Chapter 21

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3rd person's pov

Everyone in Class 1-A's eyes widened as Miyuki was punched in the stomach and slammed onto the ground. "How did she do that from the start?" Uraraka asked in awe, watching the match. "I don't think Miyuki has a good chance in this one." Mineta said, making Eijiro and Denki punch him into the wall. "Miyuki, what are you planning? Are you going to make it seem like she's winning for the first half of the match and then make a big comeback? She might be planning to do just that." Deku thought to himself, as he looked down at the stage. Miyuki kicked Sue, who was standing over her and froze half of her hand punching Sue. Sue did the same thing and punched her with ice, using Bakugo's quirk to go all out. The two of them charged at each other using high powered punches, kicking up dust and creating a large mist. Everyone heard a shout of pain, causing everyone to stand up. "Who screamed just now? Was it one of the girls down there?" A pro hero sitting in the crowd asked, "Miyu... What the hell are you doing?" Bakugo muttered, as he crossed his arms and looked down. The mist and dust blew away and they all saw what happened, Miyuki was holding her right arm.

"No way, that's never happened before." Denki sat forward, when he saw that Sue had remained unharmed. "Whoa, what amazing power. Why is Miyuki cradling her right arm?" Present Mic asked, "It must have been an injury she received fighting those villains. I know that she was healed by Recovery Girl, but I remember her saying something about that wound not healing properly." Aizawa explained, "The wound she got fighting the villains?" Mina asked, a bit confused by Aizawa's statement.

"I remember that wound!! She had it wrapped up when she was fighting that dude, who was bragging about being her father." Denki exclaimed from his seat, his eyes slightly widening.

"If she opens up anymore wounds, it will slow her down. Why isn't she going all out?" Eijiro sat on the edge of his seat, "She has a plan." Deku spoke loudly, "What do you mean she has a plan? What plan?" Uraraka looked to him, "She came up with a full proof plan to make it seem like Sue will win, but she will win this fight." Deku spoke up, turning all attention to him. "That's amazing. She came up with a plan that fast." Todoroki stared down at the arena, watching Miyuki closely.

"Miyu.. I think it's time that you go through with the plan." Deku thought.

Miyuki slammed herself into Sue, sending Sue sliding back a bit. "Warrior-" Sue threw a punch but Miyuki caught it, slinging her onto her back just like Deku did to Bakugo. "Whoa!!! Did you see that?" Present Mic shouted, as Sue got back on her feet. "So I heard that Momona said some stuff about your family. Is that true?" Sue stared dead at Miyuki, "Yeah, he did. But let me ask you something-" She was cut off when she got shot through the side and arm, which gave Sue the opportunity to slam her back down.

"Miyu!!!" Denki shouted, "Get up!!! Get up!! Come on you can do it!!" Uraraka shouted, standing up and Miyuki groaned. She got up grunting in pain, but didn't let that stop her. "How the hell did you get that quirk? Did you get from Pro Hero Snipe or that damn poser?" Miyuki glared, freezing her wound. "Well, before I came out here. Snipe came to see me and so did Itsuki. Apparently they wanted to wish me luck." This angered Miyuki, as she froze the entire stage floor. "What the hell Sue?" Miyuki charged at Sue who shot off explosions at her, but Miyuki attacked relentlessly. "Sue and Miyuki seem to be going all out now!" Present Mic shouted, "Not once have I ever seen so much anger in Miyuki's eyes. Sue really did change." Bakugo said, as Sue smirked. "It wouldn't be wise to underestimate me, Sue." Sue's smirk fell off her face, but she realized something. She started laughing, "What the hell is so funny?" Miyuki's voice was laced with shock, "Oh man, this is too good. There's something on your mind and it's slowing you down. Why are you holding back on me, Miyuki? Afraid that you'll disappoint your parents?" Sue said, which made everyone from class 1-A look on in shock. Shinji leaned forward a bit intrigued by Sue's comments, which made Monoma sigh.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Miyuki asked, "I'm talking about the fact that you have something big on your mind! You've been holding back on me!! This past week, you've been obsessing with the fact that you want to make your parents proud!!" Miyuki's eyes widened, realizing Sue was right. "Why do you care so much about making them proud, when they aren't even around?!! Did you even know you had an older brother?!!" Sue asked, "No, what are you talking about? I've never had another sibling!" Miyuki shouted, becoming frustrated. She hated that Sue had put her on the spot, in front of everyone.

Miyuki growled lowly, clenching her fists and fire and ice started to swirl. "This is ju-" Miyuki kicked Sue really hard in the face, making her fly back. She landed on her back and Sue groaned, "See, I just gave you the motivation to give it all you got." Sue got up, wiping the side of her mouth and smirked.

"You're not gonna stop me." Sue shrouded her hands in fire and ran at Miyuki.

Miyuki went all out using her fire and ice together, hurling the attack at Sue. Cementos put up several blocks, trying to keep the blast at bay and everyone covered their faces. "Whoa!!!" Denki yelled, as the smoke blew away. "I'm getting view now." Midnight spoke into her microphone, "That blast was intense." Mina stated, "Do you think Miyuki got blown out of the ring?" Iida asked, looking to Deku. "No," Deku stood up from his seat and everyone's eyes widened in shock. Miyuki stood holding her right arm, they saw that she made a cast out of ice for her left leg. Ice and fire surrounded her and half of her outfit had been ripped, exposing part of her chest and her stomach as well. Her breathe came out cold, as she had a look of pain written across her face. Sue on the other hand was leaning against the wall, outside of the ring and her outfit looked just as torn up as Miyuki's. She took a step forward but collapsed, hitting the ground with a thud. This surprised everyone in class 1-A and Class 1-B as well as the audience. Shinji's eyes widened a bit, as he looked on in shock. "Amazing." He usually wasn't one to show much emotions, like Todoroki. "Sue is out of bounds! The winner is Miyuki Midoriya!" Midnight announced, "Wow, that's amazing." Iida said, "She's still standing even after that large blast." Momo exclaimed, she was simply amazed Miyuki's strength.

"Won't that strain their relationship? They seemed to be arguing down there during the match." Eijiro looked at Deku, "She won and that's all that matters. Let's go see her before the next match starts." Bakugo stood up, and they all walked off to go see Miyuki.

"Why did Miyuki say that Sue wasn't gonna stop her?" Eijiro turned his head to Deku, as Shinji was walking behind them. "It's little thing they have. That saying is always used by Miyuki in their fights, for some reason. It's been about three years since I've heard her say that." Bakugo stated, as he leaned on his arms. "Hey!!! You're the kid who forfeited his match against Sue." Eijiro pointed out Shinji, making the attention turn to him as Todoroki became suspicious of him.

"Are you following us?" Uraraka asked politely, "Yeah, I was going to see Miyuki." He pulled the lollipop out of his mouth, giving them a nod before putting it back in his mouth. "So why the hell are you following us?" Bakugo became a bit agitated, "You want to see my sister don't you?" Deku asked, looking Shinji in the eyes. "Yes. I do. Now let's go before the next match starts." Shinji walked past the group, leaving them all stunned.

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