Chapter 30

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Miyuki's pov

"Itsuki, what the hell are you doing?" I stood there in complete shock as he shoved me towards Todoroki, which made me bump into him. "I want you two to stay together and get somewhere safe. The city is being attacked by-" There was a large explosion near the building Todoroki and I were standing in front of, which made Todoroki use his ice and throw himself over me to block the rest if the debris. His arms wrapped around me as he pulled me underneath him, I felt heat creep up on my cheeks and despite him not using his fire quirk so much he was warm. The building collapsed, falling towards us so Todoroki acted quickly putting up an ice dome you keep us safe. After a while, the ice dome melted uncovering us.

But when Todoroki released me and we both stood up to see the damage, I realized we were cut off by the building. "Shit. Are you guys okay?" Itsuki's voice rang from the other side of the building. "Yeah, yeah we're fine." I suddenly had this feeling of dread build up in my stomach and the wind behind us picked up. I had this feeling that the guy who attacked Sue, was attacking people tonight.

"Come on, we gotta find a way to get around this thing so we can find Itsuki and my father. I'm pretty sure, they'll need our help." Todoroki spoke up and started to walk away, so we decided to head out.

We used a back alley quickly finding our way to a large fire that was a few blocks ahead and I instantly knew that it had come from Endeavor, "Todoroki!! Over there!" I pointed to a few blocks away from us and his eyes lifted up to the sky seeing the smoke. "Come on, don't just stand there!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him along with me, as we made it to the street. I instantly stopped as I saw chaos all around us, Pro Heroes were trying to fight off these large beasts and many people running in fear.

I spotted Endeavor up ahead, but I didn't see Itsuki anywhere. He must have been helping other Pro Heroes, I saw a flash of yellow and spotted Gran Torino. If he's here, then that means that Deku must be somewhere in the city. I knew Gran Torino wouldn't let him anywhere near this mess, but what made me anxious was not knowing where he was. "Todoroki there he is! Your dad!" I pointed further up ahead, towards the fire and his eyes gleamed a bit. "Is that Gran Torino with him?" He asked, "Come on," I grabbed his hand and pulled him forward, dodging all the people as they ran by in a panic.

Just as were getting closer to Endeavor a giant car headed our way, but we were still surrounded by people that were still trying to get to a safe spot. "Everybody get out of here as fast as you can!!" I shouted, looking back and then to Todoroki.

"Todoroki, do you trust me?" I looked into his eyes, "Yeah, why?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me, "I'm gonna do something crazy and you might not like it." I explained and then explained my plan. Since we didn't have enough time to argue about it, he kneeled down holding out his arms. I was basically going to launch myself at the car so I could stop it from hitting the people behind us, I stepped back a few paces.

"1...." I took another step backwards and prepped, "2...." Todoroki continued to count and I nodded when he hit three. "Now!!" I ran forward, using his hands to spring off of and flew up into the air. "Haaaaaaaaaa!" I kicked the car making it fly backwards pretty far, "Endeavor, Get down!!!!" I shouted, which caused him to look back. His eyes went wide, as he jumped out of the way and the car smacked right into the beast he was fighting. I landed back on the ground feet first as the beast flew into a nearby building from the momentum of my kick, "Where did you learn to do that?" Todoroki walked forward, surprise written all over his face.

"Heh, Itsuki taught me. It's only been a short amount of time since we've been training together, but he is really good. He taught me how to combine my ice and water. So now I use water manipulation and can freeze and burn water like my father did." He nodded as I looked forward, to see another one of those beasts heading towards Endeavor and Gran Torino, but they hadn't seen it. "Look out!" Todoroki shouted as they turned around and just as it was about to hit them, a figure covered in fire flew forward and kicked it in the face.  The Nomu flew to the side and smashed into the building, "What was that?" I instantly recognized the fire covered figure as Itsuki.

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