Chapter 18

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Miyuki's pov

Before I had made it to the stage, Endeavor showed up and it wasn't a pleasant coversation. "Hi, you must be Endeavor. You are pretty cool, I've seen you in action." I told him, but he just glared down at me. "I know that you like my son. I'm here to make a deal with you." He broke the silence filled air, it threw me off guard.

"What kinda deal?" I looked up at him, "How about this? I know who you're parents were and I know you probably don't know them. But how about marrying my son when you get a little older? You would make a powerful addition to the family, and that child you two could have would be the most powerful. So powerful, that it can finally knock All Might off the number one hero spot." He laughed loudly, but this only pissed me off.

"I'm not gonna marry Todoroki! I do like him in that way, but I will not marry him because you want to knock All Might down a peg. Do it yourself instead of pushing Todoroki to do that! In fact you shouldn't be treating him the way, you treat him now. And his fire is his own. Now I'm going." I walked off with a lot anger built up in my chest and finally got up on stage. Momona stood a few feet away from me and I got ready.

"Alright, Begin!!!" Midnight signaled, and immediately he charged. I made sure that he didn't touch me, as I flipped over him landing behind him. "So you know I heard you were the younger child of Nitrogirl and Winterbullet. I also know you have an older brother. Did he abandon you like your parent's did?" Momona turned towards me, I glared at him as I flared up my ice. "You bastard! You keep my parents out of this!" I took one step forward and the entire stage froze.


Deku had made it back to his seat as well as Todoroki, the both were ready to see Miyuki in action. "You made it here just in time! She's about to start her match." Uraraka said, "Are you guys excited, as much as I am?" Eijiro said, smiling down at the stage. "Yeah, this is gonna be epic." Denki said, as they all look down at the stage. The match starts and Momona charges at her, but she flips over him landing behind him.

"Whoa," Denki said, "Wait a minute. That punk is saying something." Eijiro sat forward, and they see Miyuki flare up with anger. "She couldn't have gotten angry already. It takes a lot to make her pissed like that." Deku said, "What do you mean?" Uraraka asked, "If someone mentions Deku or says something about her family, her anger skyrockets." Bakugo explained to them, as the mysterious boy sitting with class 1-B watched the match.

I dodged an oncoming punch that was launched by Momona, and grabbed it. I flipped him over my shoulder, slamming him to the ground but he stopped himself and floated upwards. "Shit.... He must have copied Uraraka's quirk." I jumped away from him, "So I see," He laughed, landing on his feet. "You see what?" I asked, confused with what he was getting at. "You get pissed when someone mentions you're family. If you do then why hang out with that Idiot Katsuki?" I growled at him, "Don't talk about Bakugo like that!!!" Miyuki yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, as she slammed her palms onto the ground and froze Momona's feet.

"She froze his feet that fast?" Denki yelled, "No, she froze the area around his feet." Deku spoke, holding his chin. Miyuki then tornado kicks Momona, who didn't time to dodge it but he used Eijiro's hardening quirk and grabbed her by the arm. This made the boy think, "Shinji, what are you thinking about?" One of the girls in class 1-B asked, "It's about her. Miyuki Midoriya. She's something else." Shinji commented, as he watched the fight. "I'm not losing to a class 1-A loser." Momona stood over Miyuki, who was now grimacing in pain. "He flipped her over. She's in pain." Momo spoke, "He must have broken her arm using Eijiro's quirk." Iida said as Miyuki tries to get back up, but is slammed down hard.

"Miyu.." Bakugo stood up from his seat, with wide eyes. "Miyuki!!! Come on, get up!!!" Sue yelled, as they watch their friend struggle to stand up. The entire arena is silent. Finally getting her legs free, Miyuki kicks up her leg hitting Momona in the face but by the look on her face it meant he broke something else. "Her leg, when he slammed her down again he must have broken her leg." Iida said, which shocked everyone in class 1-A.

"Would you look at that kick Miyuki threw? Where she did learn this stuff?" Present Mic said, speaking into the mic. "She was always fantastic and skilled in the hand to hand combat training. She has extraordinary strength. You can tell by, how she flipped over those giant robots in the other events." Aizawa said, "Isn't she amazing!" Present Mic yelled and Miyuki made an ice cast for both her left leg and right arm.

"Come on Miyuki!!! You can do it!!!" Sue yelled from her seat which got the entire class 1-A to start yelling for her and cheer her on. "I'm not gonna let my classmates down. I'm gonna win this and move on." Miyuki looked at her classmates and then at Monoma. "Pyro Flamer Frost!!!" She hit Momona dead on, Momona thought he could take it on but he was wrong. "She is incredible. Just who is Miyuki Midoriya? How is she this powerful?" Shinji thought as he sat there in a little bit of shock. He flew back really far and hit the wall outside of bounds, but nobody could tell with all the mist from the ice.

Shinji genuinely seemed a bit surprised, because of her will and determination not to give up. Miyuki panted hard as the wind blew away the mist, everyone got quiet not knowing what happened. "Can you see anything yet?" Uraraka asked "No, the mist is covering the entire stage." Deku shook his head and sat forward.

The entire Class 1-A were at the edge of their seats, and then Midnight got view. "I'm seeing something here. It looks like... Miyuki is still standing strong on the stage but Momona has disappeared. Wait I see him.... Momona is out of bounds! The winner is Miyuki Midoriya!!!!" Midnight yelled and they all saw Momona against the wall outside of bounds. Miyuki, who had already been declared the winner held on for a little longer. "She won!!!!!!!" Sue yelled loudly, which caused the entire class to cheer. Miyuki suddenly fell forward, causing one of the nurses to catch her before she hit the ground.

"We should go see her. The next match won't start till a little later." Deku nodded as Todoroki, Bakugo, Denki, Momo, Eijiro, Deku, Iida, and Uraraka left to go see her. In the nurses office, Miyuki was now staring out of the window. Momona walked into the room, "What do you want?" She turned her head to him, "Well, I was gonna be a good sport and say you did good out there. For a class 1-A loser." Miyuki turned her head to him, "Why are even here then?" She was bit cranky, "Oh, cranky I see." He teased, "Dude, just get out!" Miyuki threw a pillow at him and he walked out. Momona walked down the hall with a smirk on his face that fell, when he came across Shinji leaning against the wall.

"Shinji, what are you doing here? You aren't the type to hang around like this. What's gotten you so worked up?" Momona placed his hands in his pockets, as Shinji's eyes met his. "I'm just curious about that Miyuki girl. She seems interesting. Besides I have some news." He leaned off of the wall and turned to Momona, whose eyes widened.

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