Chapter 66

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Miyuki's pov

We had gotten separated from everyone else, I happened to end up with Deku and Bakugo. At the moment, I was trying really hard to keep my composure together though, I doubt I was going to be able to hold in my tears. Todoroki had called Deku to make sure that everyone else was okay, "Midoriya, are you okay over there?" Todoroki asked, "Yeah! How about you guys? Were you able to make a clean escape?" Deku asked, "I think so. We escaped from behind. The pros are giving us evacuation instructions." Todoroki said, "Good! We're in the front of the station. Looks like we're out of the range of that shockwave. Looks like we're out of the range of that shockwave." Deku explained, "Listen. You didn't rescue me, okay? You all just happened to be the best escape route." Bakugo stated, crossing his arms. "Nice decision!" Eijiro said, "I didn't want to get in All Might's way." Bakugo said, with everyone finally okay, Deku hung up. "I cannot believe you put yourself in harm's way when you were in no condition to fight." Bakugo scolded me, tears filled my eyes as I stared at him. "You too, Deku. I told you not to come after me. I could have handled them myself." Bakugo looked at Deku, before looking back over at me. "You aren't even fully healed, I can tell that much. Why would you put yourself at risk like that--" Without saying a word, I slapped Bakugo in the face catching Deku off guard. "Miyu-" Deku started, "You stupid idiot!!!" I shouted, catching people's attention. Bakugo looked stunned at the slap, his eyes widening as he looked at me.

"Miyu, I don't think-" Deku tried to intervene but I couldn't let him.

"You're scolding me for coming to save you when you didn't let us protect you when you were the one they wanted! You damn idiot!! I need you to be safe! My father is still alive and being held prisoner by other villains! You think I want that to be the same case for you! You should have just let us protect you instead of being stupid and hotheaded like you always are! I could have lost you!" My voice cracked, "I can't lose my best friend, I can't handle that. Neither could your parents! So help me god the next time you even think about pulling a stupid ass stunt like you did, I will shove you in a room and lock you in it till you grow old and die. Do you hear me, Katsuki Bakugo?" 

".... Yeah.." He nodded, and my shoulders slumped as the adrenaline faded away. 

"I hear you, Miyuki. I'm sorry." I started crying causing Bakugo and Deku to panic as my sobs caught the attention of the people around us. "Ah, Miyu. It's okay. Don't cry. Kacchan is safe now, he's fine." Deku waved his hands, trying to get me to stop crying. Bakugo sighed, pulling me into a hug as he knew that words wouldn't calm me down. I buried my face into his chest, hugging him back, relieved to have my best friend back, safe and sound. "I'm fine, Miyuki. I'm okay. I promise it won't happen again. I'll be more careful just please stop crying." Bakugo rubbed circles on my back as I just continued crying into him. When I calmed down, our attention turned to the fight where we saw Gran Torino fighting alongside All Might, who looked exhausted. Deku and I both got the sense that his secret was going to come out tonight. All Might had crashed into a media helicopter, which was recording the fight between the three of them.  All For One charges up another attack, it seemed that this one would be devasting if it hit someone. My heart pounded in my chest, watching Gran Torino yell at All Might wanting him to move but All For One aims for someone who was trapped underneath the debris of the surrounding building. My breath caught in my throat as I watched All Might throw himself in the direction of the blast, taking the brunt of All For One's air cannon. My eyes widened when All Might's skinny form appeared on the screen. Everyone around us was panicked, shocked at the appearance of All Might. 


"What's with that skeleton?" 

"Um... What's...? Huh?" 

"Can you all see this? All Might has... deflated.." 

Deku and I looked at one another, both of us secretly communicating with each other about All Might's form. He had hidden this form from the public because he didn't want people to lose the public's faith in him. My concern wasn't with how the public would now perceive him, it was the fact that he was already at his limit. None of us could fight One For All just yet, which meant that All Might was the only one who could. 

"All Might...." I whispered.

"Even if my body rots and grows weak..." All Might started, "Even if you try to expose that form... my heart will remain that of the Symbol of Peace! It is not something that you can steal even a single piece of!" All Might shouted, it was comforting to know that he wasn't going to let All For one break his spirit. He just had to hang in there a little longer, but I know just based on his physical appearance, he didn't have much left in him to keep fighting. 

"Wonderful. I give up. I'd forgotten what a stubborn and naughty child you were. Then perhaps this will not hinder your heart at all either: You know, Tomura Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's grandson! I kept thinking about what you would hate the most. I created chances for you and Tomura to meet. You defeated him, right? You smiled so proudly when you won, not knowing a thing." All For One was hell-bent on breaking All Might's spirit, something I didn't think was possible. But from the look on All Might's face, I could tell that something wasn't right. That All Might was going to give up.

"Don't... lose..." 

"-No... No way.. All Might..." The person All Might saved spoke up, he didn't want All Might to give up. "If you can't win, then who can? Even if he looks different, All Might is All Might, right? Haven't you always been able to save us somehow?"

 "All Might, you can do it!" 

"Don't lose, All Might!" 

"You can do it!!" Someone else in the crowd shouted. When the people around us started cheering for All Might, my heart swelled and tears came to my eyes. I held Deku's hand tightly, both of us hoping that this would help All Might keep fighting. All three of us wanted him to win and it seemed that the person's words moved him enough, to give All Might the courage that he needed to keep going. 

"Of course, Miss. Yeah, there's a lot... A hero has a lot to protect, All For One. That's why I won't lose!" All Might declared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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