Chapter 62

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Miyuki's pov

"I have a feeling that those villains are having trouble persuading Bakugo to join their side." I spoke up, Mom stayed in the lead and continued leading us to the villain's hideout. "Yeah. There's no way that they'll be able to tell him anything to get him to change sides. Bakugo has always wanted to be the Number one pro hero." Sue agreed, "Something tells me he probably attacked them." Shinji said, "Yeah, that sounds about right. Bakugo is the kind to be violent first before listening to anyone." I shrugged, crossing my arms. "This is the spot the receiver is showing." Momo said, turning attention onto the building in front of us. "So this is their hideout, huh?" Eijiro quipped, I wanted to rush in there and just got get Bakugo but that was a very bad idea. Those villains were in a whole different league above us, they've been fighting heroes for years now. And us, we're not Pro Heroes just yet. "It really looks like one." Eijiro added, "Yeah, it does." Sue nodded in agreement, "I don't know if it's their hideout or not, but from what I can see on the receiver the villain has not left here for the past day. Also, just because that villain is here does not mean Bakugo is. We are here with very little to go on. Please think about that objectively." Momo said, "We don't have anyone who excels at sneaking around, like Jiro or Hagakure with us. If I think it's even the least bit dangerous, I will stop you immediately. Because I am your friend, I will not hesitate to call the police, either." Iida stated, "Thank you, Iida." Deku smiled at him, "What can we do with what we have...? I've gotta think." Deku started muttering to himself like he usually did when he needed to think of a plan, though, it's been some time since he last did this. I stood beside Deku, listening carefully to what he was saying and decided to try to come up with my own way of getting Bakugo out of that building without fighting the villains. "The prerequisite is that we not use our Quirks or fight with the villains." He muttered, "It's been a while since I saw that muttering." Eijiro said, "Yeah, I know. I'm surprised he's doing it at all." Sue said, "Wait.. This is normal behavior for him?" Shinji questioned, quirking an eyebrow as he looked at my brother. "Yeah, it is. He's been that way since we were younger." I shrugged, "You don't seem very much bothered by it." Shinji pointed out, "Why would I be? He's my brother and I got used to him doing this a long time ago. Besides, Deku comes up with really good plans when he thinks like this." I crossed my arms, turning my attention back to Deku who was still muttering to himself. "On top of that, we need to figure out if Kacchan is in that building or not." He continued. "It really feels like Midoriya." Momo mumbled. "Like Iida said, we don't have anyone with a good scouting Quirk like Jiro or Shoji, so..." He continued, I couldn't help but admire my brother for his hard working mind.

"There's no reaction even though we've gotten this close." Sue spoke up, looking up at the building. She was right, I would have thought that the villains would have either sensed us nearby or were on the lookout for anyone coming after Bakugo. My guess was that the villains and Bakugo weren't in this particular building but they could just be using someone's quirk to camouflage their surroundings, so it was a possibility that Bakugo was in a totally different building. "The lights aren't on, either. It doesn't look like anyone's in there." Eijiro commented, "To hide a tree, use the forest... I guess they're hiding as an abandoned warehouse." Todoroki suggested, "That's a possibility." I agreed, "The weeds under the front door are pretty thick. Is there another way in and out? Has it been camouflaged using someone's Quirk? We can't do anything reckless, like enter carelessly. We have to see what's inside somehow--" Deku was cut off mid-rant when several people stumbled out of the building nearby, some of them looked drunk as hell.

"--Hey, what're ya doin', hostess? Come drink wit' us!" The drunk person said, "Stop that, idiot!" Another person smacked the drunk idiot. "Th-There's a lady with a huge rack!" I sweatdropped, watching the young man get dragged away. "--Hey, you! Hey, you!" I turned to the others, still sweatdropping at the commotion behind us. "Let's get away from here for now. There aren't many people walking by, but there are some." Todoroki suggested, "Good idea." Sue nodded, "We can't do anything to stand out. What should we do?" Momo looked like she was worried about something, "Let's try going around to the back." I suggested, turning heads to me. "Yeah, we could do that." Deku agreed, "No matter how little information we have on this place, it's all we've got. We can't move until we know for sure it's safe." Everyone nodded in agreement at the idea, so we did what we could and headed around back. Of course, the alleyway was extremely narrow to get to the back of the building. Both Momo and I had trouble squeezing through as both of us had bigger boobs, of course, I was embarrassed that Iida and Eijiro had to help pull me through. "No one will see us here, and at that height, we should be able to see inside, too!" Deku exclaimed, "Will we be able to see anything in this darkness?" Todoroki questioned, he had a good point. "I can make a night vision scope--" Momo offered but she was stopped by Eijiro, "Wait, Yaoyorozu!" Eijiro reached into his pocket for something, pulling out a pair of night vision goggles. "Actually, I brought one with me..." He said, "Wow, why?" Deku asked, looking surprised and confused. "When I thought about what we'd have to do, I thought we'd need it." Eijiro answered.

"Good thinking, Eiji!" I held out my hand, the two of us high-fiving one another with smiles on our faces. "But isn't that super expensive?" I looked at Deku, wondering why he was worried about Eijiro's expenses. "I did research on them online when I was thinking about my costume, but if I remember correctly, they cost around fifty thousand yen..." I sweatdropped as he started muttering again, "Who cares how much they cost? Stop talking about it!" Eijiro exclaimed, Sue giggled lightly at the two while I just shook my head.

"Okay, then Midoriya and Kirishima, you two look through it. Iida and I will carry you on our shoulders." With that Deku climbed onto Todoroki's shoulders, I was proud to see the teamwork between the four. Eijiro climbed on Iida's shoulders with a little help from Shinji, he used his quirk to help Eijiro get up on his shoulders. "It's really cramped..." Deku complained, "Don't lean forward too much. I want to make sure we can run the second we think it's dangerous." Todoroki told him, I leaned against the wall beside Todoroki feeling the pain in my legs become slightly more unbearable but I pushed the pain back, I didn't want to burden anyone with having to carry me if we had to get out of here quickly. "Iida, can you move back a little?" Iida did as Eijiro asked, "Oof." He slightly faltered but gained his balance back, "Tell us what you see." Iida looked up at Eijiro, whose eyes were still concentrated ahead of him. "Kirishima, what's inside?" Iida asked, "It's just dirty... I don't really see anything..." The look on Eijiro's face changed from calm to extremely panicked, I immediately became more alert and it seemed I wasn't the only one. Shinji also picked up on Eijiro's tense body language, "Kirishima?! -Hey!" Deku tried to get his attention but it wasn't working, whatever he was seeing at the moment had really freaked him out.

"I have a really bad feeling about this." Sue said.

"So do I. I don't think there's anything good in that building." I shook my head, I had a feeling that we might be at the wrong location. Something tells me those villains are using this place as something else, otherwise one of them would have sensed us outside. "What's wrong? What can you see, Kirishima?" Todoroki asked, looking away from Deku to Eijiro. "In the back on the left...!" He started, "Midoriya, look in the back on the left!" Deku's eyes widened when he looked through Eijiro's night vision goggles, his expression mirroring the same one Eijiro made just a few minutes earlier. This made me even more panicked and concerned, I doubt that whatever was in that building right now is good for any of us. "No way..." Deku stammered, "Are those... all...Nomu?!" My eyes widened as I pushed myself away from the wall, "Shit. Shit. Shit." I cursed, not really thinking of watching my language.

"Nomu?!" Sue panicked.

"Well, this just got even more dangerous and complicated." Shinji sighed, taking his hood off of his head.

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