Chapter 10

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Miyuki's pov

One of the villains seemed to notice someone wasn't here and I believe that someone was All Might. "He should have been here. The schedule said he should have been teaching the class today." One of the three villains leading the others said. He had a hand on his face and everywhere else on his head and there was one who seemed to have no solid body. "You must be the villians who broke through the barrier." Mr. Aizawa said, stepping in the front of all of us and into place next to Thirteen. "I wonder if All Might will show up after we've killed his students." The guy with the hand said, making us panic a little. Mr. Aizawa steps forward, "Thirteen, get the students to safety and contact U.A. high." I was a bit worried about Mr. Aizawa to be honest, I haven't seen him fight villians yet. "Are you sure that you can fight them alone?" Deku asked, "Don't worry about me. I can handle them." He leaps into battle as a firing squad charges forward, but he uses his quirk to erase all of theirs out and knock them out using his capture weapon. A mutant type quirk using villain knows that Aizawa's quirk can't cancel out his own and attacks. Eraserhead or known as Mr. Aizawa easily counters him by keeping the villain at a distance using the capture weapon. "Come on kids, let's go. We need to get you to safety." We follow Thirteen but the villain called Kurogiri stops us with his warping quirk. "Who the hell are you?" I asked, taking a step back as I was in front of everyone in the group. "I'm in the league of villains, our goal is to kill All Might." He says as both Bakugo and Eijiro attack him but it had no effect on him. But before Thirteen could use her quirk, Kurogiri separates us with his quirk, warping us into different zones. I looked around seeing that I was in a more jungle type situation than the area I was previously in. "Hehe, you are coming with me little girl." I heard laughter behind me, I whipped my head around to see a big guy with large muscle arms. "I'm not going anywhere with you." I snapped, glaring harshly at him as I suddenly heard maniacal laughter coming from behind me. "You don't have a choice." He jumped at me but I dodged him, freezing the ground under me. I made skates and flipped over a villain. "Warrior Frost!" I froze one of them, but it didn't work and I was grabbed. "I can't figure out this guy's work. And his hands feel icky." I groaned when I was slammed into the frozen ground, but I didn't let this stop me. "Back off!!" I kicked the guy in the face and used my feet to flip him over me. I had learned most of my fighting skills from Bakugo and Dad. Since he trained me as I tried to control my quirk, Bakugo taught me the basics of fighting and then the advanced moves. He landed on his back with a groan and before I could get up another villain came barreling towards me.

I rolled out of the way and kicked him in the side, "Pyro Flamer!!!!" I shrouded my entire left side in fire and shot a giant heat wave at them. They flew back at the force of my attack but one of them didn't, meaning he had some type of other quirk. "Pyro Flamer!!" The attack was sent back at me, but I acted quickly. Slamming my palms onto the ground I made a giant ice wall "What the hell?!" I ran forward jumping over the giant wall and kicking the guy in the face which sent him sliding back. Another villain popped up to my right and they threw several attacks at me in which I dodged all of them by flipping over. "Blaze foot!!!" I shrouded my foot in fire and kicked three of the villains in the face, each of them knocking into the other. I jumped up in the air spinning and kicked the heavyset guy, who took the hit well. He threw that kick back at me but I dodged him seeing as I was a lot smaller than he is, "Nice try! Maybe this will wear you out!!" I hit him with both my ice and fire dodging any punches or kicks he threw and then hit him with a strong tornado kick. He hit the ground hard and bounced back up, but once I slammed him back down he was out for the count. Seeing as I took out all my villains, I ran around the jungle area looking for a way out freezing several villains along the way or setting them on fire. Once I got out the area I noticed something big, I was now in an area with big buildings. It was vast but a lot of the building took up most of the space and I realized it was the a disaster zone for a earthquake. I ran through the streets looking forward trying to figure which area Deku, Denki, Todoroki, Eijiro or even Bakugo was in. A lot earlier on before Kurogiri stopped us Thirteen sent Iida to get help from the U.A. which was pretty far from here. I was worried that he wouldn't make it in time, especially since we were all scattered across the training grounds.

"Where could Deku be? Where is Sue? Is she okay? Is Deku okay? Is Bakugo safe? What about Denki and Eijiro? Are they okay? Where could they be?" I thought as I ran through the streets. I turned the corner and was rammed into suddenly, which sent me flying halfway across the street into a building. I flew through several walls and finally hit one and before I could hit the floor, I was picked up. I was slammed against the wall and held up by the neck, "Seems like the strong little girl can't defend herself now." I had one eye open and was struggling to get his hand off my neck but I realized that I could activate my fire. I shot somewhere else, making him laugh. "You missed." The water came spurting out and I chuckled, "What are you laughing at?" He turned very angry, "Your stupidity." I raised the water up without him realizing it and he growled pushing on my neck harder, so I took this opportunity to jerk my hand down and it hit him. He let go and I coughed loudly and took off running. I finally made my way out of the building running faster. Villains came flying at me, but I froze them and set some on fire. I dodged more of them still trying to catch my breathe, but I was tackled by someone. I struggled furiously against the person.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I opened my eyes seeing a villain maybe about Itsuki's height and I kicked and screamed. I hit the villain in the face with my ice, but he didn't let up. "Get off of me!!!!" I kicked him in the groin area and he growled trying to pin my arms down, but I struggled against him harder.

"You BASTARD!!! GET OFF!!!" My ice surrounded me and the ground under me, as I screamed louder. He was yelling out in pain and I saw that my fire had now completely covered him. But it didn't burn him like fire normally did. I kicked him off of me, as my fire died out and I ran. I ran as fast as I could, away from the area.

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