Chapter 37

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Miyuki's pov

Instead of saying anything, Itsuki jumped down from the building. He landed on his feet, creating a large crater underneath him as he landed. "Let's get started then." He smirked, as he stood straight up and looked me dead in the eye. Things seemed to only go downhill from here, which made a lot of things complicated. Currently I was searching for Sue, we had gotten split up when Itsuki destroyed the building we had been standing in. Most of the buildings had been destroyed due to how destructive Itsuki was during the fight, "Damnit, I don't know where sue could be and that's problem. I shouldn't have let us get separated in the first place." I thought, as I quietly ran through the streets. As I rounded a large corner, I was suddenly rammed into and sent into another building. I pushed through the debris, getting back up to my feet as I realized that it was Itsuki who rammed into me. "I'm surprised you didn't see that coming. I thought you would have been on your toes, Miyuki." Itsuki's voice rang out, I couldn't pin point exactly where his voice was coming from but I knew he was outside. I warily walked outside, keeping my guard up as I listened closely to my surroundings. To my left, I picked up a slight echo and instantly moved out the way as Itsuki came crashing down at an incredible speed. I slid back on my feet, creating distance between Itsuki and I. Even with the dust and dirt blocking our sight, Itsuki charged through at me. I acted quickly slamming my palms into the ground, creating a large gust of fire to blow towards Itsuki.

"Nice try," I swiftly turned to my left, catching Itsuki's foot before it could hit me in the face. I let go of his leg, swiftly drop kicking him in the stomach which made him fly backwards. He quickly caught himself, flipping over and pushed off the wall. I threw several attacks at him using my ice, but he quickly dodged each one of them which made me tense up a bit. I needed to step up my game, especially since he was going all out. "Haaaaa!!!" Itsuki threw a large fireball at me to which I dodged, but I didn't realize just how close he had gotten. I stumbled back, dodging his right but was unexpectedly hit from the left. I ignored the pain, dodging another left only to be hit in the right side of my stomach. Nearly losing my footing, I caught myself and ducked his right hook. I managed to punch him in the stomach with my left fist, which was covered in ice. I then threw another left hook, but he dodged and quickly retaliated. I knew that he was going to come from the left again but I was wrong and this time, he attacked from the front. I hit the nearby wall, creating a large crater underneath me. I groaned slightly, feeling the air get sucked out of me as I hit the ground. "Come on, Miyuki... I know you have more in you than that." I heard Itsuki's footsteps get closer and took the opportunity to use my water, since I noticed that we were near a water tank earlier.

"Tsunami Maelstrom!!" I waited until Itsuki was in the same lining of the water tank, attacking when he was right where I wanted him. I guess Sue must have seen the blast I caused, because I heard a weird sound coming from my right. I looked over to my right, spotting Sue running towards me.

"Sue!!" I took off, pulling her into a bone crushing hug. "Oh thank god that was you and not Itsuki." She said, "What do you mean? Did you fight Itsuki while we were separated?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Yeah, only for a little while though. I couldn't keep up with his pace and then he took off to find you." She explained, as I looked back at the area I just exploded. "Come on, we need to get to the gate while he's busy." I grabbed her hand, running off with her following behind me closely.

"Where do you think you're going?!" A fireball whizzed past my shoulder, grazing me a little making me hiss in pain. "Miyuki, he's gaining on us... And it seems, he's decided to kick things up a notch!" Sue shouted, I slightly looked back and once I saw the look on his face, I knew we needed to hurry up. We weren't to far from the gate, but we still had a bit of ways to go.

"Ahh! Cinder Ember!!" Itsuki shot off a mixture of water and fire towards us, I quickly pulled Sue in front of me and counteracted the attack. "Pyro Grenade!" The attack I threw did nothing to his attack, which slightly panicked me. I acted quickly, putting up a large ice wall to try and slow down the attack. Even though the ice wall was thick, the attack broke right through it which threw me off.  I knew deep down that this attack was one of his more devastating attacks, which I had only encountered once during our training together.

"That attack.. It looks like there isn't anything they can do to slow it down." Iida spoke, "Oh no, if Miyuki can't stop that they'll both be taken out." Denki spoke up, concerned for the two.

"No, they'll figure out something. I'm sure of it." Todoroki spoke up, staring at Miyuki on the screen.

"Sue, nothing I do will slow it down..." I spoke up, "What does that mean?" Sue asked, looking behind her to me. "It means this.." I made ice skates on her feet, adding a small fire boost to the skates and froze the floor under and ahead of us. "Sue," I started, "No, don't tell me you're planning on that." Sue shook her head, "Sue, please. It's the only way I can think of us passing this exam right now." I pleaded, "I can't do that.. I don't want to leave you behind." She shook her head, still protesting. "Sue, I don't care what you want! Get to the gate, it's our only chance of passing!!" I didn't wait for a response from Sue and instead, shoved her forward farther from me. Once Sue was far enough, I continued throwing attacks at the blast which nearly slowed it down. "Not so fast!" Itsuki threw another ball of fire and water at his attack, speeding it up and I knew I couldn't get away. The attack grew closer and I did the best I could to protect myself from taking to much damage, all I could hope for was that Sue got to the gate. 

"No!!" I could barely hear Sue's voice, as I was hit with the blast. My body felt hot for a moment, while I could feel the energy draining out of me.

"No!!" Eijiro and Denki shouted, as Miyuki took the dead impact of the blast. Everyone watched in shock, not believing what had just taken place as Miyuki flew backwards. "Is she-?" Momo stopped talking as Todoroki became worried, watching as Miyuki flew backwards. Sue swiftly turned around, heading back to catch Miyuki who had been knocked slightly unconscious. "No, Sue.. No, turn back around." Miyuki muttered as she flew backwards, she could hear Sue coming back for her. "Miyuki!!!" Sue shouted, "Ahhh!!" Itsuki released another attack, which hit Miyuki in the stomach. The force of the attack caused Miyuki to fly faster, Sue stopped in place as she realized that there was no way to slow down Miyuki's collision with her.

"At the speed Miyuki is flying, she'll collide with Sue." Jiro spoke, "That second blast must have knocked Miyuki out, if she wasn't unconscious already." Iida spoke, "This is bad.. At this rate, they might not be able to get to the gate." Sero spoke, making Bakugo growl at him.

"Shutup, tape boy! They will get to that gate. Sue won't fail, even if Miyuki is unconscious." Bakugo snapped, turning all eyes on him.

"He's right.. Sue won't let them fail, just because Miyuki isn't right beside her." Deku shook his head, agreeing with Bakugo.

Sue and Miyuki collided and from the impact of the collision, the two were sent sailing. Sue knew that she had to get them to the gate, but what she didn't know was that Miyuki was still awake. "Not letting us fail this... Gotta get to the gate." Miyuki muttered softly, "Miyu," Sue heard Miyuki's small comment, holding her tightly. Miyuki used her hands, putting them out in front of her. She boosted the two's speed using her fire and with one last blast, the two sailed right through the gate.

"They did it!!! They passed their exam!!" Denki shouted, as everyone in the room cheered. Denki and Eijiro hugged each other, cheering loudly as Deku smiled largely at the monitor. Todoroki and Bakugo both had a sigh of relief and smiled slightly, as they saw Sue hold Miyuki close and cry into her.

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