Chapter 15

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Miyuki's pov

"Ahhhhhh!!! Warrior frost!!!" I froze five villain bots in one shot and that earned a loud cheer from Present Mic. "You're not getting in the way!!" I dodged the blast thrown at me by Sue, who was catching up to me in no time. "And I'm not letting you get to me!" I threw a bot at her but she didn't dodge it, so the bot hit her. "Whoa!!! Would you look at that?!!! She threw a giant villain bot at another contestant! What amazing strength." He yelled, he's always so loud.

"All of the ones leading are from Class 1-A." Pro hero Snipe said, "Well, the class has grown from battling those actual villains. They have learned not to hesitate. And Miyuki has always shown incredible strength." Aizawa commented, as I continued to take down bots and found myself right in front of Bakugo. I froze the ground underneath me, as I hopped from bot to bot and destroyed them with an incredible speed. I used my shoes as skates and continued taking them out, noticing how Deku was using a plate from one of the bots and Momo was using a weapon to shoot them apart. Eijiro and TetsuTetsu get trapped underneath the frozen robot, but breaks out using their similair defensive quirks.

Eijiro is disheartened to learn TetsuTetsu's quirk is almost the same as his own. Bakugo uses his explosions to move around in the air and rocket over the remaining robots, and he is quickly followed by Sero and Tokoyami. I had noticed Sue was nowhere to be found, until I saw her come up from behind Sero at an incredible speed. She gave me a smirk trying to pass me, but I kept up my speed and concentrated. "You're not getting ahead of me, Sue!! I will not let you win!" I dodged a villain bot and kicked another one, breaking it in half. This caused shock through the Pro Heroes, they couldn't believe just how strong she was.

"Just how strong is this young girl?" A Pro Hero commented, "Eraserhead, I heard that this girl is the younger child of Winterbullet and Nitrogirl. Is this true?" Present Mic asked, making me internally groan. Why was this always big news to people? "Yes, she is. But that's not what matters is it. I'm sure Miyuki will turn out to be as good as her parents or even better." Aizawa explained.

"Oh great, you're taking all the spotlight." I jumped over a villain bot, slamming my fist down it broke in half. "She sure has both their quirks not to mention she uses ice as well. As if Fire and water weren't enough, she has ice manipulation no doubt and that incredible strength. She maybe as strong as her older brother." Present Mic said, what did he mean by older brother? I thought I was an only child from my biological parents. I shook it from my head, knowing that it might effect my focus.

Our next obstacle now was called the Fall, it was basically a canyon that can only be navigated by walking along tightropes. A student by the name of Mei Hatsume, makes herself known so she can show off all her gadgets. She explained how the students from the support course could use her quirks, leaving Mina and Uraraka behind. Todoroki was the first to get through and then Bakugo and then me in third place. Our last obstacle was the Mine Field. We had to carefully track our way through the mine field and I was right in front of Todoroki. My judgement, thinking on my feet and knowing how to tell where it is got me towards the front. But Todoroki was close behind and Bakugo followed.

"Get back here! Don't think you can win this Miyuki!!!" Bakugo yelled at me, making me speed up but Todoroki ended up in front of me. Bakugo and Todoroki started to fight over first place, and I had to push through them. Deku gains the lead for a moment but Bakugo, Todoroki and I quickly catch up as he starts to lose momentum. But before he lands, Deku places himself on both of their backs and detonates the mines in front of them using the metal shard. This makes him blast past us three but I didn't give up, I kept running freezing the ground and using my skates and my fire to propel myself forward. Deku crosses the finish line first and then Todoroki, with me following and then Bakugo. I panted a little standing in between Bakugo and Todoroki, Bakugo was not a happy camper. We heard loud cheering and I stood proud that Deku won first place, I saw him tearing up at All Might who was giving us both a thumbs up. I looked next to All Might and saw Itsuki standing there giving me a thumbs up and cheering, this put a smile on my face and I gave him one right back.

"We have Izuku Midoriya in first place, in second place we have Shoto Todoroki, in third place we have Miyuki Midoriya and in fourth is Katsuki Bakugo. The crowd went nuts. "For the next event was the Calvary Battle. The top forty-two qualifiers form teams from two to four people, in order to earn points by stealing headbands from other teams. A team's point value is based on the value of it's individual members. The members of the team receive point value based on their placement in the obstacle race. Izuku, who is first place, is worth ten million points." Midnight explained and I sighed, knowing that Bakugo was gonna go after him.

I looked up in the crowd and my eyes landed on a guy, who looked exactly like my father. And it wasn't the villain, who tricked me last time. He looked at me with a proud smile and I gave him a look of confusion and curiousness. Just who is he? And why is he smiling down at me with proudness, like he's my father. But it couldn't be him, he disappeared a long time ago. Is it just me or is everyone somehow trying to impersonate my father and hero figure?

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