Halloween Special #2 (part 1)

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Miyuki's pov

I held onto my bat tightly, sticking close to the wall as I tried to keep my breathing to a minimum. I peeked around the corner, seeing several of those things out on the street and I knew I couldn't sneak past them. "Is there a way out of here?" I quickly moved back over, looking to Bakugo who was standing to my right. "No, there are too many. We can't sneak past them and there is nowhere to duck for cover." I whispered to him, he sighed and shook his head. I could see that he was trying to figure out how to get us out of this mess, the concentrated look in his eyes were just like Deku... I hope he's okay... And Todoroki. "If we can't go this way, let's try for that alley I saw on the way here. That leads to another part of town, hopefully closer to the school." Iida suggested, "Are you sure going to the school is a good idea? Before this all got worse, the school was the first place to get hit." I said, looking to Iida.


It was a regular school day, well almost regular, aside from Bakugo trying to beat Denki for teasing him all was calm. "Sue, why are you late?" Iida asked, "I just wasn't feeling too good when I woke up. Don't worry, I'm fine." I looked over at Sue, who looked slightly pale and she was sweating. She grimaced in pain, as she held her bag. "Sue, you don't look so good. You should go home." Uraraka suggested, looking to Sue. "Yeah, round face has got a point. You should go home, cause you look like hell." Bakugo said, leaning back in his chair which only annoyed Sue. Just then Mr. Aizawa entered the room, looking as tired as usual. "Morning class," He spoke in a low tone, showing that he was tired.

"Now, I assume you all have heard that there has been some kind of virus going around. Starting from today, I want you all to start taking better care of your immune system or you will catch this virus." Mr. Aizawa's eyes scanned the room, before landing on Sue, who was looking worse than she did before.

"Sue, are you feeling okay?" He asked, "No, not really." Sue shook her head, I noticed that she was sweating a lot. "Sue got home. Don't worry about today's class just go home and get some rest." Mr. Aizawa excused Sue from class to go home,  just as Sue got up from her seat, she collapsed. "Sue!" I sprung up to my feet, rushing to her just as Mr. Aizawa came over to check on her. I put my hand on her forehead and was shocked to find that she was running a high fever, I looked over at Mr. Aizawa signaling that Sue was not doing good.

"Alright, class give me a few minutes. I will take Sue to the nurses office." With that Mr. Aizawa picked Sue up from the floor and left the classroom, leaving everyone to talk amongst themselves. I stared at the door, waiting for Mr. Aizawa to come back so I could ask him about Sue's condition. I felt nerves bubble up in my stomach, as I stood near her desk.

"She'll be okay, Miyu." Deku said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I let out a sigh, "Yeah, I hope so." The next few weeks, things started to become worse. The people who caught the virus, much like Sue, got worse. Before long, many of those people started to die. What's strange is that the people who died became zombie-like and started to eat the living and it wasn't pretty. Anyone bitten or scratched by the undead, became infected with the virus. They would get sick pretty quickly, suffer from a high fever and basically die from that fever. Then they would come back, but not as a living person. Anyone that wasn't sick could easily be sniffed out by the undead and get attacked. Since Sue was the first case in the school, Principal Nezu sent her to the CDC to get better. It was rumored that she was still there and alive, the only one who didn't die of the virus. So keeping her at the facility would mean, they could run all kinds of tests in order to find a way to turn everyone back to normal. It was said that the people who died, if a cure was found could be restored back to their normal selves. Things started to fall apart quickly, even the pro heroes had trouble trying to keep this from getting out of control. The more people who turned, the harder it was to defend against them. So the alternative was to kill anyone who seemed to far gone, which was most of the city's population. An effective way to kill them was shooting or stabbing them in the head, do it anywhere else on the body and it won't affect them. The school was hit pretty hard and the next thing we knew, it was quickly overrun.

We were in class on a regular day, Shinji was talking with Toru which was odd, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I was sitting on Todoroki's desk, talking with him, Denki and Momo. When Mr. Aizawa came in to start the lesson, everything was fine until we heard the school's alarm sound off. The class became a bit panicked, so Mr. Aizawa went to check it out. He closed the door behind him, and it went silent before we could hear him fighting outside. When he tried to come back into the classroom, I noticed that another teacher was attacking him and trying to bit him. "Mr. Aizawa!!!" I shot to my feet, rising towards the door but he stopped me. "Everyone get out of here!!! Now!! The school has been overrun!!! Get out of here!" He shouted, "But we can't just leave you!!" Uraraka and I shouted, "Just go!!! Now!!!" This sent the class into a panicked frenzy as everyone rushed out of the classroom, I was quickly separated from both my brother and Todoroki.

Flashback over....

I looked over at Bakugo and Iida, worry written all over my face. "Miyu, stop worrying, will you?" Bakugo sighed, "I can't help but worry, Baku. If going to the school is our only option, how do you suggest we get past the teachers who got infected? Besides, our best bet is to head to the CDC. They may have answers or a cure." I pleaded, looking to them both. Iida and Bakugo became quiet for a minute, looking to each other and then to me.

"I think we should head to the CDC." Bakugo said, finally breaking the silence.

"Me too." Iida nodded, "Alright, then it's settled. But first we need supplies." I peeked back around the wall, only to be surprised by a zombie. I let out a gasp, falling to the ground as I wrestled with the zombie. Bakugo quickly jumped into action, kicking the zombie off of me before stabbing it in the head. Iida helped me to my feet, but once I stood up, another popped up behind Bakugo, who didn't see it behind him. Luckily, I was fast enough to shove him out of the way and tackle the zombie to the floor. I stabbed the zombie in the head, standing to my feet and panted slightly.

"Let's go." Was all I said to the two of them, they nodded and we snuck away quietly, heading towards the CDC.

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