki?" I asked, looking down at him. "I'm fine with it. Why do you have such a problem with it? She's my girlfriend." Todoroki's mismatched eyes moved from mine to Bakugo's, who only seemed to get angrier with what he said. It didn't take long for us to get to his place and when we got there, I was shocked to see just decorated the place was. Iida knocked on the door, calling out to Itsuki. There was moment of silence, before we heard shouting and a crash at the door. The door swung open and in front of us stood Itsuki, who was wearing a Christmas sweater and was covered in glitter.


We finally got settled in, most of us were in the living room getting ready to set up the Christmas Tree that Itsuki had gotten. I was helping place ornaments on the tree along with Todoroki, Momo and Eijiro, who was also helping set the tree up. In the kitchen, Denki, Jiro, Itsuki were baking cookies. I had forced Bakugo to help since he didn't want to set up the tree. Deku, Iida and Uraraka were in charge of decorations while Tsuyu, Sue and Shinji were in charge of the music. "Todoroki, this is your first Christmas as her boyfriend, isn't it?" Eijiro asked, Todoroki only looked over at him with this look which was so funny to me. "Aw, come on, Todoroki. I bet you two have already made out." He teased, "You want to lose your teeth?" Todoroki threatened, passively aggressively making me crack a laugh. Momo looked down, holding out her hand and shook her head as she saw Todoroki's reaction. I passed an ornament to her, before swiftly kissing Todoroki on the cheek which made him blush slightly. Just as Eijiro gulped, a loud explosion came from the kitchen. This shook the house, causing everyone to stop what they were doing as Denki, Itsuki, Bakugo and Jiro exited the kitchen and walked into the living room. The three of them were covered in flour, cookie dough and cake batter which confused everyone.

"What happened in there?" Momo asked, stepping off the ladder she was using.

"Well... Bakugo and Itsuki started arguing over something really stupid. When we were about to bake the cookies, Denki burnt the first batch. This only pissed off Bakugo, which got him to start arguing with Denki and Itsuki got involved... This all then got worse as Bakugo and Itsuki used their quirks, creating an explosion in the kitchen." Jiro explained, looking very annoyed. The looks on their faces as they stood in front of us was to hard to resist, I tried to hold in my laughter knowing Bakugo would get annoyed with me.

"Glad it wasn't me this year and instead you, Itsuki." Sue chuckled lightly, crossing her arms as she laughed at him. Bakugo sent her a harsh glare, which made Shinji smile lightly.

"Bakugo, you have really got to stop blowing stuff up." I smiled, "You know it really does suit you to see you wearing cookie dough and cake batter." I let out a loud laugh, making Bakugo growl at me in annoyance.

"Stop laughing!!"

"But I can't help it!! You four look so funny covered in cookie batter like that!" I couldn't contain the laughter any longer and I started laughing specifically at Bakugo. This made him growl at me, as I saw that Itsuki was just as annoyed with me as Bakugo was. "I said stop laughing!!" Bakugo chased after me, making me run. I kept giggling as I ran from Bakugo, before hiding behind Todoroki. "That won't stop me from getting to you!!" I let out a squeal, taking off. After Bakugo calmed down, I gave him his gift which happened to be a nice shirt and a nice sweatshirt. I was also helping him clean up, since Momo and Jiro were helping Denki and Itsuki clean up. Deku was cleaning the kitchen, managing to make a another batch of cookies.

"Thanks, Miyu." He said, as I wiped his face off.

"No problem. I just can't believe you blew up the cookie batter again, Bakugo." I smiled, making him glare at me. "It wasn't my fault your brother and pikachu argued with me." He muttered, making me laugh as he called Denki 'pikachu'. "You really are something else, Bakugo... You really are." I shook my head with a small smile, "By the way, I got you something." Bakugo pulled away from me, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box. "Baku, you didn't have to do that." I said, making him huff.

"I wanted to get you something, you usually get me gifts. So I thought that since you were my best friend, I should buy you something.. So just take the damn thing." He blushed, keeping his eyes on the wall as he held out the box. I gladly took the box from him, opening it to find a nice bracelet which had my name written on it. "Aww!!! Bakugo!!!" I threw myself onto him, although he was still covered in batter and flour. "Thank you, thank you, Thank you!! You're so sweet, Bakugo!!" I hugged him tightly, before rushing away to put it on. I was surprised that Bakugo had gotten me something like this, but Todoroki surprised me with something entirely different. He had pulled me aside, in a spot where we wouldn't be interrupted.

"I got you this." He opened the gift, which happened to a beautiful pendant necklace with both our names engraved on it. "Todoroki, it's so beautiful." Tears sprung in my eyes, as he took the necklace out of its box and placed it around my neck. "You mean a lot to me, Miyu. You have been here for me through my toughest times, I honestly don't know what I would do without you around. Miyuki, I love you." Todoroki held my hands, looking me in the eyes. "I love you too, Todoroki." I sniffled, pulling him into a hug.

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