Chapter 56

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Miyuki's pov

I didn't know what to do at the moment and everyone was trying their best to get to Bakugo, which only made me even more alert and at my wits end. At this point, I ignored the pain and exhaustion that I had been feeling and jumped off of Todoroki's back to help subdue the villain who took Bakugo and Tokoyami. There was no way I was letting anyone get away with kidnapping anybody, especially not my best friend and a good friend like Tokoyami. Both of them don't deserve it at all and it seemed like the villains only wanted them, so they could make the two of them apart of their little band of villains. Which I knew would fail, even if Bakugo has such a bad temper, he wasn't going to ever change his mind of the fact that he has always wanted to be a Pro Hero. "What do you think you're doing? Your wounds aren't fully healed and you're still exhausted. You'll burn yourself out if you keep up like this, Miyu." Todoroki scolded but I didn't care about that, all I cared about was getting both of them back. "Sorry, if I seem a little irrational right now, babe. My best friend and our classmate has been taken by these jackasses and there is no way that I'm going to let them take Bakugo and Tokoyami from us without a fight. If it's a fight they want, then it's a fight they'll get." When we tackled him out of the air, we landed directly at the rendezvous point of the villains, where Mr. Compress was going to meet up with the other villains he came with. "Give me back my friends, you asshole." I charged forward, attacking him but he dodged me and turned himself into a marble, throwing me for a loop. The strange part about the whole thing is when another villain showed up, his appearance was frightening, to say the least. This villain started throwing fireballs at us which is when I noticed that he was using blue fire, which was so different from my own and Todoroki's. I pulled back, dodging the attacks from him and wondered where he had exactly come from. That's when it hit me, he must have been the one who Mr. Aizawa was fighting. It seemed that Todoroki was thinking the same thing as he dodged the villain's attack, but both Mezo and Deku partially get burned on their arms. Another villain heads straight for Todoroki, but I stepped in and threw a large blockade of ice towards them. They jumped out of the way, dodging my attack as I followed it up with a fire attack, Todoroki also stepping in as well. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the same blonde girl from earlier who had pinned Uraraka and Tsuyu was now pinning Deku. "Miyuki!" I heard my name being called, turning my head to the left, I quickly jumped into the air and flipped. Landing on my feet, I turned around and quickly shot off fire balls at the villain we were fighting. I saw Shoji knock the girl off of Deku before she could cut him, which gave me the opportunity to focus on the fight at hand. Todoroki stood beside me, the two of us staring down the villain.

"We can do this."

"Hey, just like old times, huh?" I smirked, looking over at Todoroki. His lips twitched into a smile slightly, it seemed he knew exactly what I was referring too.

"Yeah, just like old times." He nodded, our attention turning back onto the villain.

"If you two are done with your sappy-" I cut the villain off, socking them in the face which they obviously didn't see coming. I didn't care about how rude it seemed, what I cared about most was getting my friends back. But in the blink of an eye, the villain dodged both Todoroki and I and Mr. Compress reverts back to normal. The villain with the blue fire, whose name was Dabi steps in and it seemed that he was very concerned with whether Mr. Compress and the other villain, Twice, who we had been fighting has custody of Bakugo. It made my blood boil that they were so brazen to take him and Tokoyami like that, it wasn't right and those two were not their puppets.

"I'm sure now based on what he just did.. I don't know what your Quirk is but inside that right pocket of yours that you kept flaunting, were these-" Todoroki, Deku and I looked at Shoji who was holding two blue cyan colored orbs. "Tokoyami and Bakugo, right, entertainer?" He asked, looking at the villain. "Oh that didn't take you very long!" Sako smirked, he seemed amused with the whole ordeal and that is something that didn't sit well with me. Something seemed off about those two orbs, which got me wondering if they really were Bakugo and Tokoyami. If he really had them, shouldn't they be worried about failing their mission? I furrowed my brows, watching the villains closely and I could tell that they were playing around with us. But why? Why are they intentionally fooling us into thinking that we have Bakugo and Tokoyami if they're the ones who still have them?

"As expected of someone with six arms. You're good at feeling around!"

"Alright, good job, Shoji." Todoroki said, but I shook my head. There was something that didn't sit well with me, especially with how overly excited the villain was acting. Just as I was about to say something to Todoroki, a large nomu appeared out of nowhere startling all of us.

"What the shit? What is a nomu doing here?!" That's when we all took notice that the Nomu hadn't arrived alone, in fact it arrived with another villain. "Wait a minute.. That villain.. He's so familiar.." I watched the new villain interact with Dabi, quickly losing my patience with them. I noticed that the villain who arrived with the Nomu was the same one that arrived at USJ, he was with the villains who were after All Might. "It's been five minutes since the signal. Let us go, Dabi." The villain said, looking at Dabi who protested because he didn't have Bakugo. But just as we thought we had the upper hand, it was taken from us. "Oh, that? They seemed so happy
that they rushed out here, so I thought I'd give them a present. It's a habit, one of the basics of magic. When I flaunt something, it's because there's something I don't want you to see."

"No-No way."

"No way! My ice!"

"That's right. During the freezing attack, I prepared dummies and put them in my right pocket."

"No.. His quirk.. It let's him compress things?" I realized that we were in a worse position than before, especially now with more villains around. "If you discover that what was in my right hand was in my right pocket, then of course you'd rush happily over."

"Wait...!" Deku cried, as I stepped forward. "And now, that's all from me--"
Finishing his monologue, this gives Aoyama an opening to blast his mask off with a navel laser, causing the villain to cough the marbles out of his mouth. While Shoji rushes forward and manages to grab one of them, both Todoroki and I rush to grab the second one but Dabi grabs the other before we could reach it. "That's sad. Shoto... Todoroki. Midoriya... Miyuki.." He said, making my skin crawl as he looked at us in satisfaction. But it made my blood boil at the fact that he so brazenly was enjoying the fact that we lost to them, that they had the upper hand in this fight.

"Confirm it now. Release this."

"My show's been ruined!"

"No problem."

As the small orb releases, Bakugo appears in Dabi's grip. "Bakugo!!" I shouted, tears starting to form as I ran forward, it seemed Deku was doing the same. He called out for Bakugo, the two of us heading straight for the villains and Bakugo who was being pulled into the dark portal created by the villain who appeared earlier. "Don't come, Miyu. Deku." Bakugo's voice barely came out as a whisper as he and the villains kept going through the portal. "No!! Bakugo!!" Tears streamed down my face as they disappeared, just before I could touch Bakugo. My heart broke into two as he was no longer standing there, realization hitting me harshly as I failed to protect Bakugo from the villains who now have him in their grasp. Just like how I failed to even search enough to know that my father was alive and was being held captive by evil and more powerful villains. Deku collapsed beside me as Todoroki came over to the two of us, "Miyuki." He spoke, my eyes slowly shifted to him until our eyes met. "He took him... They.. Have Bakugo.. Todoroki, they have my best friend and it's all my fault." My shoulders shook as I started to cry, my head began to hurt and before I knew it, I felt my body beginning to shut down out of pure exhaustion and pain from the long battle. "Miyuki!!" Todoroki caught me before I hit the ground and the last thing I heard was him calling my name as darkness took over and I blacked out.

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