Chapter 49

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Miyuki's pov

I stared at the blue fire in complete shock and awe, it was unusual for fire to be that blue unless it was someone's quirk. My eyes widened as I realized that this was signaling that someone was in the forest, someone who wasn't good. We also were dealing with a light pink mist which was floating through the air, somebody dispersed a large gas amongst the entire forest. This is really not good, not good at all. I just hope that Deku and the others are alright. "Is this gas a villain's doing?" Todoroki questioned, "I'm worried about the others, but we have no choice." He added, making Bakugo and I look to one another. "We'll avoid the finish line and get back to camp." Todoroki said, making me nod in agreement. "We should leave this to Ragdoll, he's at the halfway point. If we can get to camp, we'll be able to figure what the hell is going on." I stated, "I agree. Let's go." Todoroki nodded, "Don't tell me what to do-" As we looked to one another, my eyes shifted away from Todoroki. In the distance behind him, I spotted something shining in the dark. That something turned into some kind of weapon, which was headed straight for Todoroki, who didn't notice it and neither did Bakugo. "Todoroki, look out!!" I shoved him out of the way, catching him off guard completely. I felt something scratch my cheek, making Bakugo shout as the thing flew past me. I looked behind me, spotting a sharp object embedded in the bark of the tree that I was standing in front of. It looked like a small throwing knife but it was in the shape of a star. "What the hell?" Bakugo questioned, I heard a rustle in the trees above us which made me put up my guard. Bakugo, Todoroki and I all looked up to see where it was coming from, but it seemed as if something or someone was moving at a fast pace above us. I sensed something approach us from behind, "Get down!" I tackled both Bakugo and Todoroki onto the floor, as a large sharp object came barreling straight past our heads. "Someone's out here with us." Todoroki said, as we stood up to our feet. "Keep your guard up, we have no clue what really is out there." It became quiet for a while, which made me extremely uneasy.

"So this is Winterbullet's daughter?" A male voice rang, I backed up a bit as figure came out of the darkened part of the woods. A tall young man stepped out into the open, he had dark grayish hair and it was as long as Aizawa's. My eyes tailed to his, which were were a light grayish color as well. He stood as tall as Itsuki, he was wearing a black buttoned up shirt and black jeans with black sneakers. I kept my guard up, keeping my eyes locked with his. "Who the hell are you?" Bakugo questioned, standing behind me on guard. For some reason, I got the feeling that I recognized him from somewhere. I thought some more, thinking back to any of the villains that my parents fought separately when they were called to take multiple missions to save people. He smirked, making a strange movement and that's when I remembered who he was.

"You're Souta Ryusuke."

"Well, someone remembers me." He smirked.

"Who?" Todoroki and Bakugo asked, looking over at me. I shifted my eyes to Todoroki, "My father fought him, many years ago... He was one of the first villains my Dad fought on a mission by himself. It was before my parents paired up to become a team of Pro Heroes. His name is Souta Ryusuke. I've seen videos of him... He's dangerous. So you two need to be on your guard." I looked back at Souta, who seemed amused that I knew of him.

"Looks like someone did their homework. Let's see if you did enough to face me." Souta let out a chuckle, before disappearing from his spot. The three of us looked around, trying to figure out where he went to. Before I could react, a large force of wind was thrown at Todoroki and Bakugo. The two did their best to fend it off but it was no use as it blew them back, I growled keeping alert to any other attack. "Miyu!!!" I turned my head to the right, where Souta had appeared. He threw his leg up, landing a blow to my stomach. The impact of the kick took a lot of me, as some spit flew out of my mouth. I flew backwards, hitting a tree while Todoroki and Bakugo attacked him. I struggled to get to my feet since that kick really took a lot of me, I pushed myself up and threw an attack of my own. As Todoroki and Bakugo were again thrown back, I threw a large fireball at him. He took the hit head on, when the smoke blew away, my eyes widened.

"Damn it. It did nothing." I charged at him, throwing punches and kicks but he dodged each one. He threw a right hook but I dodged it, I threw a kick of my own which hit him in the face. I bounced off of his face, flipping over as I landed in front of Todoroki and Bakugo, both of who had just gotten back on their feet after the last attack he threw at the two of them. "Violent Grenade!" He held out his left hand, a large ball of purple flames forming. The ball of flames headed straight for the three of us, "Warrior Frost!!" I countered his attack, the two colliding with one another.

"Damn it... He's overwhelming her."

Todoroki and Bakugo both nodded to one another, before charging ahead of the blasts. Todoroki threw an ice attack, while Bakugo attacked Souta head on. Souta smirked, turning his attention away from the attacks. "Nice try, boys." He threw an attack at the two of them, hoping to hit them. Todoroki threw a large wave of ice at him, Souta let out a grunt as he narrowly dodged the ice wave. His cheek was scratched slightly, drawing a bit of blood. I slammed my palms on the ground, sending a huge wave of fire at him. I didn't let up as he jumped out of the way, I threw several more his way.

"Look out!!" I shoved Bakugo out of the way, which sent him flying backwards as I was kicked in the side. I spit out some blood, as the blow landed. I flew back, hitting a tree. I bounced off, hitting the ground with a hard thud. I quickly got back onto my feet, narrowly dodging the throwing stars thrown at me. He charged at me, sending multiple punches and kicks but I dodged each of them. I landed several punches on Souta, I roundhouse kicked him which sent him flying back. "Howizter Impact!!" Bakugo attacked Souta, as he was recovering from my attack. Todoroki sent several attacks his way, as I threw my own to fend him off. Everything was moving in crazy motions, it felt like this guy was causing Chaos. Which is exactly what his quirk is. He can do multiple things with his quirk, essentially causing chaos for those around him. Souta smirked, disappearing again. I quickly caught onto the sounds coming from around us, I turned around throwing a large wave of ice which headed in Todoroki's direction. Just as I guessed, Souta appeared in front of him. "Ha!!!!!" I sent two different way of attacks at, using both my fire and ice. Souta took the brunt force of the attacks, slamming into several trees far away from us.

"Come on. We need to go before he comes back." I looked to Bakugo and Todoroki, who nodded at me. The three of us took off from the area as fast as we could, "Why the hell was that guy coming after you?" Bakugo asked, "I don't know. It just doesn't make sense that he's coming after me." I said, looking ahead of me.

"Do you think he could be working with Nightwave?" Todoroki asked, "I don't know. But it's possible." I stopped running, which made Bakugo bump into my back. "What'd you stop for?" He snapped, before looking in front of us. There stood a villain in front us, Moonfish... I have really bad feeling about this. I suddenly noticed the severed arm that he was holding, "Who's arm is that?" He smirked, when he noticed that I saw the arm in his hand. My eyes shifted to Todoroki, who seemed to have noticed the arm as well. "Tokoyami... Shoji... They... They both have multiple limbs.. Is it possible he ran into them? This doesn't look good for us..." A small drop of sweat trickled down my left temple, as I kept my guard up.

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