Chapter 42

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3rd person's pov

The fight between Itsuki and Shinji found itself still continuing, despite the fact that there was one last battle to be fought. Shinji had managed to tire Itsuki, but he was also beginning to tire out himself.  Both boys had been slightly injured by each other, their costumes also had taken some heavy damage caused by the close impacts of the energy blasts and fire. The escape gate was only a block away from the two and many of the buildings had been destroyed by Itsuki and Shinji's ongoing battle, which had spread from one general area to another. Itsuki slammed his hands onto the pavement, freezing the ground underneath him and the surrounding area where Shinji was standing. Shinji slightly grew worried, knowing he needed to make sure he could keep his balance on the ice covered floor. He made a quick plan in his mind, he made multiple energy balls and surrounded Itsuki, who noticed them. The two stared at each other for a moment, silence filling the air. A single leaf carried by a small gust of wind blew by Itsuki's feet, just as this happened, Shinji sent the first wave of blasts at Itsuki. Itsuki quickly jumped back, flipping over as he dodged the blasts from every side. Shinji sends the second wave of blasts, which kept Itsuki from resting as he started to push him back. Itsuki was hit in the back, sending him hurtling forward. Shinji took this chance to throw a right hook, which Itsuki countered. He caught Shinji's right fist, throwing his left leg which hit Shinji in his side. Shinji grunted as the kick connected with his side, he wrapped his left hand around Itsuki's wrist and flung him forward. Itsuki flipped over, his back hitting the building wall behind him. A crater formed underneath him from the impact, causing Itsuki to bring up some spit. He fell off the wall, hitting the ground and groaned, as he rose to his feet. Before Itsuki could fully recover, he was thrown back into the wall and held there. It was as if something was keeping him pinned in that spot and that very thing was Shinji, all he did was just focus his mind on keeping Itsuki immobilized for the moment. "What the hell?" Itsuki muttered, trying to move his arms but they just wouldn't budge. This caused Itsuki to become extremely alert, as he knew that Shinji had something else his sleeve.

"That's strange.... I thought his quirk was flying and throwing energy blasts.. Now that doesn't seem to be the case." Deku thought, watching the screen.

Itsuki struggled to move but couldn't, causing him to think up a plan to get him down. Shinji kept his mind on keeping Itsuki immobilized, but he also knew he needed to get to that gate. So he turned on his heel and took off, this caused everyone's to widen as they saw Shinji take off. Itsuki was let off the wall, falling onto his butt. He quickly stood his feet, taking off after Shinji. He knew that he needed to give it everything he got, especially if he wanted to get much more of a challenge out of him. Itsuki found a quick shortcut, knowing that Shinji was closing in on the escape gate. The two only had fifteen minutes left of the match, so he knew whatever he was about to pull would either make Shinji fail or pass. Itsuki blew up several buildings, causing them to collapse in front of Shinji which cut him off from getting to the gate. Itsuki blocked him from all sides, before he found himself standing behind Shinji on one of the buildings that had been knocked down.

"I gotta say, that was a smart move. But also not a smart move for you." Shinji stated, turning towards Itsuki.

"Oh, and why is that?"

"Because you just made things a lot worse for yourself."

"Is that so?"



"You'll see."

Shinji and Itsuki stared at each other for a moment, before charging at each other. The two clashed fists, causing a large shockwave which knocked them both back. The two managed to keep themselves on their feet, they took a moment to catch their breath before attacking each other again. Itsuki quickly flipped over Shinji, landing a kick to his back. This sent Shinji stumbling forward, but he quickly recovered and threw an energy blast at Itsuki. Itsuki dodged the blast narrowly, kicking Itsuki in the stomach. Itsuki stumbled back but kept his ground, "Hydro Grenade!!" Shinji was blasted with hot water, which throw him off guard. Itsuki took the opportunity to tackle Shinji, while he was trying to recover. The two hit the ground, causing panic to slightly rise in Shinji, who became agitated when they separated from each other, because he was hit with another blast. Itsuki began to throw blasts of fire, rather than water which melted some of Shinji's clothing. This made Shinji even angrier, until he had, had enough.

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