Chapter 44

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Miyuki's pov

With the exams finally over, we were finally going to move on from that and get into more things. Deku and I were sitting in class, which was almost filled up with the others. Sue was sitting in her usual spot, which was on Toru's desk, those two have become close since the incident at USJ. The students who didn't pass their final exam feared that they couldn't go to the training camp during summer vacation, which kinda bummed me out. I knew that Denki, Mina and several others were bummed out about it. "Stop, Midoriya. If you say it out loud, it'll probably jinx it." Sero stated. "If we failed the exams, then we'd have to skip training camp and be in summer school hell and since we didn't pass the practical exam... If you guys still don't get it, then you're dumber than monkeys!" Denki started, making me look over at him as I was sitting at my desk. "Calm down. That's too long. I don't know either. Our team passed thanks to Mineta, but I was just sleeping the whole time. Anyway, since we don't know how they're scoring it..." Sero said, I honestly felt bad for him. He was knocked out by Midnight's gas within the first few minutes of the match, so Mineta was left to get to the gate and pass the exam.

"If you feel bad for us, then I dunno, just bring me back lots of stuff!" Denki said, still a little anxious.

"Once the morning bell rings, get in your seats." Mr. Aizawa said, entering the classroom. I felt a bit anxious as to what he was going to tell us, I could see just how worried Denki and the others were. "Morning. Unfortunately there are those who did not pass the final exams." He started and I could visibly see everyone tense up, "Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods... Everyone's going." He said, throwing everyone off guard. I just sweatdropped as I felt like I knew that this was going to happen, I mean, this happened during one of the first weeks of school when we were going through the tests.

"We can go, too?"


"Yeah." Mr. Aizawa said, I looked over at Denki and gave him a thumbs up. "Some failed, but no one failed the written exam.In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero failed." Mr. Aizawa explained. "I knew it... Just because my team passed didn't mean I scored high enough not to fail..." Sero said. "For this time's exam, we on the villain side made sure to leave a way for the students to win, while watching to see how you all would take on the task at hand. If we hadn't, most of you would've gotten stuck before you started." He added, "So when you said you were really out to crush us..." Oijiro said, as I finally noticed that Shinji was in class.

"That was to make you feel cornered. In the first place, the training camp in the woods is one to increase strength. So those who failed need it the most. They have to get stronger. It was a rational falsehood." I let out a sigh, shaking my head at the news while everyone grew upset.

I looked over at Shinji, who gave me a small smile but I didn't bother to return it. I was still upset with him for what he did to Itsuki, speaking of Itsuki, I wonder what he was doing right now. "I was tricked again!" Iida stated, making me chuckle slightly. I had missed hearing Iida's rants, all during the exams I didn't have a chance to talk with Uraraka and Iida much.

"As expected of U.A. However, since you lied to us twice, our faith in you will waver!" He pointed out, which was kind of true.

"Wow, you're being a wet blanket, Iida." Uraraka said, making me giggle.

"Hey, that's not funny." Iida said, turning to look at me.

"But it is." I chuckled, making Mr. Aizawa shake his head at me.

"That's true. I'll consider that." Mr. Aizawa said.


After class everyone except Todoroki and Bakugo, headed to mall. Todoroki was going to visit his mother and Bakugo straight up said he didn't want to go at all, so Sue and I ended up together at the mall with the others. Because everyone had different things to do, we all decided to meet back up in three hours. I went off on my own since there were certain things that I needed to get, while Sue decided to head off with Shinji which was odd. Shinji seemed like he could barely stand Sue, but I heard they spent a lot of time together while the rest of the exams were going on. As I wandered around the stores, I found myself in the same store that Itsuki and I were trying to shop at that day. Since I had managed to make enough money to spend, I decided that I was going to get the things I really needed to revamp my hero outfit. I happily picked out some new boots, pants and a shirt for the outfit that I had in mind. The outfit consisted of a white long sleeved leather jacket, a blue short sleeved turtleneck shirt and white pants. I would also be wearing fingerless gloves which would help control the coldness I feel when I use water and ice, the gloves also are full fireproof. Alongside those, I will be wearing black combat boots as I learned they have the best support I need when fighting. After getting these clothes, I stopped by another shop which had some pretty cool gear which I wanted to add to my belt. I had learned from my training with Itsuki, that if I used my fire way too much I quickly became dehydrated. So he suggested that I should always have water nearby if I know I would be using my fire a lot, I wanted to get a small water bottle to put around my belt loop which would always have water in it. For some reason, I had a strange feeling that I was being watched and it creeped me out. Since everyone was spread out around the mall, I knew that I was just going to have to deal with it by myself. I knew Todoroki was visiting his mother, so I couldn't text him about coming here. I didn't want to ruin his time with his mother, Bakugo, I had no clue what he was even doing. Since I had a group text with Denki and Eijiro with Bakugo and Deku being in it, I decided to text the two of them about what I was feeling. I walked out of the store, keeping my guard up when the hairs on the back of my neck suddenly stood up. An overwhelming sense of dread and fear washed over my body, which made me even more anxious. I looked at the group chat, seeing that both Denki and Eijiro asked if I was by myself and if I was okay. Bakugo only just said that I was being paranoid, but what was weird was that Deku didn't respond. So I texted him separately, but he still didn't answer which made worry a bit. He always answers my text, no matter if he's busy training or studying, he always will answer me. As I looked down at my phone, I didn't watch where I was going and bumped into somebody.

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