Christmas Special: A Magical Trip

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Miyuki's pov

I heard a knock at my bedroom door, "Come in," I called, and the door opened to reveal Itsuki. Deku was sitting on my beanbag across from my desk reading a book, he liked to come here to read since it gave him a great vibe. Itsuki looked very excited about something but I couldn't tell what it was. Deku also noticed the way that Itsuki was practically bouncing around on the balls of his feet, it made me smile to see my older brother so excited. From the look in Itsuki's eyes, I could tell he wanted my full attention for whatever he was about to tell me. I stopped folding laundry and turned my attention to him, "Why do you look so happy and excited? Is there something you wanna share with us?" I asked, Deku closed his book and set it down on the bed. "Yes!" He said, "Well, spill it!" I demanded, crossing my arms. "We're going on a family trip!!" Itsuki screamed, "Really?!!" I shouted, looking at my brother in shock. He nodded his head, smiling brightly as I started laughing. "Your big brother earned a lot of money from the last job I took and saved up a lot of money to take you, Deku, Inko, and myself on a trip for Christmas." He explained, "Where are we going?" Deku asked, "We're going to be staying in a cabin out in Toka."

"What?!! No way!!" Deku shouted, standing to his feet.

I let out a loud squeal and launched myself at Itsuki who caught me, he didn't see it coming and the two of us hit the ground with a large thud. "I've always wanted to go!! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!" I hugged my brother tightly, he let out a groan and chuckled loudly. "It's no problem, I'm just glad we get to go on this trip together."

"I gotta start packing!!" I stood to my feet, pulling Itsuki onto his feet. Deku rushed past the two of us, making me laugh as I heard him shouting questions to Mom as he ran to his room. 

"Won't the cherry blossoms be frozen around this time?" I asked, looking back at my brother. "They could be, but it would be beautiful. Besides, you love the snow." 

"That I do." I chuckled. 

"Shouldn't you be packing right now?" I asked, "No, I packed everything after I got things squared away for the trip." He said, I didn't believe him at all. 

"Right? Did you pack your jacket which you always seem to forget when we go on trips?" I crossed my arms, Itsuki seemed to freeze for a moment to think. He suddenly shot off like a rocket out of the house, I chuckled and shook my head as I went back into my room. My brother is seriously an idiot sometimes.


I couldn't believe that we were actually in Toka at the moment, everything was just so beautiful

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I couldn't believe that we were actually in Toka at the moment, everything was just so beautiful. "Wow, look at all the beautiful cherry blossoms!" I smiled, watching the fresh snowfall and cover the cherry blossoms. The delicate pink petals danced gracefully in the air, a breathtaking display of artistry. As the snowflakes gently descended upon them, a surreal fusion of winter and spring unfolded before our eyes. The contrast was stunning, the pure white flakes delicately blanketing the vibrant blossoms, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of colors. It was as if time stood still, allowing us to witness this fleeting moment of ethereal beauty. I rolled down the window, sticking out my hand, feeling the soft touch of a snowflake on my skin. Each flake was unique, just like the cherry blossoms that adorned Toka's landscape. The air was filled with a sense of enchantment and tranquility, as if the universe had conspired to create this magical scene exclusively for us. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I realized how fortunate we were to be here, witnessing this captivating spectacle. At that moment, surrounded by nature's marvels, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and awe. 

"Miyuki stick your head back in the car before you catch a cold," Inko scolded.

"But Mom," I whined.

"Now, Miyuki. You'll be miserable for the entirety of the trip if you catch a cold now." She said.

"She's right, you know." Deku said.

"Fine," I grumbled, sticking my head back in the car. After a long car ride, we made it to the cabin that Itsuki had rented. I was very surprised and happy to see that the cabin looked so cozy and warm. There was something familiar about it and I didn't know why, we hadn't been to Toka before but I had heard from All Might that Mom and Dad had visited here when Itsuki was a baby. "Oh, Itsuki. It's lovely." Inko gasped as we got out of the car, I slammed the door shut out of pure excitement. "We should get a family picture," Inko suggested, "Whose going to take the photo?" I asked, looking around. "I have just the thing for it." Itsuki went over to the car, smiling as he pulled something out of the trunk. We watched as he moved with such speed that even Deku was impressed. He set the camera up and the four of us stood in front of the cabin, I wrapped my arms around Deku, smiling big as Inko stood to his right and Itsuki was on my right side. 

"Three... Two... One. Say huckleberry." Itsuki said.


After taking our photo, we headed inside the cabin and I just couldn't believe what it looked like on the inside. I stopped in my tracks, dropping my bag as I looked around at the living room of the cabin. It looked just like the one that I had seen in my head, the one that Mom stayed in. A crackling fireplace stood at the heart of the living room, inviting us to cozy up on the plush leather sofas nearby. The kitchen was a chef's dream, equipped with top-of-the-line appliances and gleaming countertops. "Miyuki, what's wrong?" Inko placed a hand on my shoulder, "This cabin... It looks like the one that my mom visits me in, in my head. There's a safe place for me to go in my mind and that safe place is Mom's cabin... This one... The living room looks just like it." My eyes wandered around the cabin. "The reason why it looks so similar is because this is actually the cabin that Mom and Dad bought when I was a baby," Itsuki said, I stared at him in awe. When I looked at the fireplace, I noticed there was a picture sitting on the mantle. I walked over to it and grabbed the picture frame, running my hands over the glass covering the picture. The picture was of Mom and Dad, they looked much younger and very happy. I then noticed Itsuki who looked no more than a year old. 

"This is really their cabin?" Deku asked.

"Yes, they left it to Miyuki and I in their will." Itsuki sighed sadly, "This cabin is ours now, Yuki." Itsuki gave me a sad smile, he walked over to me, wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and pulled me in for a side hug. I have a feeling that this will be one Christmas Trip to remember.

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