Chapter 12

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Miyuki's pov

As I continued running, I ran into Mina and Uraraka. "Guys... What happened?" I asked, upon seeing them carrying Thirteen. "The head villain took her down." Mina said, "Do you know where Deku is?" They shook their heads and sighed, before I took off, making a mad dash for another area. "Where are you going?!!" Mina yelled after me, "To find Deku!!!!" I answered, running as fast as I could.

I knew that the Shipwreck zone had to be somewhere around here. Along the way I froze some villains, wanting to get information on what was really going on. "Alright, here's the deal. I will not burn you to a crisp or let you freeze to death, if tell me why Shiragari is trying to kill All Might." I stood with my arms crossed, in front of the three villains. "No way, why should we tell a littl-" I cut him off by holding my hand out and freezing his entire upper body, which made him freak out.

"Okay!! We'll tell you." One of the other two villains cried out, "No, you can't say a word. He'll kill us if you do." The third villain cried out, "Who is this person who will kill you? Answer my question and tell me everything." I said sternly, making them tremble in fear and cold. "Now, who's gonna start talking before I freeze his head?" I asked sweetly, "Shiragari wants to kill All Might because of his father. His father was one of the many stronger villains that All Might had put away or stopped." The first one continued to explain to me and I unfroze them. I knocked them out, after the second tried to attack me and kept looking for Deku. But I ran into major trouble on the way, it was the same villain who was trying to get me to believe he was my dad. My right leg was broken but I made an ice cast, so that I didn't feel the pain when I fought.


As Kurogiri goes to warp Deku, Bakugo shows up with Sue and Eijiro. He blasts the villain and pins him down, "Make one stupid move and I'll blow you to pieces." Bakugo warned, "That doesn't sound so heroic." Eijiro said, as Todoroki shows up freezing Nomu's body to help aid All Might. He reveals one of the weaker criminals, revealed the League of Villain's plans to him. Thanks to the ice, All Might is able to free himself from Nomu's grip. Eiijro appears as well and tries a sneak attack on Tomura, but to no avail. But that's when another ear piercing scream is let out and it's a lot closer. "Who keeps screaming like that?" Eijiro asked, "That's Miyuki." Deku yelled to them, looking around and an explosion sounds. The ground shakes underneath them, "She must be having a rough time. It sounds like she's using all of her quirks." Sue said, not noticing the villain that Miyuki was previously fighting was going towards her.

"Sue!!! Look out!!" Eijiro calls out and a figure suddenly flies by corkscrewing the villain. She freezes the ground, as half her body is shrouded in fire. "I told you to back down!" The villain scrambles to his feet, kicking up dust so they couldn't see who it was. "Ahhhh!" They heard a shout of pain and a figure flies out of the smoke, landing in front of All Might. "The next time you want to use my father as an excuse to get me to come with you, there won't be a next time. You understand, you sick bastard?" Miyuki came walking out of the smoke and they all noticed most of her outfit was ripped, her arm was bandaged and she had a small limp.

"Did she hurt her leg fighting him? Why is she limping unless..... He injured her. That's why we heard those screams." Bakugo thought, as he stared in shock along with everyone else. "Is this villain really that strong? Did he hurt her in some way?" Todoroki thought, as he was watching the scene. "This villain must be pretty powerful if she's limping. He must have broken her leg and she made an ice cast, so the limp wouldn't be noticeable." Deku looked directly at his sister's face. She looked calm but her demeanor was something else, she also had fire covering her left side and her hair was whipping back and forth which set shock in everyone.

"Miy-" She shot a dangerous look to Eijiro, making him back up towards Sue and hide behind her. "You think you can take me down so easily?!! I'm your father, little girl." This shocked everyone and it became silent, until Miyuki started laughing. "What's so funny?" He asked, "If you were really my father, you wouldn't call me little girl. You would call me by my name. The nickname mom told me about. Nobody called me that except for him. If you can't call me by that name, then you're just an imposter." Miyuki spoke darkly and everyone looked to the villain, who pondered what it was frantically as he looked to Kurogiri for help. "Was it Miyu?" Miyuki growled, covering her entire hand and tornado kicked him.

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