Chapter 39

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3rd person's pov

Miyuki sat quietly, watching Todoroki and Momo's exam against Mr. Aizawa in the recovery room. Deku and Itsuki knew that they couldn't go back in the room for a while, because of the truth coming out. Bakugo was currently the only one that Miyuki had wanted around, since Todoroki was in his exam at the moment. "Wait a minute... So Itsuki is really Miyuki's older brother? The one we never knew about?!!" Eijiro asked, pointing to Itsuki in shock. "Yeah, I am... I wish Miyuki could have found out a different way that I am her older brother. It was hard to tell her that, after all, she was basically abandoned by our Dad. Then I left her to find him. I came back because I knew that she was going to need me, I felt bad for leaving her." Itsuki explained, shaking his head. "Why don't you tell her that then?" Denki asked, "If you really want her to forgive you or even consider it, you should tell her the real reason as to why you never said anything. About why you left when she was still a baby." He opened his eyes, looking up at Itsuki. "You're right. I should." Itsuki went to leave but Deku stopped him, "For now, I think we should just give her some space. She's still cooling down from all of this." He said, his green orbs meeting Itsuki's mismatched orbs, "Yeah, alright." He sighed, "Guys! The match is gonna start!" Uraraka warned, getting everyone's attention on the monitor.

In the recovery room, both Bakugo and Miyuki were sitting in silence. The two of them were going to to watch Todoroki's match on the monitor hanging on the nearby wall. "Miyuki," Bakugo started, "I never knew that he was your older brother. I knew that you had an older brother but I never knew that Itsuki was. I just thought that Itsuki was your cousin or something." He explained, his red orbs were glued to the floor.

"I know, Baku."

Miyuki's eyes were elsewhere as she looked out of the window of her room. Bakugo looked over at her, shocked that she had used his nickname. 'Baku' was short for Bakugo, Miyuki often called him 'Baku' after they first met because she had trouble saying his full name. So one day when they were kids, she called him 'Baku' to which he only found himself liking as a nickname coming from her. Bakugo was very worried for Miyuki's well being, given that everything had just come crashing down around her.


Todoroki and Momo were currently running through an urban city setting, while trying to find Mr. Aizawa. "Are you nervous?" Todoroki asked, looking to Momo for a moment. "N-No," Momo shook her head, on the inside, she knew that she was. "Well, considering who were going up against... But I have an idea." Momo looked over at Todoroki in curiosity, wondering what he had planned.

"Yaoyorozu! It doesn't matter what you make. Just keep creating small objects." Todoroki said, looking to Momo. "When you can't make them anymore, that means Mr. Aizawa is close." He explained. Todoroki blushed slightly when Momo started to create things from her chest, "This exam will depend on who finds who first. Once we can see him, I'll draw him to me. Then, you should run to the escape gate. Stay with me until then." Todoroki looked to Momo, who was doubting herself. "What's wrong? Hurry up and make something." Todoroki asked, "Right... Okay." Momo started to create these small dolls from her chest, Todoroki looked away from her chest and down at the dolls that she was making.

"Yaoyorozu, I said to make something, but what're those?" He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Russian matryoshka dolls."

"I see. Well, let me know if you notice anything strange with your quirk." Todoroki said, looking around at the buildings around them. He kept his guard up, just in case anything happened.

"I expect nothing less from you, Todoroki."

"About what?"

"You were able to come up with a plan to use against Mr. Aizawa so quickly, and you were able to determine what would be best at once." Momo explained, looking at Todoroki with a slight bit of awe.

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