Chapter 38

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Miyuki's pov

I was running in a large field, I didn't know where exactly I was going but I didn't care at the moment. I heard my name being called, so I stopped running. I looked around the field, spotting my mother standing in the far distance. "Mom!!!" I called out to her, she smiled and waved letting me know to come over to her. I found my way to my mom, wrapping her in a large hug. "Mom, what are you doing here?" I pulled away to get a look at her face, but instead of seeing a smile, I saw tears. "Mom?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow at her out of concern. "My sweet baby girl... I have to go now.. I want you to listen to me very carefully. You have an older brother, his name is Itsuki.. Even though I'm not here anymore, I know that he has been right beside you all this time. You may not ever forgive me or him for never telling you this, but please.. I want you to know that I'll always be keeping an eye out. My sweet baby girl.. I love you." She kissed my forehead as her tear hit my cheek, I could already feel myself becoming emotional. "Do you have to go?" I asked, "Yes, I do. But don't worry, I'll always be in here." She pointed to my heart, as I quickly pulled her into another hug not wanting her to leave. Finally being able to meet my mother gave me this sense of  peace, I did not have before. I know that she may not be alive anymore, but she has come to me when I needed her.

"I love you, Mom." I whispered as tears fell from my eyes, "I love you too, my sweet baby girl."

"Mom, before you go... I need to ask you something. It's important." I sniffled, pulling back to see her face. "What is it sweetheart?" She asked, a lone tear running down her cheek. "There's this guy, he has this weird quirk and is able to pass through inanimate objects.. He tried to kill my best friend, because she wouldn't tell him where I was. When I finally met him, he nearly killed me. He wants my quirks. Mom, who is this guy after me?  Why does he want my quirks?" I asked, "What color hair did this man have, Miyuki?" She asked, her grip tightening on my shoulders. "He had this weird dark blue coloring to his hair but his roots looked blonde. He had silver eyes, Mom." Her eyes widened and her grip loosened considerably, which worried me. "Listen to me, you stay away from that man. Never ever let your guard down, keep an eye out for him. This man tried to take my powers as well, but I defeated him and so did your father. Whatever you do, never ever let him get a hold of your quirks otherwise this will get worse and that man may not be able to be stopped by just you and Itsuki. You have to take him down, before he can ever set foot on UA High's campus. Please, my darling daughter.. Be careful." She kissed my forehead, puling away from me. "I love you, never forget that." Mom started walking away into the meadow, which only seemed to grow bigger and bigger as she started to fade from my sight.


"Miyuki, Miyuki... Can you hear me?" I groaned, trying to open my eyes. At first my vision was blurry and I could only make out several figures looming over me. I could hear the beep of the machines that were in the room, as my vision became much better. I was met with Deku, Todoroki and Bakugo. I sat up slowly, which made the boys back up a bit to give me some room. "Miyu, it's nice to see that you're awake. Everyone was worried about you." I froze hearing Itsuki's voice, as Mom's words rang through my head. "You have an older brother, his name is Itsuki.. Even though I'm not here anymore, I know that he has been right beside you all this time." I lifted my head up and was met with the concerned smile of Itsuki's and the other's faces. "He's been here all this time and I never figured that he was my brother in the first place. That's why he got emotional when talking about my parents and why he's always been around since I could talk." My mismatched eyes met Itsuki's mismatched orbs and tears started to well, "Miyu, what's wrong?" Deku asked, "Why didn't you tell me the truth?" A tear rolled down my cheek, as I stared at Itsuki. 

"What do you mean?" Deku asked, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"Why didn't you tell me that Itsuki wasn't who I thought he was?" Hot tears slid down my cheeks, as I looked Deku and Itsuki. Bakugo and Todoroki both were confused as to what was going on but I knew that Deku and Itsuki knew exactly what I was talking about. "I.. I didn't want to keep it from you, Miyuki." Deku said, his eyes held the sorrow and I shook my head. I didn't believe him. "Deku is telling the truth... He's been trying to get me to tell you everything but I just didn't think it was the right time. So don't blame Deku or be angry with him." Itsuki shook his head, "When was the right time to tell me that you are my big brother? The one that has been mentioned by everyone else." Todoroki and Bakugo's eyes widened learning this new information and I didn't bother looking their way.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. How did you figure this out?" 

"The things you said and did regarding me and my parents. When I passed out after the exam today, my mother came to me. She told me the truth.. About you being my older brother and who this guy after me is. That wasn't the only clue I got, they came to me in my dreams." I explained, "Miyuki,  I... I'm--" I shook my head, not wanting to hear anymore.

"I don't want to hear anymore." I spoke softly, as more tears slid down my cheek. "Miyu, we didn't tell you-" I cut Deku off, "I said I don't want to hear anymore. Just go. Everyone." I sniffled, "But," Itsuki started, "I said go!" This caught everyone off guard, Itsuki shook his head and placed the flowers on the edge of the bed before walking out with Deku and Bakugo following after. "Todoroki," He turned his head towards me, stopping in his tracks. I didn't have to say anything else to him as he took the hint, he closed the door and walked back over to my bed. He didn't say anything as he sat down, wrapped his arms around me and just held me as I sobbed into him.

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