Chapter 36

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Miyuki's POV

Sue and I stood in the monitor room with Deku and the others, watching the others who were now getting ready to start their exam. At the moment, Tsuyu and Tokoyami were about to start their fight against Ectoplasm. It was amazing the amount of team work that the two managed to pull off, I thought back to when we were fighting at the training center and how Tsuyu was doing an amazing job at keeping Deku, Mineta and herself somewhat safe. They were now stuck to the wall, I watched as Tsuyu and Tokoyami calmly worked through it together. Tsuyu reveals that she swallowed some hand cuff and coughs them up, giving them to Dark Shadow. In the end, they managed to handcuff Ectoplasm. Next was Iida and Ojiro's exam against Power loader, "I heard we're up after Iida and Ojiro." Sue took her spot next to me, "Really?" She nodded and I sighed, turning back to the screen. I was both extremely excited and nervous to fight Itsuki for my exam and I knew it wasn't going to be easy. Which is why in those weeks I studied with Todoroki, he helped me learn a different fighting method. So I decided to train using a mix of my fighting style, a little bit of Itsuki and Todoroki's and threw in a little bit of Bakugo's.

"Are you nervous about going up against Itsuki?" Bakugo asked, I hadn't noticed him move closer to us. "A little, I'm mostly excited.. I trained in those weeks as I studied, plus training with him gave me a bit of an upper hand. I'm used to his fighting style but.. There are some things, he kept to himself while we were training." I explained, "Like what?" Momo asked, "Well... For one, I may know some of his fighting style, but he didn't teach me much of it. He only showed me a little of what he's capable of, which puts him over the top. And two, since Sue hasn't fought against Itsuki or even trained with him she won't know much of what to expect." I explained, crossing my arms as I looked up at the screen.

Power Loader uses his quirk to burrow under ground, creating pitfalls in the dirt field. Iida and Ojiro worked together, Ojiro climbed onto Iida's back and uses Recipro Burst to run across the field. The ground was collapsing way to slow so Iida was able to get closer to the exit, but they are intercepted by Power Loader. Iida acts quickly and jumps up before the holes could form underneath them, then Ojiro wrapped his tail around Iida's leg. Iida uses Recipro Extend to spin himself around, creating enough momentum to fling Ojiro across the field in the air. Power Loader tries to stop him, but Ojiro repels Power Loader and crosses through the escape gate. "Looks like it's our turn next," Sue and I looked at each other and nodded, giving each other a small smile. 

"Good luck out there, you guys can beat him." Deku smiled and I returned it, giving him a small nod.

"Miyu, you got this. I know you can do this." Todoroki gave me a look of both determination and passion, I smiled and looked over at Sue.


Sue and I stood in our exam arena, it was huge. There were many buildings surrounding the area, which looked like this one area I was in back at the USJ training center. I didn't let my nerves get the best of me taking a large deep breathe, I took a look around. I knew that this layout was going to give Itsuki a bit of an advantage, when I interned with him he told me that in areas like this it was easy for him to catch the bad guys. I could sense the amount of nervousness coming off of Sue in waves, but I knew in this moment it was best to not panic. Itsuki could be watching us from anywhere, knowing that I knew were going to have to find him. 

"I think he's tracking us, we gotta be on our guard. He could come from anywhere at any time. So keep your guard up." I suggested, looking around the area we were walking in. I scanned the area, straining my ears to make sure Itsuki wasn't in the area. "Look out," Sue suddenly pulled on my arm, causing me to fall backwards on top of Sue as we hit the ground. I lifted my head, watching as a large fireball whizzed over the two of us and hit the building next to us. "Nice catch, Sue.. That was Itsuki." The two of us quickly stood up, standing back to back. Sue was just as alert as I was, I feel her back muscles tense up as the minutes passed by.

I suddenly got this feeling something heading towards us, which made me put my guard up. "I knew it..." I stomped my foot on the ground, creating an ice wall between us and the attack coming towards us. "Move!!" I pushed Sue out of the way, taking on another blast that had come from our left. "Well, not bad.. To start off the match, Miyuki.. That was smart." Itsuki's voice rang out from the buildings around us, causing me to look up. "There!" Sue pointed to a building, I followed her arm and spotted Itsuki standing on top of the building just to our right.

"There you are, Itsuki.. I knew you were going to come out sooner or later." I smirked, looking up at him as he gave me this large grin. His arms were crossed as he looked down at us, he was also wearing his hero outfit which was different from before. "So are you going to come down from there or are you going to bask in the sun?" Sue asked, I could see that she had gotten a little more brazen than before. Instead of saying anything, Itsuki jumped down from the building. He landed on his feet, creating a large crater underneath him as he landed. "Let's get started then." He smirked, as he stood straight up and looked me dead in the eye.

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