Chapter 50

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3rd person's pov

In a far away, large abandoned building several counties over from the Hero Training Camp, there sat a small, dark room filled with a bunch of medical supplies. The room had looked like it had been painted over several times, the walls now painted a light greyish blue color. Along the back wall sat a table, which had all sorts of medical supplies laid across it. Beside the table, sitting on either side was a large lamp. Most people would be terrified to sit in this room, given as it seems too small and dark. In the middle of the room sat a large lounge chair, which was lined with black and brown furnishings. In the chair sat a middle aged man, his blonde hair which used to be nicely styled was now shaggy and long. His hair covered part of his face, which was focused on the ground in front of him. He had grown quite a large beard over the course of his time being locked up, but it was always trimmed by someone else. His legs were chained to the floor, as his arms were chained to the chair. The door opened with a loud, squeaky creak which echoed throughout the small room. The man sitting in the chair never lifted his eyes, keeping them on the ground as a pair of feet appeared in from of him. He kept quiet, not bothering to say a word to the young man who walked into the room. The young man who was now standing in front of this man had short brown hair and blue eyes, which were a shade darker than most. His hair laid down gently, some strands sticking up. It stopped short, just above his ears while the back of his hair was bit longer. He was described by many as a handsome, yet cold hearted young man who hated anyone that bothered him. He usually kept a straight face around others, only ever rarely smiling at the people he actually loves. Because of his dark past, he stopped smiling and rarely smiled afterwards. He became a much more violent, hot-headed and stubborn person than he originally was. This threw people for a loop because he didn't seem like the type of person to be that way. The middle aged man sitting in the chair never bothered to lift his gaze, rather he quietly seethed. He hated the young man standing in front of him, this man who took him away from his family. He once was a person with a bubbly and unique personality, but that all changed years ago after the passing of his wife. Deep down, this blonde man was just like his old self, he just pushed that side of himself down in order to take care of the things that really needed to be done in order to protect the ones around him and the ones he loved. And although, he seemed to be much more harsh and angry on the outside, he still was that compassionate, smart, kind and gentle person he used to be when his wife was alive. The only thing that could ever make him smile was the thought of his two children, who were doing great things and wanting to become Pro Heroes. Seeing them on T.V. made his day, he desperately wanted to get back to them. He wanted nothing more than to hold his daughter again, and to see them grow even more than they already have. When he found out that Itsuki had gone to America in search of him, he was worried to death. But once he learned that Itsuki not only became the number 1 pro hero in America, but he had graduated from U.A High and was alright, he stopped being so anxious. When he saw Miyuki on T.V. for the first time along with Deku, he grew happy because he knew that Inko had taken care of his child. For many years he tried escaping and it never worked, because he was always threatened by someone much worse than the man in front of him. He wasn't scared of the "boss" per say, it was more like he needed to be cautious of the "boss" since he was closely keeping an eye on his children.

"So you still won't say a word? I mean.. It's been how many years and you still won't tell me what I want to know. You know.. The boss is getting really tired of your mess." The blonde still didn't answer him, which only seemed to annoy the young man. He glared harshly at the man sitting in front of him, but smirked when he remembered what he could say to rile him up. "Which is why... He's sent both Nightwave and Souta to deal with your kids." When those words left the young man's mouth, the older man's eyes slightly widened. He had heard so many news reports about both of his children, both of whom were currently at the Hero Training Camp. He was lucky enough that they had let him watch the coverage of the U.A Festival and watch the news. He lifted his head slowly as the anger in his body began to rise, his body temperature went through the roof as his hands glowed an orangish red hue.

"Is someone upset that we're targeting his kids?" The young man pouted, making fun. This only angered the older man further, "Shut it, you damn bastard. Why the hell are you bothering my kids? They have nothing to do with what you want." The older man finally spoke up, his voice coming out sounding a bit deep. One could say he sounded a bit like Todoroki in a way.

"I already told you.. Boss wants to know what you know about Plan Zeta."

"I told you before and I will say it again, I have no clue what the hell Plan Zeta is. Even if I did know then I still wouldn't tell you anything." The older man snapped, "Then I guess.. Since you won't talk at all.. Itsuki and Miyuki will be in for a shock." He threatened, making the blonde even angrier than before. His hands once again began to glow, this time becoming a darker orangish-red color. He let out a growl, his eyes turning a brighter color than their usual glow.

"You so much as touch a hair on either one of them and I promise you, I won't let you live another day, Hitoshi. I promise you that."

"And you call yourself a Pro Hero? Oops... I mean.. Former." Hitoshi smirked, knowing he got under his skin.

"I still am a Hero. I may be locked up right now and unable to move, but trust me. When I get free, I will overcome everything you've thrown at me."

"You know.. You're a really interesting person, Kei. But since you still won't tell me what I need to know.. This will do." Hitoshi held out his hand, which started to glow a bright yellow. Marks appeared on Kei's body, he suddenly let out a cry of pain which then intensified.

Back at the camp...

Both Itsuki and Miyuki both felt a sudden pain, making them cry out. Bakugo and Todoroki looked behind them, their eyes widening when they saw a mark appear on Miyuki. Her body began to burn up, making her hunch over in pain. Elsewhere, deeper in the forest, Itsuki was experiencing the same thing but he pushed through the pain. "Miyu, what's wrong?" Todoroki rushed over to Miyuki, who was still crying in pain. "I don't know... My body.. It hurts.. And I feel so hot.. I don't know what's wrong." She clenched through her teeth, "Help me.. Please." Miyuki suddenly collapsed, making the two shout of her name. Todoroki quickly caught her in the nick of time, becoming extremely worried for her sake. "Miyuki.. Miyuki.. Wake up!" Bakugo called, as Todoroki placed a hand on her forehead. He let out a small hiss as he felt how hot her body was, "Her body temperature has risen through the roof. This isn't good." Todoroki looked up at Bakugo. As Itsuki walked through the forest, bearing with the pain he felt, he suddenly came across the one person he never thought would show up.

"Hello Itsuki."

"What are you doing here, Souta?"  Itsuki glared harshly, clenching his fists as he ignored the pain. "It's nothing really... I just came to say hello."

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