Chapter 52

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Miyuki's pov

When I opened my eyes I found myself standing in a large field, but I noticed that it wasn't the same beautiful meadow that I was always ending up in. This place.. It felt much colder.. Much darker. I didn't like the feeling I was getting from the place and it really was freaking me out. A large chill breeze blew past, making me shiver a bit. "Hello?" I called out, I jumped a bit when I heard thunder which made me nervous. I never liked Thunderstorms, I've always been afraid of them. And according to Inko, I used to scream and have a full on panic attack during storms that she had to turn all the lights off. She told me that she would wrap me in a blanket and just hold me, while Izuku made a fort to keep us safe. A large crack of thunder sounding, which made me jump. "Mom?" I called, but got no answer which made me worry. Just where am I? I heard another loud crack of thunder as lightning flashed in the sky, shaking the ground a bit. A large gust of wind blew past me, making me shiver harshly. My eyes scanned the area, as I started walking. I have to find somewhere to go and figure out where I really am, this isn't the same place that I've been coming to in my mind. This really was unsettling, I could feel my anxiety raising as more thunder sounded. As I walked up a small hill, my eyes lit up when I saw the cabin that Mom has been staying in. "Mom!!!" I took off as fast as I could, just as rain started to pour. "Mom!! Are you in here?!" I called, closing the door behind me as a large clap of thunder sounded. I jumped slightly startled, looking around as I noticed that the fire was going. I noticed someone with blonde hair sitting in the chair, which was directly in front of the fire place.


"You've really gotten so big." The voice of the person sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite figure out where I had heard it before. "Who are you?" I asked, stepping around the couch. The chair slowly turned around, making me stand back a bit. My eyes widened when I saw who was sitting on the chair, I let out a gasp as tears grew in my eyes. "No way...." I trailed off, "My goodness. You really have grown into such a beautiful young lady. And you're in training to become a Pro hero." He stood up, his blonde hair falling into his face. He brushed it back with his hand, as he came to stand in front of me.


"My little bunny."

"Is that really you?"

"Yes, it is." I walked forward slowly, taking in his appearance. I noticed just how much older he looked, but he looked like he was still in his twenties. He had a beard, longer, shaggier blonde hair and his eyes... They seemed to have a dull but small shine to them. A tear ran down my cheek, as I launched myself at him. The two of us held one another, just holding each other without saying anything. After a few minutes, the two of us let go of one another but the truth was, I didn't want to let go of him.

"Dad, what are you doing here? Why are you here in my head? Where are you?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"To be honest with you..." He sighed, "I have no clue where I really am. When I first went on that mission in the U.S, I had to fight a few villains who were trying to steal powers from other People Heroes. When I had my first fight with one of the villains, he shot me with a gun. After that, I had somehow gained the ability to go into people's minds and project myself for them to see me." He explained. "Right now... I know that you and Itsuki probably felt a sharp, burning pain run through your body."

"Yeah.. I did... I passed out. I don't know about Itsuki, the two of us aren't together. Why?"

"Just before I ended up here.. Hitoshi, one of the villains that is basically a right hand man for the person in charge.. He has a quirk. This quirk is something like a body link. Whoever he uses it on, is linked mentally and physically to the people they love and care about. Which is why you both felt what I felt." He explained.

"That explains the pain I felt when I was walking. Whatever was in the gun that they shot you with, gave you that ability. Which is why I saw you months ago.. But, do you know where you are? Cause if you do, then I can tell All Might and Mr. Aizawa. And they can get Pro Heroes to find you."

"Little Bunny... I have no clue where they took me. When I was shot, I passed out. When I woke up, I was chained to a chair in a room in some building. Listen to me, little bunny. There are people coming after you and Itsuki. I know that you are currently at the training camp and you're probably not with Itsuki, but I need you to find each other-" The house suddenly shook cutting Dad off, the two of us looked around as it began to shake violently. The rain outside seemed to pick up, the wind blowing harshly. Laughter suddenly echoed through the cabin, causing me to panic. I pushed down my panic, putting on a brave face as the laughter became louder. "Look, Miyuki." Dad turned me to face him, "I can't stay here much longer. I need you to find your brother. The only way you will be able to stop Souta or the people that have me is together." He explained, I could see the fear and concern his eyes held. His green eyes met my mismatched ones, "I know that this is scary. Hell... I'm scared for you and your brother's sake.. These villains that have me, they are planning to steal other heroes' quirks. They are bad people. I know that you and Itsuki have been training to become a Pro Hero, but you are going to need help fighting them. Promise me, you'll be careful and not face them alone." His voice was laced with concern, "I promise, Dad. I won't fight them alone and I won't let Itsuki fight them alone either. I promise that I will come find you. I'm going to find you. And I'm going to save you." Tears streamed down my face, Dad gave me a small smile and kissed my forehead.


I felt myself waking up, but I couldn't open my eyes just yet. I could hear shouting coming from Bakugo, meaning he was nearby. I felt warmth coming from someone, I recognized the smell and warmth to be Todoroki. I heard arguing coming from the two of them, hearing sounds of them fighting. My eyes slowly started to open, my vision was a bit blurry but I could make out Moonfish. I shifted my eyes to the right, watching as Bakugo fought against him. And once I looked forward, I could see Todoroki's red hair and the side of his face. He looked worried about something, which made me worry. I have to get up and fight with them, I can tell that something isn't right. And something isn't right.

"Todoroki?" My voice came out low and soft but it seemed that he heard me, "Oh thank god, you're awake. You were beginning to worry me." Todoroki said.

"I'm sorry. What's.. What's going on?"

"We just found out why there are villains at the camp."

"Why are they here? Are they after someone?"


"Who?" I asked, Todoroki hesitated in telling me which let me know that it was someone important to me. "Who Todoroki? Who are they after? Please, tell me." I tried to move my arms but it was too painful to do that, I let out a pained groaned as Todoroki dodged an incoming attack. "The villains after Bakugo." When I heard that, my entire world stopped moving. I felt my breath catch in my throat, as I looked over to Bakugo as Todoroki used his ice to keep Moonfish away from Bakugo. Oh god... They want Bakugo.

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