Chapter 6

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Miyuki's pov (A/N that's Miyuki's hero outfit but without the sword and she also has multicolored hair.)

I giggled as Deku just smiled at my reaction. All of the other students, were a little more shocked at this whole thing. When I was younger, Deku was always crying when Bakugo would pick on him. Back in the classroom, he stood up for himself for the very first time. With me being on his back, Aizawa seemed to not care about that fact. "Deku!! You bastard!!!" At the sound of his name being called, he turned around and saw Bakugo but he didn't look so happy. I happened to still be on his back, keeping my eye on Bakugo. "Have you been lying this entire time about being quirk-less, you bastard?!!" He charged at us ready to use his quirk, but Aizawa caught him before he could. "Can you kids please not make me use my quirk? It causes dry eye." He said in monotone voice, making me want to laugh at his bluntness.

"Alright, the test results are in. The first place is Katsuki Bakugo, second is Miyuki Midoriya and third is Shoto Todoroki." I got all giddy but my mood changed when I saw that Deku was in last place, I didn't want him to be kicked out not after how much effort he put in just to pass the entrance exams. "Oh just to let you guys know, that the rule doesn't really exist. I just made that up." Most of everyone yelled at him, but I busted out laughing at his reaction since he was being blunt. "Why are you laughing?" I was still on Deku's back, laughing really hard.

"Because, Aizawa is being so blunt and monotone about it. Jeez, I love this guy already." I laughed harder, even after he dismissed our class. "Oh come on, this wasn't that funny." Denki said, as I fell off of Deku's back.

"Miyu, it's not that funny." Eijiro helped me stand up, "It was funny," Denki took me from Eijiro and shook his head. "Hey, Deku!! Denki and I are going to Dagobah Municipal beach park! I'll see ya later at home!" He nodded and waved us off, "Bye Todoroki!!! Bye Uraraka! Bye Iida!!" All of them except Todoroki said goodbye back, and I walked off with Denki.

"Hey, so I have a question. Who are Todoroki's parents? Do you know Denki?" I asked him, which made him turn his head to me. We were sitting on a bench at the park, "You know that Pro Hero Endeavor?" His blonde hair, blocked a little part of his eye. "Yeah, I've seen him in action. Wait a minute.... Todoroki is his son?!!" I sat forward, turning fully towards Denki. "Yeah, but to be honest... Everyone was just as surprised to learn that your parents were the Pro Heroes, Winter Bullet and Nitrogirl. How come you didn't tell me?" I looked down at my hands, "It's because my parents are not around. My mother was killed by a villain when she defeated him and my Dad has disappeared." I fidgeted with my hands, I never liked talking about their deaths or why they never were around. "How did you end up with Izuku?" He sat forward, as I kept my gaze low.

"My parents were really good friends of Deku's parents and before my dad went missing, he asked Deku's dad to watch over me. But once he went on a mission in the U.S. he was never heard from again, so Deku's parents decided to adopt me. I was only three when it happened. I don't really like talking about it." I turned away from him, suddenly I was pulled closer and met with a hard chest. "It's alright, I'm sorry to make you bring that up. It must have been painful. I'm here if you need me." I realized that Denki was holding me, "Thanks Denki." We stayed for a few more hours and we headed home, Denki walked me home and then headed off.

"So who was that nice boy?" Mom asked, as I got inside and took off my shoes. "That was Denki, mom. And I'm not interested in him like that." I said, taking my jacket off. Inko gave me a look, making me chuckle. She always does this when she meets a friend of mine, who's a guy. "I'm going to bed mom. Night." I kissed her cheek and got ready to go sleep.


The next day, we go went a normal day of school, until we reached the Hero Basic Training class. I was laughing at a joke Eijiro just cracked, as we got to class. "Seriously, you are so stupid." Denki walked over to my seat, I ended up in the seat between Todoroki and the last row from Deku. He was seat up and I was right next to Todoroki. "Hey, who you calling stupid?!!" Eijiro and Denki were standing on either side of my desk, I noticed Todoroki was watching with interest and so was everyone else.

"What do you think I called you?!!" He yelled and the two started arguing,until I got tired of it. "Will you two shutup?!!" I smacked their heads together, "Ow, what was that for?" Denki rubbed his head, "Because you both are idiots, now go sit down." I pointed to their seats and they dropped their heads. "Alright, kids your teacher is here. And I have brought a guest." All Might said, "ALL MIGHT!!" We shouted at him and I spotted a guy, who looked around 18 standing behind All Might. He had blonde short spiky hair and one green eye and one blue, but something seemed familiar about him. Like I've met him before. But that doesn't make sense, I've never seen him before. "Whoa!! Isn't that the Pro Hero Itsuki?!!!!" Mina yelled, "Come on, kids. Grab your hero costumes and follow me." After we changed into our hero outfits, All Might and this pro hero called Itsuki led us to the training grounds where the practical exams were held. Once we get there, I stood in between Deku and Todoroki which was kinda weird.

"Alright, here's how it will go. The class will be broken into twelve teams half heroes and half villains." All Might started explaining, "The villains will guard a nuclear weapon that they intend on deploying, and the heroes job is to stop them before they can launch it. If the heroes capture the villains or reach the nuclear weapon before time runs out, they win. But if the Villains manage to keep the nuclear core for the entire time or they capture the heroes, they win." Itsuki finished explaining but I had noticed how he looked at me, his eyes were filled with sadness.

So All Might announced the teams: 

Team A: Deku, Uraraka
Team B: Miyuki, Todoroki, Shoji
Team C: Yaoyorozu, Mineta
Team D: Katsuki, Iida
Team E: Ashido, Aoyama
Team F: Koda, Sato
Team G: Jiro, Kaminari
Team H: Tokoyami, Asui
Team I: Ojiro, Hagakure, Sue
Team J: Kirishima, Kawasaki, Sero

I cannot believe that I ended up on a team with Todoroki. Although, I've known him for at a least a day, he seemed like a nice guy. And what was weird was that I felt nervous or got butterflies in my stomach when I talked to him, maybe because he came off as intimidating. I stood next to Todoroki, looking at All Might "Alright, The first team to fight is Team D and Team A. Team D, will be the villains and Team A are the heroes." Wait a minute is he crazy. "Are you crazy?!!" I yelled, worried about the safety of my brother.

"Miyuki, I know you-" I cut All Might off after Deku, Uraraka, Tenya and Bakugo left to their battle fields. "You're crazy!!! Absolutely crazy, All Might!!! You do realize that Bakugo will kill him!! Bakugo hates Deku, don't you get that?!!" Everyone including Itsuki and Todoroki were shocked, since I was yelling at a number one pro hero. "Miyuki, I know that you care for him. I know that you're worried but trust me, when I say this. Young Midoriya will get through this." All Might reassured, "How can you be so sure, Huh? You haven't known Bakugo as long as I have. You haven't seen the way he treats my brother!!" Itsuki flinched when I said brother, but I'm not sure why and I didn't care. "Please calm down, Miyuki." A hand was placed on my shoulder and I turned my head to see Denki standing there.

"How can I calm down when my brother has to fight with his psychopathic Bully?!!" I yelled at him, I hadn't noticed that I was freezing half of the ground with my ice, "He will get through this. Have faith in him. I mean look at how he did yesterday with the pitching. He can do this." Denki's hand covered my hands and I unclenched my fists. My breathing steadied and I looked at the ice covered ground, "There ya go." Denki kept his hands on mine, hoping to keep me calm.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, All Might. I was-" All Might put his hand up, stopping me. "I know that you were just worrying about him and that's natural. But as Kaminari said, have faith in your brother. He is going to wow us, you know." I nodded at All Might's words, "Thanks Denki, for calming me down." I turned my head back to him, "It was no problem, besides you are my best friend." I chuckled, as he ruffled my hair and walked back over to his teammate.

I looked up at the monitor and took my spot back next to Todoroki, who was surprised at my outburst. I took a deep breathe and watched the monitor. As Uraraka and Deku manage to get inside, it isn't that long until Bakugo finds them. His sneak attack only manages to destroy part of Deku's mask, but I noticed that Uraraka was heading away. "What is she doing?" Eijiro asked, watching the screen. "I see, Deku is the distraction. He intended for this to happen." I spoke up, "What do you mean he intended this to happen, Miyuki?" Sero asked me, "He made a plan before getting into the building, to be the decoy. He knew Bakugo would go after him regardless, because Bakugo wants to beat Deku up. So he let Uraraka get away, so she can get to the weapon." I explained to them and continued watching.

"Come on Deku, I know you can do it. Please just be careful using your quirk." I thought, as I watched the confrontation take place.

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